Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Personal Mentor For Online Business: Are You Investing In Yourself?

Probably the most important question you could ask yourself as an entrepreneur is, “Do you invest in yourself and your business?” Specifically, “Do you have a personal mentor for online business?”

Today I’m really excited… today’s going to be an awesome day because… today I have my call with…

My Personal Mentor For Online Business; Russell Brunson

So I’m actually in Russell’s ‘Mastermind’, which is a $25,000 a year investment.

Basically the main part of that is two or three times a year we have an inner circle meet up at the Clickfunnels head offices. So I’ll actually be going out there in a few weeks.

Once a year we have what he calls the “Decade in a Day” call.

Essentially you get 30 to 60 minutes personal time with Russell, where he looks at your business and goes through everything and gives you some immediate action steps to make…

Immediate Improvements To Your Business, Revenue And Growth

Also I have him on Voxer, which is an app that you basically can send voice messages (almost like a walkie-talkie) from my phone to his phone, for any time we have questions.

Today, because I’m actually in my second year, every time you renew – you have another “Decade in a Day” call. It’s like a yearly thing.

So today, I have my “Decade in a Day” call. And I really get to show Russell what it is that we’ve been doing, where we’re at right now, and basically get some immediate advice.

He’s very intelligent – a very, very smart guy, who’s achieved some incredible things. I’ve followed him since 2009, well probably before. So I’ve seen the transition his business went through.

Which why I saw him as the perfect online business mentor to help me evolve and develop my business to where I see us in the future, and where we’re heading right now.

That’s essentially the focus for today: Are you investing in yourself, and in your business?

That Is The Biggest Key, I Would Say

If I look at myself over the years, anytime where I’ve grown, anytime we’ve achieved highest success and gone on to bigger and better things – it’s because I’ve...

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