Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Business Task Management: How To Manage Multiple Business Projects

Somebody said to me recently, how is it we’re juggling so many projects? How is it we’re able to manage it?

I want to give a bit of advice on that and just share how we do that. The question ultimately being, how do we manage… how are we now managing so many projects and getting so much done in, essentially now, a shorter period of time?

Here’s The Truth, Here’s The Reality…

And I’ve spoke about it in the past. It’s only recently, in the last few months, that we’ve actually been able to do that. That we’ve actually been able to manage multiple projects, have multiple things going on, and everything being executed now in a timely manner.

Over the last year… before the last few months… and I’ll tell you what’s changed recently, because there’s a few things… Over the last few months we had lots and lots of projects going on, but nothing getting done.

We Were Actually In A Bit Of A Bad Situation

…in the company in all honesty, where we have too much going on we couldn’t get any of them done, and we were just falling behind continually.

We actually were letting customers down, we were letting our Certified Partners down, we were letting our clients down – our coaching clients. Not drastically, to the point where we were causing them harm, but just… because I’d announced a lot of new things were going to be happening and nothing was able to get done in a timely manner.

Business Task Management – 2 Big Changes

There were two main things that had to change to allow us to, a) actually be able to manage having many projects going on, and b) how to execute things and manage things in a timely manner.

So here’s the two things that had to change...

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