Saturday, 3 November 2018

Testing The Sales Funnel And Overcoming Obstacles

Yesterday you heard me talk about how we were basically heading into the office to do final testing, and all that good stuff, to make sure that our brand new sales funnel was ready to begin driving traffic to, and start optimizing conversions. And well, in true form…

Lots Of Stuff Went Wrong!

So I’m heading in today, hoping that we can get the technical issues fixed. This is the kind of stuff that most people never really get to see – all the stuff that’s going wrong behind the scenes.

A lot of people just see the success, and the six or seven figure sales funnels, and the awards, and all the money. But people very rarely…

Get To See What’s Happening Behind The Scenes

And that’s what I want to fill you in on today. Because you don’t just go from idea to success without anything in between.

And so yesterday, with what we did – everything look good. The pages were there, the offers were there. So we’ve got front end offer two upsells, a downsell, the thank you page. And that makes up the structure of the sales funnel. So yesterday checked all the pages…

Everything Looked Good

We have the one-click upsell process in place – meaning that if people want to add the upsells to their order, they don’t have to refill in all their their payment details.

They can just click ‘Add To Order’ and it will just add it to their order. And everything looked great.

Went ahead, purchased, went through, orders were processed, everything look good.

Then tried a few different possibilities, like buying the front end and saying ‘No’ to all the upsells – did that work? Yes. Bought the front end, said ‘Yes’ to all the upsells, did that work? Yes.

And then, just as we thought everything was ready, we noticed…

Continue reading here: Testing The Sales Funnel And Overcoming Obstacles

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