Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Sales Funnel Strategy That Dooms Most Internet Marketers To Failure

This is the sales funnel strategy, or the components of the sales funnel stages that every online marketing funnel must incorporate in one form or another in order to profitably compete for traffic in today’s marketplace, according to Dean Holland, CEO of Internet Profits Ltd.

Dean starts, “Most internet marketers are doomed to fail, okay? And I’m going to tell you why, right here!

So good morning, by the way. Welcome to another episode of The Drive. It’s Dean Holland here, and we are on this journey to Internet Profits HQ right now and…

Your Sales Funnel Strategy Is A Serious Topic!

This is one that’s probably not going to come as a good news for anybody, well not for the majority, especially if they don’t act.

I’ve been in the internet marketing industry full-time since 2009, but I started back in 2004. And so I’ve seen a lot. I’ve been a part of many evolutions in sales funnel strategy over the last 12 or so years in this industry.

We’re at a point where major shifts are taking place, major things are happening. And for those that don’t adapt, for those that don’t move with it…

You Might As Well Just Give Up Now, Because It’s Only Going To Get Worse!

So let me tell you what I’m talking about, so there’s some substance to this claim.

For a long, long time in this industry, even before I was around, it was pretty straightforward in some respects, for people to sell products and make a profit.

I wasn’t able to do it myself because, quite frankly, I just hadn’t figured things out early on in my online marketing career.

But I now know certain people, and hear their stories, and they talk about the good old days when you could just go to Clickbank, choose an affiliate offer, get an affiliate link, set up a Google Ad, and literally drive traffic direct, straight to the Clickbank offer or affiliate offer…

Spending Pennies On Traffic, And Making Dollars Back

…in exchange for pennies that you spend making a dollar back. Having it as simple as that!

Google ad, direct linking to an affiliate offer, no list building, nothing, just straight to that offer.

Now today, over the years, traffic has increased in price, competition for advertising has increased driving the price for a click, up.

So that game is all but over for a lot of industries – certainly for my industry! That’s just not going to fly anymore.

And so I want to share with you…

Continue reading here: Sales Funnel Strategy

Monday, 26 November 2018

Small Business Problems? This Is Probably Your Main Business Problem

I was watching a clip last night on YouTube of the Rocky film (Rocky the boxer). And it got me thinking about something last night when I was on the drive home.

So yeah, I was in the office quite late until the early hours of this morning – until about past 1am I think it was by the time we finally got out, because I was running a coaching call.

One thing I realized, as I was driving home after the coaching call, I realized that actually the number one of the many small business problems that all of us (well, most of us) face… is actually ourselves.

Top Of All The Small Business Problems We Face… Is Ourselves

Like… you are literally your number one problem, right?

Let me explain what I mean. A lot of people doubt themselves… procrastinate… keep changing direction… keep jumping from thing, to thing, to thing. Many people fear the failure… or fear the success, and therefore hold themselves back.

And what it comes down to, ultimately, is… YOU are your biggest problem.

If you could only get out of your own way, you could no doubt have a lot greater success, or finally achieve the success that you’re looking for and achieve what it is you’re desiring out of a business.

So today, that’s what I want you to think about.

How many different areas can you to identify, as you go about your day to day life, or every time that you sit down at the computer and you’re striving to build your business…

…Start to identify all the ways in which you’re actually sabotaging your own success.

Or for those of you in the early stages…

In How Many Areas Are You Sabotaging Your Chances Of Success?

One of the biggest small business problems that I used to personally have, and where I was sabotaging my success, is I never stuck at any one thing long enough to actually make it work.

Y’know, I was always jumping from thing, to thing, to thing. I was always running around with this belief that there must be a better way, there must be an easier way…

Continue reading here: Small Business Problems

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Get 1000 YouTube Subscribers And Make Money For Free In Your Videos

I have some exciting news to share!

So, if you’re following this, or you have been following previous episodes of The Drive, you’ll know that every day I’ve got this filming rig set up in my car. And every day on the way to the Internet Profits headquarters here in the UK, I talk about and document what it is that’s going on in the business, how things are going, and share the lessons that I’m learning along the way.

Well this week we crossed a mile stone when we finally managed to…

Get 1000 YouTube Subscribers

…on our channel. And I want to share some of the things that I’ve learned, and some of the things that we’ve done and tried, that I feel has helped to get 1000 YouTube subscribers. And how we’re now hoping to really start to accelerate that at an even faster pace.

So let me just be clear on a few things. This didn’t happen overnight – this wasn’t an immediate thing. And to be honest, until about 10 days ago we weren’t really doing anything to try and encourage subscriptions on the YouTube channel, encourage people to subscribe.

So I’ll share with you…

What We Did Over The Last 10 Days To Really Accelerate That…

…and fill you in on some of the data and statistics.

So, first things first. You should know that we have now done over 70 episodes. So this one right now is probably I think, episode 72 (but don’t quote me on that, I might be one or two out.)

But we’ve crossed over 70 episodes. Now bear in mind I do these every weekday, Monday to Friday. So I do five episodes a week.

The only reason, for me at least, that I’m able to keep that consistency is because…

I’ve Engineered This ‘Way’…

…where I can create the content without actually having to really go out of my way to do it.

I’m driving to the office anyway, and I’m always planning in my own head what’s going on, or what’s happening. So all I’m really doing is talking to myself here. And you get to kind of be like a fly on the window, if you like.

We’ve done over 70 episodes, right? That equates to Monday to Friday, 70 episodes, what’s that? Like 14, 15 weeks of doing The Drive series.

So it’s taken 14 weeks to reach this point. You could say, “Wow! That’s a long time!” But really…

Continue reading here: Get 1000 YouTube Subscribers

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Affiliate Marketers Playbook FREE – The Best Product We’ve Launched?

This is the week for the launch of the FREE Affiliate Marketers Playbook! (Click here to grab a copy) This is another one of those weeks that I have several times a year, that I look forward to, and I’m so excited for.

Let me share all about it today…

One of the things we always talk about with our Certified Partners at Internet Profits, is…

Taking Action Every Single Day

…to experience progress forwards, progress every single week.

Now for some people, that progress means laying the foundations, doing the groundwork, and not necessarily yet making money, right? Because sometimes you’ve just got to lay some groundwork.

For other people, that forward progress is generating more leads, is getting more targeted traffic. it is generating and increasing your sales.

But no matter where you’re at in your business, you should make sure what you’re doing and accomplishing every day and every week is progress forward.

Because if your goal is somewhere in the distance, and you’re always taking a step or a leap towards it every single day, eventually you’ll get there.

The problem with most people is they stay still. Or they’re going backwards. Which is the same thing, if you think about it.

So This Week… This Is An Exciting Week!

It’s one of those weeks that I look forward to several times a year.

What am I talking about? We’re launching a new product – the Affiliate Marketers Playbook

We are launching a new sales funnel… Another free plus shipping funnel.

That’s what I believe to be the best kind of offer, the best kind of front-end funnel to…

Attract Your Ideal Customers – Your Ideal Potential Clients

And also the the best way, in my experience, to convert the highest number of targeted visitors into paying customers.

To qualify those buyers better than (in my opinion) the typical digital front end product, or as some people call it a ‘tripwire’...

Continue reading here: Affiliate Marketers Playbook

Friday, 23 November 2018

Benefits Of Outsourcing For Small Businesses And SoloPreneurs

This is a short piece from Dean Holland on the benefits of outsourcing for small businesses; when you should outsource business tasks and why. Dean starts by explaining that…

“When It Comes To Any Task Running A Small Business, You’ve Got Two Choices”

Yesterday I was having a conversation, and I want to pass this on to you.

Hopefully this helps you in future when you’re thinking about certain things that you’re going to be doing, or might be doing, or are considering doing, in your business.

Ultimately you have two choices when it comes down to any task in your business.

You Either…

  • Do it yourself, or
  • Have someone else do it for you.

That’s it, right? There’s no other way.

So when it comes down to this decision, there’s obviously a few things that are going to be taken into consideration, right?

Obviously a lot of it is going to depend on where you’re at in your business, what stage you’re at.

