Friday, 20 December 2019

How To Grow Your Business With Social Media Using Your Own Leverage

Grow Your Business With Social Media
Here are Dean’s tips and examples of how you can use your own personal leverage to grow your business with social media online, the easy way…
How To Make Your Business Grow“Okay, leverage, leverage, leverage! One of the fastest ways to shortcut and speed up the growth of your business and your success.
Good morning! Welcome to another episode of The Drive.
Today… y’know, what I’ve been thinking about this morning… A lot of people always ask questions like…
What is the biggest shortcut to success? What is the thing that gets people to succeed?
The majority of people in the home business industry are struggling – as in, can’t figure things out, can’t make things work. And y’know, there’s a lot of people that obviously get a few sales, earn a few commissions, and then nothing really continues to happen.
Then there’s a lot of people that can’t even make those first few commissions. And I was exactly the same, back when I first started in 2004. I didn’t make my first commission until 2008 – which is…

Pretty Insane When You Think About It, Right?

Like, to be trying to build a business or make money online for four years, before you actually make money online! And the crazy thing is, usually by that stage… (certainly was true for me) is you’ve spent so much, that it can almost be too difficult to see your way out and into profit.
Dean Holland The Drive Episode 127
So I was thinking about this, this morning. I was thinking, “Y’know, what is the answer to that question?” “What is the quickest way?”
Or, “What is one of the things that can dramatically help and accelerate you, from zero to results?”
And even when you’re getting some results, “What is the thing that can take you from some results, to lots of results, or bigger results?”
The answer is actually the same, in many respects. And that is “leverage.”
I’ve spoken about this with our clients and Certified Partners so many times, because it never changes: Leverage. Why is it that you see some people…
Continue reading on my blog: Grow Your Business With Social Media

Thursday, 19 December 2019

How To Achieve Your Goals And Move Your Business Forward

How To Achieve Your Goals
There’s a few key factors to consider when determining how to achieve your goals and stay focused and productive, in order to move your business forward. Here Dean Holland delves into how he achieves goals in his business, and how he helps his Partners accomplish their business goals.
“I want to talk about a topic that some people will like, some people will not. Good morning, welcome to another episode of The Drive. Dean Holland here, and welcome. Thank you for joining me on this drive to the offices.
So, I want to talk about a topic that some people will like, some people will not.

Some People May Disagree With Me

Dean Holland How To Achieve Goals…some people may like what I’m about to say.
But what I’m about to say is based off of what I’ve witnessed over the last few months. And this isn’t to directly call out any individual personally, but actually an observation.
Now when you’re building a business online, or when you have a business online… With each week or each day that passes, if you are not moving your business forwards, then ultimately you’re going backwards.
I don’t believe there’s such a thing as staying still – me personally. I believe…

You’re Either Moving Forwards, Or You’re Going Backwards

Now I believe that having some accountability for yourself assists you in a positive way to keep you on track to achieve your goals. But here’s kind of my topic of the day, that I want to just mention… How people react differently to accountability. And I’ll tell you where this is coming from.
Going back two or three months, in our private community group that we have just for our Certified Partners at Internet Profits (which is from our Partner Program)… I do this daily broadcast that I call the ‘Daily Dean’ inside of our group.
So every day I go on Facebook Live, and I share something, talk about a topic, or share something that’s working, or show them something that I’m doing. And one of the things I do every Monday, is I actually have an accountability session, where I basically…

I Ask People To Leave Their Statement Of Intent For This Week

Dean Holland The Drive Episode 126Meaning, every Monday, they get to turn up to my live broadcast, and make a statement about what it is that they’re doing in their business, and why they’re going to accomplish those things that week.
So essentially, on Mondays I say, “Let me know what you’re going to get done this week.” And then at the end of the week, on Friday, I revisit and read out what people have said they were going to accomplish, for an update on how things are going.
Now I’ve noticed something interesting. Initially everybody was like, “Yes! Some accountability, great! This is really going to be helpful.”
But as time goes on, I’ve realised this isn’t just for my Partners. This is everybody…
Continue reading on my blog: How To Achieve Your Goals

Friday, 13 December 2019

How To Grow Your Business: The 4 Letter Word That Grows Any Business

How To Grow Your Business
This is Dean Holland’s full and complete TEDx Talk presentation in Bolton, England where he reveals how to grow your business using that magic four letter “F” word…
“Thank you everybody. It is awesome to be here. And the presentation today is to essentially share with you the culmination of probably over a decade of testing.
The 4 Letter Word That Can Grow Any BusinessI’m somebody that, from a very young age, has been very entrepreneurial. And that has led me from some interesting, failed offline businesses… into the online internet business world.
Despite all the different things that I try, and that I test… there’s constantly one thing that continues to increase response, and grow the businesses that I either own or am involved in, or advise on.
And that’s what I want to share with you today. The story is actually going to revolve around cheese – so we’ll come back to that in a short moment.
But just before we do, I want to just make sure everybody’s clear… for those of you that perhaps do have businesses, or are looking to have businesses.

