Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Evaluating Sales Leads And Customers Over A Period Of Time

Dean Holland CEO of Internet Profits reveals the huge benefits to affiliate marketers and product owners of focusing upon evaluating sales leads and customers over a certain period of time.

Do you ever have those weeks where it just seems like the days are passing by, and even though you’re busy with everything and moving forwards, it just sometimes feels like;

Where’s The Progress? What’s Happening?

I think the only reason I feel like this is because we are seeing progress, everything awesome is happening.

Over the last week since we publicly launched The Perfect Offer funnel for example, tens of thousands of dollars have been generated using it – a couple of hundred customers, two/three hundred customers.

I think, right now, each customer that we basically give a free product to, is…

Probably Worth Over A Hundred Dollars To Us

It’s dropped slightly now because we had some high ticket sales early on. And whilst we’ve been getting those every day, the volume of those was higher in the first few days for some reason.

But it just goes to show really that – when it comes down to sales, when it comes down to your business – I don’t think (personally for me at least) that evaluating sales leads, analysing, gauging and what’s happening, based off one day of sales, is…

Not A Smart Thing!

You can have a day where your sales were really high, higher than your average, higher than the standard day. And then you see lower, lower sales volume the next day. You can panic, looking at it day by day – oh my gosh, everything’s amazing, and then oh my gosh, no, what’s happening?

But if I look at it as more of an average over time, you start to see what’s really happening – what are those customers worth in your business?

And then, over a period of time – what’s a customer worth after seven days? What’s a customer worth after thirty days? What’s a customer worth after sixty days?

Y’know – What Are The Averages?

And we start to average it out over that time period, and you start to see, well, this is what I can afford to spend to acquire a customer into that sales funnel...

Continue reading here: Evaluating Sales Leads

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