And also, when considering the benefits of outsourcing, you have to…

Think About What Available Time You Have

You have to think about the skills or knowledge that you have.

For example, there are going to be some things that you know how to do, you enjoy doing them, and you have the time to do them, okay? In which case you could do it yourself.

But there are going to be other things where you’re like...

“Okay, I want to do that for my business, but I have no idea how to do it. And to learn how to do that thing is going to take me a considerable amount of time.”

So when I’m in that situation…

Continue reading here: Benefits Of Outsourcing For Small Businesses

Thursday, 22 November 2018

How To Get More Followers And Buyers From Any Social Media Platform

Would you like to know how to get more followers on social media platforms and turn them into buying customers? Here are some great free tips from my business mentor, Dean Holland:

This weekend I was thinking about something. It followed on from something I was saying to some customers and students of ours on one of our programs last week.

And that is to think about;

“Are You Making It Easy & Simple For People To Find And Follow You?”

So let me explain what I mean.

If I think back to when I first got started online, when I first discovered that people were making money on the internet. It was actually in 2004.

But I didn’t make any money or really experienced any progress or anything really until the end of 2008.

So you may wonder what was happening during that time? Well, I was buying lots and lots of products, y’know.

I’d buy ebooks, video courses, software plugins, loads and loads of different stuff.

But when I think back on it…

I Didn’t Actually Have Anything Substantial Or Tangible Online

There was no presence. There was nothing really.

  • I didn’t have a blog, like I have now.
  • I didn’t have a YouTube channel, like I have now.
  • I didn’t have a Facebook page, like I have now.
  • I didn’t have any active social media presence.

So when you think about the way in which the Internet and the world as a whole has evolved into the current day. It’s in a position where it is a very social environment.

You only have to look over the last decade – the massive advances and the uprising of social media platforms.

They Have Now Taken Over The Internet

Billions and billions of people across the world are using social media platforms actively.

Even if you think about television… Reality TV, ‘social television’, has taken the world by storm.

You have talent shows, you have things like Big Brother where they take members of the public and put them in a house and surround them with cameras for weeks on end.

And people people sit there fascinated just watching people live in a house!

It’s The Same For Your Business

People like to follow people.

Think about your own habits online. Do you follow other people?...

Continue reading here: How To Get More Followers

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Evaluating Sales Leads And Customers Over A Period Of Time

Dean Holland CEO of Internet Profits reveals the huge benefits to affiliate marketers and product owners of focusing upon evaluating sales leads and customers over a certain period of time.

Do you ever have those weeks where it just seems like the days are passing by, and even though you’re busy with everything and moving forwards, it just sometimes feels like;

Where’s The Progress? What’s Happening?

I think the only reason I feel like this is because we are seeing progress, everything awesome is happening.

Over the last week since we publicly launched The Perfect Offer funnel for example, tens of thousands of dollars have been generated using it – a couple of hundred customers, two/three hundred customers.

I think, right now, each customer that we basically give a free product to, is…

Probably Worth Over A Hundred Dollars To Us

It’s dropped slightly now because we had some high ticket sales early on. And whilst we’ve been getting those every day, the volume of those was higher in the first few days for some reason.

But it just goes to show really that – when it comes down to sales, when it comes down to your business – I don’t think (personally for me at least) that evaluating sales leads, analysing, gauging and what’s happening, based off one day of sales, is…

Not A Smart Thing!

You can have a day where your sales were really high, higher than your average, higher than the standard day. And then you see lower, lower sales volume the next day. You can panic, looking at it day by day – oh my gosh, everything’s amazing, and then oh my gosh, no, what’s happening?

But if I look at it as more of an average over time, you start to see what’s really happening – what are those customers worth in your business?

And then, over a period of time – what’s a customer worth after seven days? What’s a customer worth after thirty days? What’s a customer worth after sixty days?

Y’know – What Are The Averages?

And we start to average it out over that time period, and you start to see, well, this is what I can afford to spend to acquire a customer into that sales funnel...

Continue reading here: Evaluating Sales Leads

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Be Positive In All You Do – And This Is What Will Happen

Reflect on this following story and understand how important it is to be positive in all that you say and do.

Wow! There is a lot happening in all different parts of the world.

And we just also woke up to some news that, well y’know, it’s not life-threatening.

There’s a lot of terrible things going on in the world, with all the hurricanes and all the devastation that’s happening – real life-altering things there.

Not to put this in anywhere near the same category, but I just woke up to with…

Some News That’s Really Disappointing

…on something that I was really excited for.

We had a trip to Kenya planned for October. It was me and my fiance going, and we were going with some other entrepreneurs, some amazing people.

The plan was basically that we were all going to help for a few days to build a school for children that we sponsored building. And then go out on safari, and over a ten-day period…

Lots Of Exciting Things

…were going to happen.

Due to some presidential conflicts and things that are happening in Kenya, the the trip just got postponed. Which under normal circumstances, any other time, would be completely fine, no problem.

But it’s been postponed into next year – and the exact same week that I marry my fiance!

So basically we’re not going to be able to do it. We’re not going to be able to go. So that really sucks

And so I’ve just been thinking this morning, because…

I Hate To Be Negative (Prefer to Be Positive)

I just walked into a store now – the guys are like, “How are you?” And I always say, “I’m great”, even if some days I’m not, y’know.

I always think to myself that the way I act around others will impact those people’s day.

Have you ever had that where you’re in a good mood and you bump in someone – and it’s like, “Hey, how are you doing?” And they’re like, “Oh well, funny you should ask, terrible!” It’s like, you impart your mood upon them.

And likewise it’s the same for you, right?

If you’re in a good, positive, happy, upbeat mood, and you allow yourself to be around people that are just, “Oh it’s Monday morning” like down and sad and that type of person. Then it is likely to affect your mood, y’know – it does!

It’s well reported or well known that you will form the habits, patterns, mentalities and mindsets of the people that you spend the most time with.

And it’s true! If you hang out with…

People That Bitch, Moan And Whine

…all the time, what are you going to do?

You’ll be a moaner – someone that bitches, moans and whines all the time...

Continue reading here: Be Positive

Monday, 19 November 2018

The Most Important Sales Funnel Metric – Average Cart Value

Discover why this is the most important sales funnel metric, that so many internet marketers tend to overlook, to their cost.

The big news of the day is… And this is kind of a little too early to get too excited, but…

I Really Do Like To Go Off The Data

…that I see and feel my gut instinct my gut instinct is rarely wrong. In fact, gut instincts are rarely wrong for most people.

So we opened up… after weeks of optimization and after months of building and creating… we opened up a brand new offer, with our brand new sales funnel behind it, to our Certified Partners two days ago – less than two days ago, 36 hours ago.

And we ran the numbers yesterday, just to see like what’s happening. Now don’t get me wrong, we haven’t had a serious amount of leads into the funnel. Only, I think, five or six hundred leads entered the funnel in the in the first 24 hours or so.

But What I’m Excited By, Is The Numbers That We’re Seeing

The most important sales funnel metric ultimately, for me at least… There’s a lot of people that get hung up on, “What’s the conversion rate?”

The conversion rate to me is just a vanity sales funnel metric. Does conversion rate really matter?

What really matters is… What is a buyer worth? Okay? So, how much is a customer spending?

We Have A Sales Funnel Metric We Call ‘ACV’

…which is ‘average cart value’. So, what average cart value means is, how much has a customer spent by the time they’ve completed your front-end sales funnel.

Basically, to put it in simple terms, after they’ve ordered that front-end offer, that first thing, and then seen the upsells that you presented, and they’ve basically finished that initial sales cycle, how much did that customers spend? Or how much are your customers spending on average, after going through that?

And here’s the exciting news already.

In the first 24 hours, having done five or six hundred leads through the sales funnel so far, the average cart value for the initial front-end sales funnel is… I think it was like thirty to thirty three dollars.

This Sales Funnel Metric Is Pretty Exciting!

Because whenever you start seeing numbers like that, then I know we have got a seven figure sales funnel on our hands here...