There Are Only Three Ways To Grow Your Business

1. The first of which is to get more customers, okay? It stands to reason that, if a customer comes through the door of your business, or visits your website, and purchases… that you are growing that business.
2. The second of which is to sell more to the customers at the point of sale. We’re all familiar with walking into a supermarket or a store, and you’ve got those items conveniently located just for us to grab at the checkout.
Dean Holland The Drive Episode 125Y’know the chewing gum, the candy, the sweets… All these different things are there to obviously grow that business, to increase the profitability of that business.
3. And the third of which is to actually have those customers return and buy from you again at a point in the future.
Now incidentally, as we look at these three ways to grow a business – and there really is no other way, ultimately, to grow a business other than this… What I can tell you from the different businesses I’m involved in, is typically…

The Bulk Of Any Business’s Profits Will Actually Be Made Once You’ve Got The Customer

…by bringing that customer back to buy more and more products.
But despite that… none of that can obviously happen, unless you have customers in the first place. So when I look at building a business, I always look at those three areas.
First of all, how do I get more customers? Secondly, now I’m getting them, how do I sell more to them? How do I deliver more value to that person, so that an exchange of value takes place?
TEDx BoltonBecause that’s ultimately what business is about. I’m giving you value, you’re giving me some value back.
And so one of the key areas, and one of the most difficult I would say, and one of the most expensive parts of any business… is to actually acquire that customer in the first place.
To get a stranger… somebody that’s never met you, never seen your brand, never come across your products, never seen your website, never seen anything to do with you… To have that person actually trust you enough to part with their value, their money, and give it to you. Especially when there is so much competition from most businesses that you’re competing with.

So This Brings Me Back To My Cheese Story

Now I’m a big food lover, probably not to my own health benefit. I absolutely love food. I love to travel and I love to eat, and try all different experiences that generally revolve around eating too much – because I’m always hungry!
One of my favourite places in the world, despite all the places that I’ve ever visited…
Continue reading on my blog: How To Grow Your Business

Monday, 9 December 2019

How To Get Better Email Response Rates From Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Email Response Rates
If you’re thinking of starting an email marketing campaign or want to boost your current email response rates, today Dean reveals his secrets to how he builds his highly effective email marketing campaigns…
“Someone asked me the other day…
How do I get a better result from the email list I’ve built? I’ve built this massive email list of tens of thousands of people, and I’m just not really getting the results I used to. What’s going wrong?
This is what I’m going to talk about in today’s Drive.
Good morning, good morning! Welcome to another episode of The Drive. Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ.
Dean Holland Email Open RateI’ve got a great message for you today, based on something I was asked just this week.
A friend and former client of mine mentioned… they’ve built their email list very successfully, into the tens of thousands of subscribers. But they’re struggling to get the results they used to.
Their list has become less responsive. They’re not seeing the revenue from their list that they used to. And they basically asked me, have I noticed the same with my company? And have I got any advice to share with them?
It’s a really key topic…

So Many People Are Reporting Lower Email Response Rates

…and lower results from their email lists.
And whilst there are certain technicalities that can play a part here, such as the autoresponder you’re using… Perhaps they have blacklisted servers… Your email address, your server being blacklisted…
So it’s basically, ultimately all these technicalities I’m talking about… resulting in your emails not being delivered. Or indeed, landing in the spam folders.
Now this aspect… This is something I could talk about for, gosh, probably a whole weekend! But I just want to give you a few tips… a few bits of advice.
Dean Holland The Drive Episode 123Number one; look at the factually correct things here… where lies the problem?
If you say to me, “Dean, I’m getting a crap ton of opens, a load of opens, but nobody’s clicking through.” Then, you’re…

Writing Good Email Subject Lines

…but poor emails and calls to action.
The first thing is; the subject line has to get the open. So, the way in which you diagnose the problem is this…
Continue reading on my blog: Email Response Rates

