This is Dean Holland’s full and complete TEDx Talk presentation in Bolton, England where he reveals how to grow your business using that magic four letter “F” word…
“Thank you everybody. It is awesome to be here. And the presentation today is to essentially share with you the culmination of probably over a decade of testing.
I’m somebody that, from a very young age, has been very entrepreneurial. And that has led me from some interesting, failed offline businesses… into the online internet business world.
Despite all the different things that I try, and that I test… there’s constantly one thing that continues to increase response, and grow the businesses that I either own or am involved in, or advise on.
And that’s what I want to share with you today. The story is actually going to revolve around cheese – so we’ll come back to that in a short moment.
But just before we do, I want to just make sure everybody’s clear… for those of you that perhaps do have businesses, or are looking to have businesses.
There Are Only Three Ways To Grow Your Business
1. The first of which is to get more customers, okay? It stands to reason that, if a customer comes through the door of your business, or visits your website, and purchases… that you are growing that business.
2. The second of which is to sell more to the customers at the point of sale. We’re all familiar with walking into a supermarket or a store, and you’ve got those items conveniently located just for us to grab at the checkout.
Y’know the chewing gum, the candy, the sweets… All these different things are there to obviously grow that business, to increase the profitability of that business.
3. And the third of which is to actually have those customers return and buy from you again at a point in the future.
Now incidentally, as we look at these three ways to grow a business – and there really is no other way, ultimately, to grow a business other than this… What I can tell you from the different businesses I’m involved in, is typically…
The Bulk Of Any Business’s Profits Will Actually Be Made Once You’ve Got The Customer
…by bringing that customer back to buy more and more products.
But despite that… none of that can obviously happen, unless you have customers in the first place. So when I look at building a business, I always look at those three areas.
First of all, how do I get more customers? Secondly, now I’m getting them, how do I sell more to them? How do I deliver more value to that person, so that an exchange of value takes place?
Because that’s ultimately what business is about. I’m giving you value, you’re giving me some value back.
And so one of the key areas, and one of the most difficult I would say, and one of the most expensive parts of any business… is to actually acquire that customer in the first place.
To get a stranger… somebody that’s never met you, never seen your brand, never come across your products, never seen your website, never seen anything to do with you… To have that person actually trust you enough to part with their value, their money, and give it to you. Especially when there is so much competition from most businesses that you’re competing with.
So This Brings Me Back To My Cheese Story
Now I’m a big food lover, probably not to my own health benefit. I absolutely love food. I love to travel and I love to eat, and try all different experiences that generally revolve around eating too much – because I’m always hungry!
One of my favourite places in the world, despite all the places that I’ve ever visited…
Continue reading on my blog: How To Grow Your Business
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