Continue reading here: Sales Funnel Metric

Sunday, 18 November 2018

FREE “The Perfect Offer” Method And A “Done-For-You” Digital Business

Launching The Perfect Offer for FREE;

“How To Get A Consistent Stream Of Cash-In-Hand Buyers For ANY Offer… Even If Nobody’s Ever Heard Of You”

Yesterday was a big day in the history of the company. An historic day to be honest.

It was like the the beginning of a new chapter, the start of a new era. We unveiled a lot of the new stuff yesterday to our Certified Partners. And the reaction was as great as I’d hoped, if not maybe even better.

Everybody Was So Excited (About The Perfect Offer)

…when they saw everything. Some new front end offers, well, some new front end products, upsells, sales funnels, some new back-end stuff.

We gave our Partners new access to their new members area, where we can just basically really deliver even more value and help people in such a greater way.

You see, one of the things I’ve come to learn over the years is that…

Value Isn’t Equated To The Amount Of Content

…that you give people.

I made a mistake over the years, and that was to associate the amount of value you’re giving with the amount of content you’re giving – not necessarily what was in that content, or the structure of that content.

And so, one of the things that we’ve done, and that we’ve been building for the last six months or so, is this process for our Certified Partner Program that I call…

The Six-Figure Roadmap

What this basically is… It is a timeline, it is a strategic and systematic timeline, a roadmap, a blueprint, call it whatever you want – of what to do and how to do it, dependant on where your business is at, to go from zero to six figures.

It begins with getting started as...

Continue reading here: The Perfect Offer

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Growth Of Business – What Happens When You’re Not Prepared For It

Are you properly prepared and ready for your growth of business?

Here’s Dean Holland’s confession of when he wasn’t prepared for the massive, sudden growth of his business, how he got Internet Profits back on track, and the surprising lesson he’s just now learned after recently looking back on his past mistakes, which he shares with us today…

“Something Rather Special…

…rather unexpected, and rather humbling, and just amazing – mind-blowing – happened yesterday.

I speak a lot on these posts about what it is we’re working on… Like, we’ve got this new product that we’re testing and optimising, we’ve got this new funnel, we’ve got this, we’ve got that.

But I don’t get the opportunity obviously, to share everything that’s happening.

And one of the things is, about six or eight months ago we started this this phase of the company where I began to develop and renovate brand new offices for the company in the UK here.

And a few months back we moved into those offices.

Just Incredible…

…offices, if you’ve seen them on my social media at all, that we’ve built. I’ve gone for this amazing atmosphere for the team, and have now got this amazing team that all work together.

But one of the things is, that took place during this time… Is that I pumped so much into the growth of business, so much of my funds into the business to do what we’ve been doing.

And at the same time, while that was happening, we were also…

Going Through A Growth Of Business Transitional Phase…

…where we wanted really to change our products, change our messaging and, in doing so, change who we attracted into the business – change the type of customer we appeal to.

I won’t go into the reasoning behind that today, but essentially what it meant was, outgoings went through the roof, income was declining because of all of this, and I went through… well, for the last last 12 or 18 months we’ve been slowly doing that, but what happened is…

Before I built this office, and before I built the team, we went through a huge growth of business stage. We literally went from like…

$100K A Month To Over $300K A Month, In 2 Months Or So!

And we just weren’t prepared....

Continue reading here: Growth Of Business

Friday, 16 November 2018

Never Fail Again – How To Never Fail At Anything Ever Again

Here’s how you will never fail again at anything you attempt to achieve.

So, you know what I said to someone yesterday? I was having a conversation, and this person was kind of a little bit down.

They’ve basically been saying, “This is not working out”, “I failed again”, “I’m really getting this wrong” etc. etc.

And I said,

“There Really Isn’t Any Such Thing As Failure”

...You need to adjust the way in which you’re viewing what’s happening in your business at this stage.

And so I want to share this same message with you today. Because I used to think this way too.

I used to see, every time something went wrong, as a failure – as a failed attempt. Like, oh!… It’s gone wrong again, it’s not worked out again, I’ve failed again!

If you ever think to yourself, “I’ve failed again” or this project has failed, this funnel has failed, this offer has failed, the squeeze page has failed, this website has failed, this blog has failed – whatever it is.

If you ever think that about anything in your business...

Today Marks A New Day Where You Will Never Fail Again

And I want to tell you why...

Here’s what I said yesterday, “You haven’t failed – you have just learned something.”

Okay, think about this. Every single time that you take an action, and you perceive that whatever that action was, has failed.

Instead of thinking that...

From This Day Forward I Want You To Realise...

…that what’s actually happened is – you produced a result, right? You produced an outcome.

Now if you’re perceiving that you failed, what’s really happened is...

Continue reading here: Never Fail Again

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Building Online Business From Scratch – You Don’t Need To Know Everything

Are you thinking of building an online business from scratch? There’s actually very little you need to know at each stage. A lot less than you may think in fact.

You know, what I was just thinking about is how, as humans, we tend to want to learn everything about something.

If I look back to certain times in my life and certain times in my business, I realize…

One Of My Mistakes Building An Online Business From Scratch

Was trying to know it all – to try and learn everything there is about something.

And what I realize now years on, where my business is at today, is you don’t need to know everything for where you’re at right now. You just need to know enough to start or continue building online business from scratch.

So Let Me Give You An Example Of This…

Let’s just say, “I like pizza” okay. So I could buy a pizza, eat that pizza and enjoy it. Do I need to know how to make the dough? No, right? I just needed to know that I liked pizza in that instance.

Now that’s not the greatest example. So let me think of a few more.

Let’s just say, how many times did you walk into your bedroom late at night – you’re going to bed but you’ve shut off all the lights – it’s dark, so you flick on the light when you walk in the room.

So you can see and now the lights come on, right? You can see now this just happens naturally, right?

You Walk Into A Dark Room, You Flick On The Light

Do you need to understand how electricity works?

Do you need to understand how that electricity is in that room? How when you flick that switch the whole thing’s working? How that electricity is being delivered to your property?

No, you just know that ‘I want the lights to come on’ – I flick that switch and that’s it, right? All you needed to know was how to flick that switch, how to turn on that light. You didn’t need to know anything else.

So when you think about things in that way, if your business right now is at ground zero – meaning you’re not making any money each month – all you need to do is...

Continue reading here: Building Online Business From Scratch

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Your Online Business Success Depends Upon This One Thing

Are you still searching for online business success? Everything hinges on this one thing you must have.

I’m asked all the time… “What was the key to your success?”

How did you go from over $60,000 in debt, working in a construction company, stuck in a job you hated…

…to starting your own company and helping tens of thousands of people, and having all this financial freedom and online business success… What was the secret?…

What Was The Key To Your Online Business Success?

There’s many different things that I could choose to mention here, but there’s one that ultimately stands out.

You see, for my first four years, when I first began in 2004, I always said to myself, “I want to build a business”. I would love to have that business success online – looking at other people, like… “I want what he’s got, what she’s got!”

But for the first four years, looking back… By saying those things, all I was really indicating, was my ‘interest’ in doing it.

I was interested in making money online. I was interested in having success. I was interested in having what he or she had – the gurus I followed online.

But It Wasn’t Until 2008… Where I Changed

…Where I stopped being just interested and became committed. There is a HUGE difference!

And this is the problem I see. Just like I used to be, most people in this industry say they “want to start an online business” they “want online business success”. But very few are actually committed to making happen.

If you were committed to making it happen, you don’t keep buying many different things. You commit to one thing. If you are committed to making something happen, you do it every single day.

If you’re committed to achieving a result, you do not give up until you make it happen.

And if you’re committed to something you say it is going to happen, and you believe it with all of your being – it just hasn’t happened yet. It’s not, “I hope it will happen.”

Think About It This Way…

How many times in your life have you thought to yourself...

Continue reading here: Online Business Success

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Personal Mentor For Online Business: Are You Investing In Yourself?

Probably the most important question you could ask yourself as an entrepreneur is, “Do you invest in yourself and your business?” Specifically, “Do you have a personal mentor for online business?”

Today I’m really excited… today’s going to be an awesome day because… today I have my call with…

My Personal Mentor For Online Business; Russell Brunson

So I’m actually in Russell’s ‘Mastermind’, which is a $25,000 a year investment.

