Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Adapting To Change In Business: Here’s A Business That Failed To Adapt

 Adapting To Change In Business, Example Of A Business That Failed To Adapt

Especially online, the importance of adapting to change in business will always be a key factor of your success or failure over time. Also here’s a well known but shocking example of a business that failed to adapt online…

“Good morning my friend, what is happening? How are you doing? Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ on this fine, glorious day.

It is 7:26 in the morning right now, and I’m not gonna lie… You can probably tell by the look on my face. I am exhausted! It has been a long week.

Last week I was actually overseas for a week in Greece, in a small island called Kefalonia. I was actually attending a wedding. And we still haven’t pulled all the footage together, so I’ve got plenty still to show you from this.

But nonetheless, I didn’t access my computer, other than maybe to send a couple of emails and communicate with the team a little bit. But I didn’t DO anything. So I’ve now got tons of stuff that I’m catching up on.

We’re really busy at the moment – busy with setting a lot of stuff up. We’re optimising and testing, and doing a lot of things to do with our funnel, and with setting up automated webinar campaigns. Building lots of different things.

It's Just Been A Bit Of A Pain Adapting To Change In Business Right Now
It’s Just Been A Bit Of A Pain Adapting To Change In Business Right Now

Changes That Have Affected The Internet Marketing Space

And there’s been a few changes that have been happening in the internet marketing space that have caused a few little snags along the way.

For example, the first one that comes to mind is Google recently making changes to to their their Google Chrome browser. Meaning that they have stopped allowing auto-playing videos to auto-play. And y’know, there’s people trying to find workarounds for this I think. There are a few different solutions cropping up, which may or may not be any good.

So it’s just been a bit of a pain. Just obviously adapting to change in business. And a few other changes that are kind of occurring right now…

Facebook have been making changes… For example, they have been getting rid of a few things, such as their Audience Insights tool – which now no longer exists (*). Which is a real shame because it was really helpful.

(*) Note: Facebook Audience Insights is still there of course. But in back 2018 when Dean was recording this content, Facebook removed the ability to analyse custom audiences from customer data or from the Facebook Pixel due to user privacy concerns.

When Online Platforms Make Changes, Our Products About Them Stop Making Sense
When Online Platforms Make Changes, Our Products About Them Stop Making Sense

And y’know, it’s such a pain-in-the-ass when a lot of this kind of stuff changes! It’s not just that you lose it… It’s that a lot of the products that you create – the trainings, tutorials and the advice you give people – centres around some of the stuff that you’ve been using yourself, and are familiar with.

So when this stuff goes, it’s not only a drawback for your own business – in the sense of your usability and the utility of that particular tool or service when things change. But additionally, if you’ve got products about them, then all those products no longer make sense. People try to follow them, and the stuff’s just not there.

Online Platforms, Services And Tools Are Completely Outside Of Your Control

Needless to say, I think this raises an important point… That you have to be – when you’re running a business, particularly in an online space where there are lots of online platforms, services and tools that you use, which are completely outside of your control…

You have to be open and willing to adapting to change in business – you have to be willing to adapt. You have to be willing to make alterations. And be willing to not just moan about it.

You Have To Be Willing To Adapt When You're In Business. You HAVE To, Right?
You Have To Be Willing To Adapt When You’re In Business. You HAVE To, Right?

Y’know, me talking about it now… It’s not, “Ah, my life’s falling apart! Google stopped this. And Facebook have changed that. Now the world’s gonna end!” This is not moaning. It’s like, “Oh, this change is happening right now. That’s a bit crappy for these reasons. So I have to adapt.”

And that’s really the message of the video… You have to be willing and able to adapt, when you’re in business. You HAVE to, right? Because times change. Things change. Particularly I can say here at Internet Profits – sometimes we’ll completely switch. Like, we’ll be doing stuff, and all of a sudden priorities change.

It’s an exciting environment to work in, and operate in. I remember when I used to be in jobs that I hated. You show up every day, and every day is the same. You’re just like a robot. It’s like ‘do this-do that’ robotic, y’know.

Whereas here, although we’ve got certain tasks that are kind of like that. I think that’ll always be the case. But there’s a lot of excitement when we’re thinking of new plans, projects and different things that we’re doing. Different videos, different approaches, different concepts, different products… It’s very exciting to me and the rest of the team as well.

Don't Get Caught In The Past - Adapt With Changes In Online Business Into The Future
Don’t Get Caught In The Past – Adapt With Changes In Online Business Into The Future

But it also brings an element of madness, because you have to be willing to adapt and switch quickly and constantly in the moment – adapting to change in business. The amount of times where we’re like, “Right, we’ve got to stop – we’ve gotta do this.” y’know?

