So yeah, I was in the office quite late until the early hours of this morning – until about past 1am I think it was by the time we finally got out, because I was running a coaching call.
One thing I realized, as I was driving home after the coaching call, I realized that actually the number one of the many small business problems that all of us (well, most of us) face… is actually ourselves.
Top Of All The Small Business Problems We Face… Is Ourselves
Like… you are literally your number one problem, right?
Let me explain what I mean. A lot of people doubt themselves… procrastinate… keep changing direction… keep jumping from thing, to thing, to thing. Many people fear the failure… or fear the success, and therefore hold themselves back.
And what it comes down to, ultimately, is… YOU are your biggest problem.
If you could only get out of your own way, you could no doubt have a lot greater success, or finally achieve the success that you’re looking for and achieve what it is you’re desiring out of a business.
So today, that’s what I want you to think about.
How many different areas can you to identify, as you go about your day to day life, or every time that you sit down at the computer and you’re striving to build your business…
…Start to identify all the ways in which you’re actually sabotaging your own success.
Or for those of you in the early stages…
In How Many Areas Are You Sabotaging Your Chances Of Success?
One of the biggest small business problems that I used to personally have, and where I was sabotaging my success, is I never stuck at any one thing long enough to actually make it work.
Y’know, I was always jumping from thing, to thing, to thing. I was always running around with this belief that there must be a better way, there must be an easier way…
Continue reading here: Small Business Problems
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