Basically the main part of that is two or three times a year we have an inner circle meet up at the Clickfunnels head offices. So I’ll actually be going out there in a few weeks.

Once a year we have what he calls the “Decade in a Day” call.

Essentially you get 30 to 60 minutes personal time with Russell, where he looks at your business and goes through everything and gives you some immediate action steps to make…

Immediate Improvements To Your Business, Revenue And Growth

Also I have him on Voxer, which is an app that you basically can send voice messages (almost like a walkie-talkie) from my phone to his phone, for any time we have questions.

Today, because I’m actually in my second year, every time you renew – you have another “Decade in a Day” call. It’s like a yearly thing.

So today, I have my “Decade in a Day” call. And I really get to show Russell what it is that we’ve been doing, where we’re at right now, and basically get some immediate advice.

He’s very intelligent – a very, very smart guy, who’s achieved some incredible things. I’ve followed him since 2009, well probably before. So I’ve seen the transition his business went through.

Which why I saw him as the perfect online business mentor to help me evolve and develop my business to where I see us in the future, and where we’re heading right now.

That’s essentially the focus for today: Are you investing in yourself, and in your business?

That Is The Biggest Key, I Would Say

If I look at myself over the years, anytime where I’ve grown, anytime we’ve achieved highest success and gone on to bigger and better things – it’s because I’ve...

Continue reading here: Personal Mentor For Online Business

Monday, 12 November 2018

What Is The Biggest Shortcut To Business Success Online?

There are a lot of people that always ask questions like, “What is the biggest shortcut to business success online?”

What is the thing that gets people to succeed?

The majority of people in the online home business industry are struggling, right? As in… they can’t figure things out, they can’t make things work.

There’s a lot of people that obviously get a few sales, earn a few commissions, and then nothing really continues to happen.

And there’s a lot of people that…

Can’t Even Make Those First Few Commissions

I was exactly the same, y’know. I first started in 2004, but I didn’t make my first commission until 2008!

Pretty insane when you think about it, right? Like, to be trying to build a business to make money online for four years, before you actually make money online!

The Crazy Thing Is…

…usually by that stage (this was certainly true for me), is you spend so much that it can almost be difficult to see your way out into profit. Does that make sense?

So I was thinking about this, this morning. What is the answer to that question; what’s the biggest shortcut to business success online? What is the quickest way?

Or what is one of the things that can dramatically help and accelerate you from zero to results?

Then even when you’re getting some results, what is the thing that can take you from some results to lots of results, or bigger results?

And the answer is actually the same in many respects, and that is…

The Biggest Shortcut To Business Success Online Is… Leverage!

I’ve spoke about this with our clients and Certified Partners so many times because it never changes, right? Leverage…

Why is it you see some people – their growth just goes wild and fast and insane?

And it’s actually because of leverage… and they get momentum, and they continue to leverage that momentum.

A quick example of this...

Continue reading here: Biggest Shortcut To Business Success Online

Sunday, 11 November 2018

The New Best Way To Get Website Traffic Profitably Today

Today we’re talking the best way to get website traffic – seen by many as the holy grail in online marketing.

I used to think myself, “If only I could get more traffic, then I’d be rich! If only I could get more traffic, then I wouldn’t be struggling anymore.”

And that statement is really only true when you have the correct things in place, okay?

So obviously you have to have something to turn that traffic into sales – meaning you need a sales process, you need a sales funnel, you need offers that are optimised to convert.

With the rising cost of traffic, having just one offer – unless it’s a high ticket premium priced offer – having just one offer nowadays is not going to cut it in most markets, or at least in many markets.

I’m sure there are some, but…

Website Traffic Is Always Going To Be On The Increase In Cost

Therefore that means you need to make that traffic more valuable to you. Which means having either higher price products or more products to sell to the the people that you’re attracting into your business.

Now what I want to talk about today is what I used to describe as, “The future of online traffic generation”. But today I’m going to change that. Today I’m going to say it is, “The current way of traffic generation” – the best way to get website traffic, in my humble opinion, and doing it successfully, okay?

There were times – and this is how a lot of people still operate, and I’m not saying this is completely redundant – what I’m saying is that…

Times Have Changed, Things Have Changed

There’s been shifts that have occurred in the marketplace, one of which (as I’ve just touched on) is the fact that traffic is going to continually increase in cost.

And so how do you get traffic and make it profitable to you now and into the future? Well the new way and…

Currently The Best Way To Get Website Traffic Profitably

…is with multiple campaigns. Now we haven’t really publicly launched this yet, but I’ve actually built an entire traffic training system around this entire concept. It’s not available, so I’m not saying that to try and sell it to you.

But what I’m getting at here is...

Continue reading here: Best Way To Get Website Traffic

Friday, 9 November 2018

Dealing With Entrepreneurial Stress: How Do You Cope With Stress?

The topic of today is dealing with entrepreneurial stress. Bit of a different one, right?

A lot of business owners are stressed – myself included just recently, because we’ve got so much going on, so many deadlines and so much that we want to accomplish.

And it is stressful, right – it can be stressful.

I’m not saying all the time you’re stressed in business, but definitely stress in entrepreneurship is huge.

Y’know, you have people that really feel the effects of…

The Pressure Of Running An Online Business

…and I think there’s many reasons for it of course.

Sometimes you’ve got your family depends on you, and you feel the stress because obviously they’re counting on you and relying on you

Other times you’ve got bills to pay and outgoings, and that can be stressful. As your business grows you adopt different pressures and different stressors – you have a certain amount of money that you have to make to break even in your business, once your outgoings grow.

You have all these different pressures on your shoulders, and often as an entrepreneur…

Who Do You Really Have To Speak To About These Things, Dealing With Entrepreneurial Stress?

I was actually talking with Mandy, who’s basically one of my coaches I speak with every two weeks. She’s an incredible person and she’s like a bit of an accountability coach to me.

Yesterday she became sort of like a spiritual coach, which is something that I’ve never really experienced. I was talking to her about all these different things and how exciting the times are that we’re going through.

But ultimately, and I’ll be honest, I feel a lot of pressure and stress at the moment because of a variety reasons. Like I say, we’ve got a lot going on and there’s so much…

I Have Such A Big Vision For The Company, I Have Such Big Goals

I’m on a mission ultimately, as I’ve mentioned before.

It’s our mission to help 100,000 people to either start and/or grow their business using the internet. OK, and we’ve got very specific ways which we use, as a company, to do that.

And so, we’re on this huge mission and I’ve been scaling the business, growing the business – we moved into these twenty five hundred square foot offices that I’ve spent six figures on, in creating. And then we’ve got an amazing team of people all around the world, and yeah ultimately it can be stressful...

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Thursday, 8 November 2018

What Is Each Customer Or Email Subscriber Worth To Your Business?

Do you know with your business, whether you’re an affiliate marketer, you’ve got your own products, whatever it is that your business model is.

Do you know what a customer is actually worth to your business? Or do you know on average how much a subscriber on your email list is worth to you?

For example, if you had a thousand subscribers and you make a thousand dollars a month, then on average each subscriber will be worth a dollar, right?

So, Do You Know That Number?

That’s when you can really take hold of the stats, numbers and metrics of your business. What that actually tells you is, how much am I earning on average for every person I add to my list. And then how much on average am I earning for every customer.

Because when you know what a subscriber is worth, then you know ultimately what you can spend to get them.

Now as a whole, for most people, that never been a simple metric to work out. But in its most simplistic form, just look at how many people on your list and how much you made that month. So last month, if you had 10,000 subscribers and made $5,000, a subscriber would be worth 50 cents, right?

Then just keep a gauge on that every month in your business. Perhaps just have a spreadsheet and you keep it written down just on a monthly basis how much did I generate last month, how many subscribers were on my list… And just keep a record of that. And you’ll start to hopefully see…

Now, one of the things that happened with me, if I go back to when I first started building my list…

Early On, I Was Able To Generate $1-2 Per Subscriber

…on my list. And so, as my email list grew, with my first 500 subscribers I was making anywhere from 500 to a thousand dollars by sending email promotions as an affiliate marketer (I didn’t have my own products at that stage)

One of the things that I found – this may not be true for everybody – but as my list grew, the average value of my subscriber actually...

