If you’re thinking of starting an email marketing campaign or want to boost your current email response rates, today Dean reveals his secrets to how he builds his highly effective email marketing campaigns…
“Someone asked me the other day…
How do I get a better result from the email list I’ve built? I’ve built this massive email list of tens of thousands of people, and I’m just not really getting the results I used to. What’s going wrong?
This is what I’m going to talk about in today’s Drive.
Good morning, good morning! Welcome to another episode of The Drive. Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ.
A friend and former client of mine mentioned… they’ve built their email list very successfully, into the tens of thousands of subscribers. But they’re struggling to get the results they used to.
Their list has become less responsive. They’re not seeing the revenue from their list that they used to. And they basically asked me, have I noticed the same with my company? And have I got any advice to share with them?
It’s a really key topic…
So Many People Are Reporting Lower Email Response Rates
…and lower results from their email lists.
And whilst there are certain technicalities that can play a part here, such as the autoresponder you’re using… Perhaps they have blacklisted servers… Your email address, your server being blacklisted…
So it’s basically, ultimately all these technicalities I’m talking about… resulting in your emails not being delivered. Or indeed, landing in the spam folders.
Now this aspect… This is something I could talk about for, gosh, probably a whole weekend! But I just want to give you a few tips… a few bits of advice.
If you say to me, “Dean, I’m getting a crap ton of opens, a load of opens, but nobody’s clicking through.” Then, you’re…
Writing Good Email Subject Lines
…but poor emails and calls to action.
The first thing is; the subject line has to get the open. So, the way in which you diagnose the problem is this…
Continue reading on my blog: Email Response Rates
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