Saturday, 7 December 2019

Cost Of Advertising Online: How To Combat Rising Online Advertising Costs

Cost Of Advertising
Some practical, common sense advice here from Dean on how to overcome the rising cost of advertising online in your business, right now and in the future…
“Oh my gosh, I do not know whether to laugh or cry. What a morning! Can’t believe this happened.
Good morning! Dean here of course. Welcome to another episode of The Drive. En route to Internet Profits HQ, much later than normal – 10:50 am!
Dean Holland Cost Of Advertising
Was at the office doing a webinar with our Certified Partners – unleashing some exciting news to our partners. I was at the office till pretty early in the morning.
So only managed to grab about five or six hours sleep today, and was awoken by some delivery men delivering a new washing machine. And so we installed this thing and they took the old one away.
And the position in which our washing machine goes, in our small utility room – it goes in a position where it’s near the door. So it slots into its little area – it’s slot that it goes into, under the units. And then you close the door.
Well, we put the thing on – my fiance did, Robyn – and we go to open the door afterwards, and it had rattled its way out and blocked the door! And like literally, there’s no other way in.

And We Stood There, Like, “What Do We Do?”

The door would only open a quarter of an inch. You could just see through, to see that it’s come out. So we went outside the house to look through the window, and we could see that it had come out by, like, 20 inches or so, and at an angle.
And it was just stuck. Like, there was no way we were getting through there. We tried everything. I tried with a golf club – pushing it – trying to wedge it back round. Could only just get it through the gap. But wouldn’t do anything.
Dean Holland Advertising Costs
We tried with our hands, but we couldn’t get enough leverage on it. And at this point we’re like, “What do we do?” My work clothes are in that room. I could not leave the house. I needed to get to my trousers, to my jacket. Everything I needed was in that room.

And I’m Like, “We’re Screwed!”

Honestly at a point where I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry! I’m like, “What on earth do we do!?”
After 60 to 90 minutes of trying everything, and deliberating every possible idea. There was really only one choice that we’d been avoiding. We had to grab a hammer and literally smash a hole through the door, so we could climb through.
So this morning has been insane!
But aside from giving you a good laugh at my expense, here on today’s Drive I want to tell you something that we discussed on our webinar with our Partners. And why we’re doing certain things, and making certain moves in the company over the next 12 weeks and beyond.
One thing is factually correct: That with supply and demand, and with inflation…

The Cost Of Advertising

Dean Holland The Drive Episode 122…the cost of traffic, the cost of a click, the cost of acquiring a visitor, acquiring a lead, acquiring a customer… typically continues to rise, right? Because there are more advertisers competing to get their message in front of the audience.
And we’ve noticed that the advertising costs of acquiring customer, at least in our internet marketing company, have continued to rise.
So we are doing a few things, like…
Continue reading on my blog: Cost Of Advertising

Monday, 2 December 2019

How To Sell Things Online: Getting Customers And Online Sales More Easily

How To Sell Things Online
Dean takes time out in the office today to explain a core psychological principle behind how to sell things online
“A lot of people over-complicate in their own mind, what needs to happen for an online sale to take place in their business.
Dean Holland on How To Sell Stuff OnlineWhether you’re an affiliate marketer, a network marketer, an ecommerce store, a product owner, or a service provider… whatever it is…
If you realise this one thing, it will become exponentially easier to get customers and online sales.
All right guys, Dean here of course. Bit of a different Drive today. You’ll notice I’m not in the car. We’re actually here at Internet Profits HQ – just actually in our training room – you can see the main offices behind me there.
So today I want to talk about…

How To Sell Things Online

…and give you this small piece of advice that can become huge for the results that you’re getting.
You see, I see a lot of people chasing the money. Desperately trying to make the sale. Almost chasing the customer away! And I want to give you this big piece of advice that should really help give you the clarity you need.
Dean Holland The Drive Episode 119It doesn’t matter whether you are an affiliate marketer, network marketer, an ecommerce store, a product owner, or service provider.
Whatever it is that you’re doing…

This One Thing Makes It So Much Easier

…or clearer, on what you have to do in order to allow that sale to take place… No matter what it is that you’re offering to that person.
So here it is… When anybody is looking at a product or service, potentially interested in purchasing it, okay? What they’re weighing up in their head is ultimately an exchange of value.
Like, if I (as the customer) am going to give you my value, which is my time and my money – what am I being provided with in exchange?

Now Imagine It Like A Balance Scale

Imagine you’ve got this scale, and on one side of the scale you’ve got…
Continue reading on my blog: How To Sell Things Online