Continue reading here: What Is Each Customer Or Email Subscriber Worth To Your Business?

Entrepreneurship Motivational Speech: Gotta Do What You Gotta Do

“You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.” Here’s an entrepreneurship motivational speech from my business mentor, Dean Holland CEO of Internet Profits.

“We’ve now built…

The Resources To Execute Multiple Projects Quickly

…or at least much faster than we ever was in the past, because we’ve got people in these key roles now.

I’ve got my Assistant helping me manage things, and her role’s going to start getting busier and busier as we grow.

We’ve got Chris, my Marketing Assistant, who’s just awesome and helps me with all things to do with everything, you know!… Building the web pages, setting up the sales copy, setting up the campaigns, setting up the software.

We’ve got Adam who produces all the video, edits and produces all the video content, records the video content with me.

And So Together As A Team…

…we’ve also got Louis and Glenn that manage and head up the coaching side of things with our Partners and clients.

We’ve got the support network of people in the company; Destiny, Sarah, Gloria.

We’ve got an awesome network and team, and now we can get a lot of stuff done and get it done fast, which is awesome. But it still takes a lot of managing – it’s busy, it’s crazy!

For most people, I don’t recommend working on so many multiple projects all at the same time. But for us right now, where the company’s at…

You’ve Got To Do What You’ve Got To Do

And that’s the thing sometimes, right? You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do wherever you’re at in your business.

If I were to go back to 2004-2009, I didn’t have a social life, I didn’t see friends, I didn’t do anything fun. Because all of my time, all of my energy, all of my resources went into trying to figure out how to have an online business, how to make money on the internet.

Then by 2008, 2009 I did start to figure that out, thanks to having a business mentor. Even through all the stages, you’ve always got to do what you’ve got to do.

Sometimes You’ve Got To Sacrifice

…sometimes you’ve got to invest time, sometimes you’ve got to invest money, sometimes you’ve got to invest resources, sometimes you’ve got to work like you’ve never worked before, y’know?

And sometimes you’ve got to take time out… You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do, to get where you want to be.

I Saw A Very Interesting Video Yesterday

…that explained how important, how short life is, better than anything I’ve ever seen before...

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Best Digital Marketing Books For Beginners, Or For Any Level

Got something I’ve been thinking about since yesterday actually, about the best digital marketing books for beginners, and specifically for you.

I thought this would be a really, really helpful topic for many of you reading this.

And this applies regardless of whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or an advanced digital marketer.

So let me ask you this…

How Do You Know What To Study?

All of us, as entrepreneurs, as business owners… we are continually educating, we are continually learning new things, we’re continually discovering new things, through trial and error of just simply taking action ourselves.

We’re discovering every day that we take action, whether we discover something that works, whether do we discover something that doesn’t work, whether we are learning from a product that we purchased, whether we’re learning from a mentor that we’ve invested in, whether we are learning from our peers, whether we are learning from our competition, whether we are learning from the audios or podcasts or books.

Whatever medium it’s coming to you in, we are always learning and always evolving. And so you should be. But you shouldn’t try and learn everything, right? And…

This Is A Mistake That People Make All The Time

I’ve done it. I remember there was this one time a couple years ago. I don’t regret this decision actually. But just to emphasise a point; I was thinking to myself, “Oh my gosh, I do not know enough stuff!”

At that stage, my business was already doing incredibly well. I’d already generated millions in dollars in sales when I had this thought. This is only like two years ago.

And so, what it stemmed from was… I just converted a double garage into a home office and video studio in our new home that we moved into two and a half years ago.

Now I had a bookshelf in there, and it stood with about four books on it. And I was like,

“I Do Not Know Enough Stuff!”

…“I have not bought enough books in my life!”

So I went to Amazon and I literally ordered about 50… like, hundreds of dollars worth of books. All the so-called great books, you know. Ask anyone what are the top 20 best books and these were the top ones...

Continue reading here: Best Digital Marketing Books For Beginners

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Business Task Management: How To Manage Multiple Business Projects

Somebody said to me recently, how is it we’re juggling so many projects? How is it we’re able to manage it?

I want to give a bit of advice on that and just share how we do that. The question ultimately being, how do we manage… how are we now managing so many projects and getting so much done in, essentially now, a shorter period of time?

Here’s The Truth, Here’s The Reality…

And I’ve spoke about it in the past. It’s only recently, in the last few months, that we’ve actually been able to do that. That we’ve actually been able to manage multiple projects, have multiple things going on, and everything being executed now in a timely manner.

Over the last year… before the last few months… and I’ll tell you what’s changed recently, because there’s a few things… Over the last few months we had lots and lots of projects going on, but nothing getting done.

We Were Actually In A Bit Of A Bad Situation

…in the company in all honesty, where we have too much going on we couldn’t get any of them done, and we were just falling behind continually.

We actually were letting customers down, we were letting our Certified Partners down, we were letting our clients down – our coaching clients. Not drastically, to the point where we were causing them harm, but just… because I’d announced a lot of new things were going to be happening and nothing was able to get done in a timely manner.

Business Task Management – 2 Big Changes

There were two main things that had to change to allow us to, a) actually be able to manage having many projects going on, and b) how to execute things and manage things in a timely manner.

So here’s the two things that had to change...

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A Different Way To Build An Audience On Facebook

Today we’re going to be talking about an unusual way to build an audience on Facebook. I’m just going to focus in on one thing we’ve just been talking about – different ways, different campaigns, and different things that we can do to…

Build An Audience On Facebook

…and create anticipation, create curiosity around a launch that we’ve got coming up later this month, called Quick Start Challenge.

If you’ve been following along with The Drive, you’ll know that there’s several projects that are going on right now. Which is why some days you’ll tune in and I’ll be talking about The Perfect Offer, which is a brand new funnel and product we’ve created, that we’re just in the testing phase of… driving traffic to, optimising the funnel, before we open it up to our Certified Partners who can then use that in their businesses.

In addition to that, we’ve also got the Quick Start Challenge launch coming up. I could actually reel off tons of stuff.

We’ve Got A Brand New Members Area

…brand new certification program, we’ve got so many projects.

But the awesome thing is, is that I’ve now built the foundation in the company to facilitate being able to manage multiple projects and have them come to fruition fast, y’know – executing fast!

And so what I guess I want to really talk about here, which is one of the things that we were just focused on in our conversation before I hit record, was

Using A Chat Bot With Facebook Ads

If you don’t know what that means, a chat bot is essentially – you can set up a particular software (I think there’s a few different things out there right now) but the one that we particularly were just discussing was a software called ManyChat...

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Accountability In Your Small Business Or Online Home Business

I want to talk about a topic that some online home business owners will like, and some will not. Some people may disagree with, some people may like what I’m about to say.

But what I’m about to say is based off of what I have witnessed over the last few months.

And this isn’t to directly call out any individual personally, but actually an observation.

Now, when you are building a small business online, or when you have an online home business, each week or each day that passes, if you are not moving your business forward then ultimately you’re going backwards.

I don’t believe there’s such a thing as staying still – me personally – I believe…

You Are Either Moving Forwards Or You’re Going Backwards

Now I believe that having some accountability for yourself assists you in a positive way to keep you on track.

But here’s my topic of the day, that I want to just mention… is how different people react differently to accountability. And I’ll tell you where this is coming from…

Going back two or three months, I started in our private community group that we have just for our Certified Partners at Internet Profits (which is from our Partner Program). I do this daily broadcast that I call the Daily Dean inside of our group.

So Every Day, I Go On Facebook Live

…and I share something, or talk about a topic, or share something that’s working, or show them something that I’m doing. And one of the things I do every Monday is, I actually have an accountability session, where basically I ask people to leave their statement of intent for this week.

Meaning every Monday, they get to turn up to my live broadcast and and make a statement about what it is that they’re doing in their business and why they’re going to accomplish those things that week.

So it’s essentially, on Mondays, I say...

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Tuesday, 6 November 2018

How To Plan And Get More Done In Your Business

I want to talk about how to plan or how to get more done this week in your business, or in any area of life actually.

