Saturday, 3 November 2018

Filming Facebook Ads Setup Live And Testing To Scale Up

We’re doing internal testing and optimization this week and continuing next week, for a current offer, brand new offer that nobody’s seen yet called “The Perfect Offer“. Which is a training that goes out on on a 4Gb USB stick – it goes out in the mail.

In fact one of things I’m doing today, once we’ve done filming this morning, this afternoon what I’ll be doing is…

Setting Up Some Facebook Ads

So if you saw my earlier post, you’ll have heard me talking about how I was trying to decide which path to go with our traffic strategy. Meaning, would I do email buy traffic / solo ad traffic first, or Facebook Ads first, or both, or what would I do?

And I was leaning initially towards solo ads. But I’m actually going to get on and do both. The reason being is, I’m just not a hundred percent convinced that solo ad traffic is the best for this offer because of how it’s currently set up. But because of that, one of the things I did the other day, and one of the things we started looking at, was…

A Survey Squeeze Page

So we can drive different types of traffic, I believe, more successfully to a survey page. Then segment them based on the responses they give. So solo ad traffic took a bit of a backseat just for a couple of days while we get that set up. And as I say, this afternoon I’m going to do some Facebook Ads setup – set up some ads, so we can start those running.

One of the cool things that I’ll be doing today for our Certified Partners; while setting up my Facebook Ad, I’m basically just going to hit record and live-stream the entire process from start to finish. So I’m not editing, it’s not producing a training, or a product for the public.

But one of the cool things for our Certified Partners, is really getting to see what we do and how we do it, to drive traffic, so that they can…

Continue reading here: Filming Facebook Ads Setup Live And Testing To Scale Up

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