Not just even in business; in your personal life, in your in your job if you have a job, in your business if you’re running a business, or how to have to get more done in your spare time for your business if you still have a full-time job.

Take me yesterday, for example right. On Sundays I generally try and relax and chill out and don’t really do a great deal of stuff. Just kind of relax.

But once it gets to Sunday afternoon, my mind naturally starts shifting to thinking about the week ahead. Like, what have we got to do? What what do we need to make sure we get done this week? Y’know, what projects? Where are we at in the projects? What is happening? Where is everything at?

And So What I Tend To Do Is…

…On Sunday, I make sure that everything for the week ahead is clear in my own mind and planned out. This is, I would probably say, even more important if you still have a job, and you’re juggling and balancing your personal life, your your job that currently pays the bills, and your desire to start a business.

The reason for that being is, that you obviously have less time, you’ve got so many other commitments in your life that tear you away from growing a business to lead to that end goal you’re ultimately looking for.

So It’s Even More Important For You

…that you’re really clear on what time you have to put into your business and what you’re going to get done during that time. And obviously then, when you transition to having your business and you’re doing that full-time, then you’ve got more hours to play with.

Right now, for example, it’s just past 8:30 in the morning. I know that I’ll probably be at the office till 5pm or 6pm today and probably for most of the week, if not later. Because we’ve got five days to really get a tremendous amount of stuff done, as some staff holidays are coming up.

Here’s ultimately how to have the best week that you possibly can, and…

How To Get The Most Done That You Possibly Can

…Not to wait until the day, to figure out what needs doing that day, okay?

I truly believe that a successful day and a successful week comes by...

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Understanding If You’ve Got Your Marketing Message Right

Here’s the big thing which is what I’ll talk about today – is understanding if you’ve got your marketing message correct.

This is one of the things I’ve realised – and I may have mentioned this briefly before – but…

Have You Got Your Marketing Message Right?

Because one of the things we realised with our offer is, I just don’t think we’ve got it right now.

Now I haven’t had enough traffic to it yet to make a hundred percent judgement on that, but I’ve just got an inclination.

I believe that in life and business that gut instinct counts for a lot. And I’ve always found that in life, whenever I’ve gone against what I felt in my gut – sometimes it takes a long time to realise – but…

I Always Realise That My Gut Was Right Eventually

So nowadays, I tend to trust my gut much sooner. If I feel something in my gut that… my instinct is telling me this isn’t right… or this isn’t working… or I’ve got this wrong, then I’ll tend to start looking to move away and do it differently. Or I’ll make a change or shift it, whatever the instance may be.

And so you’ve got to think about that marketing message and who you’re actually speaking to, and…

What The End Goal Is

…like, what is the goal? And here’s a big way to help with that.

A lot of people, when they start something online…

They’ll Begin From The Front Point

What I mean by that is, for example, let’s take us for example. Right now we have many products that range in price, from entry level products through to products that go into the multi-five figures – tens of thousands of dollars.

Now obviously, the best help we can give somebody is when they invest in the higher level stuff, like at five thousand, ten thousand dollar plus programs. That’s where we can deliver the maximum value and help to somebody.

So that’s ultimately what we need to work people towards. Because not only is that where we can give the maximum help, it’s also…

Continue reading here: Understanding If You’ve Got Your Marketing Message Right

Copywriting: When It Comes To Writing Sales Copy – Bullet Points!

So… what are we doing today?… Let me update you on what’s going on in the world of Internet Profits.

I’ll be finishing up writing sales copy today for another product that we’re actually launching next month, called “The Quick Start Challenge”.

It’s a 30 day coaching program that we do every year, that essentially is to teach people in a 30 day period to get started online, start building their email list, start driving traffic, and start obviously monetizing all of that process by making affiliate commissions.

I’ve wrote version one of the copy. Just got a few bullet points to add in there. Actually, speaking of which, when I say a few bullet points, I’m actually going to stack the bullet points, as many as I possibly can. Obviously all factually true and correct, about what’s actually included, what people are getting.

And here’s just to focus in on copywriting for you today, in today’s post.

When It Comes To Writing Good Sales Copy That Sells…

…one thing that I learned is that; when it equates to bullet points, when for example I would be saying, in week one – this is what it’s about, here’s some of what you can expect to discover – and I start listing some bullet points.

Well sometimes people would… sometimes I see people, in their sales copy, they just put like a couple of bullet points and they think that’s it. So then they just move on to the next part of the sales copy.

But Here’s The Truth…

One thing but I’ve learned before, is that people equate bullets, bullet points, to something they’re actually receiving.

So if I said to you, ‘here’s what you’re going to discover – how to drive traffic without ever… or how to get thousands of visitors without driving any traffic for yourself’. Then you would equate that to receiving or discovering one thing.

Now if I was to then list another two bullet points...

Continue reading here: Copywriting: When It Comes To Writing Good Sales Copy – Bullet Points!

Monday, 5 November 2018

Are You Guilty Of Being Too Generic With Your Marketing?

So we’ve been finishing some things off, based on some early testing that we saw when we were driving traffic with Facebook Ads over the last week or so.

Here’s one of the things that I’ve realised with some of the tests and some of the things that we’ve been doing, that you can think about with your marketing and with whatever it is that you’re putting out in your business.

You need to look at – with your messaging, with your marketing, with your content, with whatever it is, whatever media you’re putting out – are you speaking to somebody specifically or a specific group of people? Or…

Are You Being Too Generic And Speaking To Nobody At All?

The way I would probably get you to think about that is, let’s just say, like me, you’ve got an English bulldog – a specific breed of dog.

If you were wanting to learn about that specific breed of dog, who would you listen to?

Would you listen to somebody that claimed to be an expert about dogs? Or would you listen to somebody who claimed to be an expert about English bulldogs?

You’d go to the specific expert for something more specific to what you were interested in, right? That specific breed of dog.

One of things that you always have to remind yourself is, you need to…

Figure Out Who It Is You’re Wanting To Speak To

..who is it that you want to actually attract in your business.

It’s one thing to say, “Well, I help people that have an online business”. Okay well, is there a specific type of business that you’d like to help somebody in. Or is there a specific type of business model that you prefer, or have a better understanding or expertise on?

The reason I say this to you is because, what’s apparent with our new front end product, “The Perfect Offer” training program, is that ultimately it is something that could undoubtedly help many different types of businesses...

Continue reading here: Are You Guilty Of Being Too Generic With Your Marketing?

How To Use Webinars To Get Leads And Generate Sales

I was up late doing a webinar last night, selling one of our products. So that’s probably a good thing to speak about actually… How we use webinars in the business to get leads and generate sales.

We’ve been trying something out that’s a bit different. Typically when people do webinars, they will deliver 60 to 90 minutes of content, followed by an offer for 20 or 30 minutes.

Now usually speaking, that offer is normally higher priced. So it’s normally anywhere from $500 to about $2,000.

But one of the things that we’ve been testing out and trying – and it’s still quite early days but…

It Seems To Be Working Pretty Well, VERY Well In Fact

Because we’ve got an entire sales funnel, or an entire collection of products that range from entry $10 products to $100 products and thousand dollar products, five thousand, ten thousand dollar products…

One of my observations over the years has always been that, people that buy from webinars from us in our higher level programs tend to pay more attention to the training and take more action.

And so one of my thoughts was, a few months ago: What would be the difference over time actually…

Selling One Of Our More Entry-Level Products On A Webinar

…and then ascending them through our sales funnel process, through our marketing and follow-up systems?

So what we’ve actually been testing out is actually selling a $97 product on a webinar, and then from there onwards, once they’ve purchased that, then obviously we have our follow up systems in place to ascend them to our premium products, y’know $2,000 and beyond.

And so that’s what we’ve been trying out. And it’s actually been working pretty effectively. Because, whereas when we would sell a two thousand dollar product, we would get usually anywhere between 3% to 6% conversions on the webinar. So nothing huge there, okay?

However with our webinar selling this $97 product…

We’ve Been Converting Anywhere From 16% To 25%

…of people on the webinar, depending on the webinar. So it’s been allowing us to convert quite a significant percentage of our prospects into customers...

Continue reading here: How To Use Webinars To Get Leads And Generate Sales 

Sometimes In Business, Things Take Longer Than Expected

Well, yesterday… If you saw yesterday’s post, you’ll have heard me talking about how we were trying to create about 35 or 40 videos.

Everything was looking great. Everything was going good, and then things that I’d forgot about throughout the day began to come evident. For example, I had two podcast episodes; one of which was with a special guest.

Podcasts are something I’ve not actually spoke about publicly. It’s actually myself and someone else in launches next week. So we’ve actually been doing some episodes. We’re getting a bunch of them ready so that we’re ahead of schedule for the podcast episode release.

So we had two of those, which was basically…

Two Hours Of Yesterday, Gone!

As well as that you’ll remember if you saw it, that Louis, who heads up the coaching division, or the coaching side of things here in the company – it turned out he had to actually leave and get a train around just after 6pm. But he also had a webinar at 4 o’clock to host. My two podcasts were at just before 4pm and then at 5pm ’til 6pm.

So we kind of lost a chunk of the day…

This Isn’t Excuses…

…this is just actual stuff that popped up. So I’m trying to think how many we did.

I think out of like the 35 or so that we really wanted to aim to get done. I think we only managed to… trying to think… I think we probably recorded – I don’t know how many Louis recorded – anyway, it was probably like only 30% of them.

We might have got like, maybe 30-50%. We might’ve got like 10-15 – might’ve recorded 10, but I’ve got about another 5 ready to just jump in and record.

One of the things that took a lot of time was; we were creating a lot of presentations. A lot of them were stood in front of the large screen in the training room in the office.

Everything Just Took A Lot Longer Than We Anticipated

…which sometimes happens right? Often in business, a lot of things that we do, tend to take longer than we think...

Continue reading here: Sometimes In Business, Things Take Longer Than Expected

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Creating An Insane Amount Of Content In A Small Amount Of Time

So, we’re doing a lot of filming yesterday and today. Yesterday didn’t quite go to plan with filming.

Put it this way, we have one day today – it’s 8:50am right now, Louis’ got a webinar to do with our clients at 4:00pm and then has to get on a train around about 6:30pm.

So we literally have from 9:00am when we arrive to about 4pm, and in that time we have to create slide presentations and record about 35 / 36 videos for an entire $2,000 certification program.

I don’t know what is going to happen today. The reason we just went to the store is, we need to get everything we need for the entire day right now, so we don’t have to leave the office. We cannot afford to go out for lunch and waste any time later on. So we just had to stop at the store and get some quick microwave meals, some noodles and things.

We’re planning to win… We’re going to get it done… We’ve got to make it happen!

So Today’s Going To Be Wild!

I can’t wait until I can tell you tomorrow, how we got on with this.

But we’ve done some crazy stuff in the past, like we’ve done this 24-hour challenge to come up with an idea for a product, and create it, and make a sale within 24 hours or less.

We did that not long ago. I think this is actually tougher. I think this is going to be a lot tougher. Because of the sheer amount of stuff we’ve got to get done.

Now obviously the good thing is here – the positive – is that we’ve got a whole team. So I haven’t got to personally record and edit the videos – we’ve got Adam who’ll obviously do that. Then we’ve got Chris that can upload them and put them online.

So Louis and I just purely have to focus on getting these videos done. So I want to – it’s probably gonna be quite a helpful thing to share this today – like what is the battle plan to …

Create An Insane Amount Of Content In A Small Amount Of Time

Here’s our plan right. Out of – let’s say we’ve got 35 videos. I don’t know if it’s exactly that but it’s, give or take, about 35 videos.

Now of those 35 videos some of them are actually going to be with a...

Continue reading here: Creating An Insane Amount Of Content In A Small Amount Of Time

Testing Facebook Traffic With Facebook Live Ads

If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that we are in the in the trenches right now…

Testing Our New Sales Funnel

…which is for an offer called, “The Perfect Offer”. This is basically a 60 to 65 minute training loaded onto a USB stick, and it goes out with some awesome bonuses, in an amazing package and all that good stuff.

We had a bit of a delay. I don’t if I mentioned this on previous episodes in the last day or so. But we had some delays because I did my first Facebook ad which actually was a video, well actually was a Facebook Live. So I did a Facebook Live talking about…

The Only Three Ways To Grow A Business, Which Are:

  • Get more customers.
  • Sell more to your customers at the point of sale.
  • Generate repeat custom, so bring your customers back at some future date to buy more product.

And so I did a Facebook Live about that. And then at the end, there was a call to action to grab a copy of The Perfect Offer. So it was a way of leading people into that sales funnel. And then I basically set up a Facebook Ad promoting that Live.

Now the problem was – whatever it is – I don’t really know what it was – they haven’t told me at this stage… But there was…

Something That Triggered An Automatic Disapproval

…because it just happened literally within a couple of minutes – so there’s no way it was a manual thing.

So I appealed it. I’d set up four different ads through Facebook, all promoting the same video ad, but targeting different people and different placements – so y’know, mobile and desktop with different targeting options – and got disapproved.

And that happened (I probably have mentioned this on a Drive) on Friday was it? Thursday or Friday of last week.

The Crap Thing Was…

…it actually took Facebook four days to get back to me from my appeal. I appealed it straight away, because I was certain there wasn’t anything wrong. Then it took them four days, until yesterday afternoon to get back to me. And as suspected (or as hoped, should I say) they basically did a manual verification and they confirmed that it wasn’t against their policy.

So my ads went active yesterday afternoon and now the ad is...

Continue reading here: Testing Facebook Traffic With Facebook Live Ads

Saturday, 3 November 2018

How Did I Start An Online Business And Lose $60,000?

Yesterday I was reading back… If you use Facebook, you’ll know on Facebook it does this thing where it shows you certain posts that you made like a year ago, or five years ago.

And I was looking at some of them yesterday, just thinking back on some memories of when I posted those things. One of my posts was about, or had mentioned, my ‘beginnings’ in the online marketing world.

Basically, in the first four years, I lost the equivalent in UK pounds of over $60,000, just slightly over $61K. And I read a comment on that post from a few years back, and somebody said,

“How Did You Manage To Lose So Much Money? What Went Wrong?”

And so I thought, “You know what? This is probably a valuable thing for me to share with you right now on this Drive.” Because, obviously I don’t really know you personally right now. So I don’t know what kind of situation you’re in.

But if you’re in the early stages of starting your business, the statistics tell me that there’s a high probability that you’ve probably spent a considerable amount of money, and you’ve probably not yet attained the goals that you’re looking for, or the results you were looking for.

Or if you’re later on in your business, you’ve actually got a business that’s producing revenue and you run your business full-time, chances are that you probably went through some struggles in that journey as well. So I thought, what the heck, why don’t I share this.

So the discussion of the day on this journey to the Internet Profits offices is,

“How Did I Start An Online Business And Lose $60,000?”

Here’s one thing I always used to say; that I “got scammed by the gurus!” Like it was the evil gurus fault that I lost all that money, and failed for so long, and reached the rock-bottom in my life by my mid-twenties… Because it was everyone else’s fault but me!

And you know what?...

Continue reading here: How Did I Start An Online Business And Lose $60,000?

Filming Facebook Ads Setup Live And Testing To Scale Up

We’re doing internal testing and optimization this week and continuing next week, for a current offer, brand new offer that nobody’s seen yet called “The Perfect Offer“. Which is a training that goes out on on a 4Gb USB stick – it goes out in the mail.

In fact one of things I’m doing today, once we’ve done filming this morning, this afternoon what I’ll be doing is…

Setting Up Some Facebook Ads

So if you saw my earlier post, you’ll have heard me talking about how I was trying to decide which path to go with our traffic strategy. Meaning, would I do email buy traffic / solo ad traffic first, or Facebook Ads first, or both, or what would I do?

And I was leaning initially towards solo ads. But I’m actually going to get on and do both. The reason being is, I’m just not a hundred percent convinced that solo ad traffic is the best for this offer because of how it’s currently set up. But because of that, one of the things I did the other day, and one of the things we started looking at, was…

A Survey Squeeze Page

So we can drive different types of traffic, I believe, more successfully to a survey page. Then segment them based on the responses they give. So solo ad traffic took a bit of a backseat just for a couple of days while we get that set up. And as I say, this afternoon I’m going to do some Facebook Ads setup – set up some ads, so we can start those running.

One of the cool things that I’ll be doing today for our Certified Partners; while setting up my Facebook Ad, I’m basically just going to hit record and live-stream the entire process from start to finish. So I’m not editing, it’s not producing a training, or a product for the public.

But one of the cool things for our Certified Partners, is really getting to see what we do and how we do it, to drive traffic, so that they can…

Continue reading here: Filming Facebook Ads Setup Live And Testing To Scale Up

Testing The Sales Funnel And Overcoming Obstacles

Yesterday you heard me talk about how we were basically heading into the office to do final testing, and all that good stuff, to make sure that our brand new sales funnel was ready to begin driving traffic to, and start optimizing conversions. And well, in true form…

Lots Of Stuff Went Wrong!

So I’m heading in today, hoping that we can get the technical issues fixed. This is the kind of stuff that most people never really get to see – all the stuff that’s going wrong behind the scenes.

A lot of people just see the success, and the six or seven figure sales funnels, and the awards, and all the money. But people very rarely…

Get To See What’s Happening Behind The Scenes

And that’s what I want to fill you in on today. Because you don’t just go from idea to success without anything in between.

And so yesterday, with what we did – everything look good. The pages were there, the offers were there. So we’ve got front end offer two upsells, a downsell, the thank you page. And that makes up the structure of the sales funnel. So yesterday checked all the pages…

Everything Looked Good

We have the one-click upsell process in place – meaning that if people want to add the upsells to their order, they don’t have to refill in all their their payment details.

They can just click ‘Add To Order’ and it will just add it to their order. And everything looked great.

Went ahead, purchased, went through, orders were processed, everything look good.

Then tried a few different possibilities, like buying the front end and saying ‘No’ to all the upsells – did that work? Yes. Bought the front end, said ‘Yes’ to all the upsells, did that work? Yes.

And then, just as we thought everything was ready, we noticed…

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Testing A New Sales Funnel – An Exciting Week Ahead!

I know I probably say this every week, and it’s true. But this week, I am especially excited and pumped up for everything that’s about to come this week. Let me tell you why.

So, if you’ve been following The Drives over the last, well since we started, I mean we’re in the probably 20-something episode, maybe 24th/25th I’m not sure, something like that.

If you’ve been following along over the last four or five weeks of doing these, you’ll have been hearing behind the scenes of what it is that we’ve been doing here at Internet Profits.

And One Of The Biggest Things…

…or one of the main things I’ve been speaking about, is a brand new offer and a brand new sales funnel that we’ve actually been building and getting ready. So this is a training called “The Perfect Offer“.

It essentially teaches people, it’s essentially a (it’s just over 60 minutes) training that teaches people how to convert a much higher than typical percentage of website visitors into customers.

So obviously, no matter what it is you’re doing in your business; whether you are a product creator, or you’re an affiliate marketer, or network market, or service provider. It doesn’t matter what type of business model you operate, we all need customers, OK?

Over the years and years of doing this, I have found (around about 18 months ago / two years ago)…

The Ultimate Way To Convert The Highest Number Of People Into Customers

There has never been anything like it!

And so we’ve got this brand new training that teaches people what that is, and how to do it.

The reason I’m so pumped up and excited is – if you’ve been following along, you’ll know recently I’ve been talking about how we’re getting close to having that finished, ready to start testing.

Well... on Friday, at around about 6pm, just before I was leaving the office, we managed to successfully place a test order for that product...

Continue reading here: New Sales Funnel

Friday, 2 November 2018

The Biggest Shortcut To Your Online Business Success

I made some severe mistakes that basically caused me - over the first four years trying to make it online, so between 2004 to 2008 - to get into over $60,000 of debt.

Just to make you very clear how severe that was, I was around about 24 years old $60,000 of debt, five credit cards, two bank loans. And worst of all nobody in my life knew that I had any debt at all, because I was too ashamed to basically admit it.

I Was Petrified!

And looking back on it, what what became very evident from 2008 onwards, was the biggest mistake of all that I’d made, was trying to figure it all out on my own.

And the way in which I would compare it now is – if you or one of your children had a goal in their life or that desire was to become a schoolteacher, they would have to go to college and get qualifications and train under professional teachers and trainers in order to get the knowledge to do that job correctly, right?

Likewise, if you or a family member or child wanted to become a doctor, they would go to college, they would go to university probably for six to eight years, maybe more. They would spend probably $100,000 or more and basically, they would be learning from experts, professional doctors that could train them and teach them, and give them the knowledge that they needed to do their job properly.

So The Irony Is, When I Started Out Online…

…for some reason (and probably because of some of the products I bought and the information I consumed) I had a belief that I didn’t need to learn from a professional, I could just watch a few videos and start making money online.

Well, obviously, my experiences quickly showed me (or over four years) that that wasn’t true.

Continue reading here: The Biggest Shortcut To Your Online Business Success

Conquering Fear And Pulling The Trigger In Your Business

Many people far too often fear what may happen, what may or may not happen. For example, creating your first video and putting online of yourself.

People fear judgment. People fear getting it wrong. People fear looking stupid. All these different fears.

Setting up your first paid advertisement online, such as doing a Facebook ad or a YouTube ad for the very first time.

People Fear Getting It Wrong, So They Don’t Pull The Trigger

So all the different areas of your business, you know, I can categorically say without any doubt, that any time I felt uncomfortable in my business, any time I’ve been doing something, or pushing myself outside of that comfort zone – which is like the zone in which you feel okay doing everything – any time you try and step outside of that, and things start to feel scary, things start to feel awkward, things start to feel uncomfortable for you…

Those moments there. And every single time I felt like that and have had the strength to push myself, I’ve always experienced new levels of success in my business.

Putting myself out there on video for the very first time, I was scared, I was unconfident, I was mumbling. In fact my very first video, which was in 2009, that I published online, I didn’t have a camera, I didn’t have anything that would produce a quality video.

The one thing that I could find to use was actually a camera that took photos, that really wasn’t made for recording at all.

This is in 2009, before technology had advanced significantly to where it is today. And so my first video online was blurry, you couldn’t really tell it was me…

I Was Scared!

So I was very robotic and rigid in what I was saying. I didn’t have any personality, I was kind of monotone, I was very boring in tone. But I put it out there because a mentor of mine, my very first mentor, stressed to me the importance of…

…In an industry online such as this, an internet-based industry, when there’s so many people behind the computer, it’s so important that you show people that you’re a real person.

Continue reading here: Conquering Fear And Pulling The Trigger In Your Business

Hitting Rock Bottom – Oops I Did Again Today!

Bit of a story to share here. If you can see through the through the camera here, I’m actually just leaving the garage (gas station) where I’ve just been getting some fuel for my car this morning.

I just actually had to have my fiancé follow me to the garage because stupidly I arrived home last night, and my car’s one of those cars that’ll tell you how many more miles you’ve got left and fuel in the tank.

And I am just pulling up on my driveway after coming home from the office yesterday evening, glanced down and it says one mile left.

There is literally nothing – there’s this blue bar that shows how much fuel is left and it had gone through the red line and it was non-existent – it was gone! It said I had one mile left, and the nearest station here to get fuel is like probably four/five miles. So I just had to basically drive to get fuel on…

Pure Fumes, Goodwill And Good Luck

But obviously there’s a good twist to the story. I made it! And this is actually what I want to talk about. You know what it just reminded me of? As I was doing this Drive, and I’m literally willing myself to make it. I’m hoping, you know, please make it! Please don’t break down! I’ve got a lot to do today, please don’t break down!

And you know what it just reminded me of? It reminded me of when I was in the first few years of starting my online business.

And I’ve come to see since, having been in this industry for more than a decade now, that what I did is actually kind of what happens to a lot of people. And so I want to address that. I want to talk about it....

Continue reading here: Hitting Rock Bottom – Oops I Did Again Today!