Adapting To Change In Business And An Example Of A Business That Failed To Adapt

So you’ve got to be willing to adapt. Don’t hang on to anything like it’s gonna be there forever. Be willing and able to move fast, adapt fast. Don’t get caught in the past.

Adapt with the changes – adapt into the future. It’s always gonna be this way. The amount of changes that I’ve encountered over the last decade and more, operating with an online business on the internet. It’s phenomenal!

And if you don’t adapt, then you cease to exist. It’s as simple as that.

Here's That Example Of A Business That Failed To Adapt To Change Online
Here’s That Example Of A Business That Failed To Adapt To Change Online

Here’s a popular example of a business that failed to adapt to change online… Look at Blockbuster for example. They now cease to exist. I think I read that Blockbuster had the opportunity to buy Netflix a long, long, time ago – and they didn’t!!…

Finish reading > Adapting To Change In Business

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

To Build Your Online Business Fast, What Must You Focus On?

 Build Your Online Business Fast

It’s easy to get busy with so many different things that need doing, when you’re trying to build your online business fast. So how do you know what’s best to focus on right now in your online business? Here’s Dean’s with a simple piece of advice, and some examples from his latest workshop…

“Hey, hey, hey! What is happening, my friend? Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits headquarters on this glorious morning.

If you’ve been following along recently, you’ll know that I’ve been speaking about the fact that I’ve been getting started with, and running a new coaching program. Just working with a small number of people.

And we kicked off the program where everyone had 30 minutes of one-on-one time. In a group setting, they had one-on-one time with me. Telling me everything about where they’re at right now and so on.

This Is How You Experience The Biggest, Most Significant Progress And Breakthroughs
This Is How You Experience The Biggest, Most Significant Progress And Breakthroughs

This was only made available to our Certified Partners by the way.

How To Build Your Online Business Fast

I want to share the approach that I took with those people this week. Because, I think that if you do this in your business, this is how you experience the biggest, most significant progress and breakthroughs, week after week, which will build your online business fast.

One of the biggest battles that we face, as we start and grow our online business, is the feeling – or sometimes the actual reality – of having a lot of things to do.

But for a lot of people, it is more a ‘feeling’ than a reality… There are a million and one things to do, right? Because you can become what a mentor of mine used to call, A busy fool.

Meaning that it feels like there are a gazillion things to work on. But very few of those things are actually going to make an impact on your income.

What's The One Thing You Could Do Today Which Would Have The Biggest Impact On Income?
What’s The One Thing You Could Do Today Which Would Have The Biggest Impact On Income?

And so, here’s what I said to these people this week… We spent probably about 20 to 30 minutes going over where they’re at right now…

What they’re currently doing, what they’re stuck with, what their strategy is, what ideas they have, what their method of content creation is (if they’re going to pursue a method of content creation). What their desired platform for paid advertising is… As pretty much most, if not all of these people are doing paid traffic, even if starting with a small budget.

So after we went through those things, I spent 10 minutes… And pretty much the question I asked of myself, in order to respond to this and give them this information, was…

What Are The Key One Or Two Things…

“What is the number one…” Or “What are the key one or two things that they could do over the next seven days, which would lead to the biggest progress, breakthrough, impact and income in their business?” (Not, “What’s everything that needs doing?”)

There's A High Probability You May Be Feeling There Are A Million And One Things To Do
There’s A High Probability You May Be Feeling There Are A Million And One Things To Do

And I was able to then say, “Right, here are your action steps for this week that you need to do.” And I didn’t give anyone a million things, or ten things, or even five things to do.

They all had one or two main things that they needed to get done this week.

Whether that was… Creating a case study of their results. Completing and getting their website live. Writing a new ad for Facebook. Recording a new video for Facebook. Completing their email sequence to plug into their autoresponder.

Whatever those one or two things were – that’s what I said to get done. And that’s what I want to say to you, right? Because there’s a high probability that you may be experiencing the same feeling – that there are a million and one things to do.

And believe me, it is easy to find things to do, right? You’ve probably experienced that for yourself. It is always easy to make yourself busy. Always, right? For any of us.

By Rolling Out This Webinar Project, It's Literally Going Generate Thousands Of Dollars A Day
By Rolling Out This Webinar Project, It’s Literally Going Generate Thousands Of Dollars A Day

But… What are the key one or two things that you could do over the next seven days, that – if you demolished those – would make the biggest impact to the income of your business?

Eighty Percent Of My Efforts Today Will Be On This

Me, for example. I’ve a lot of things I could do, I’ve a lot of things that need doing. But for me right now, the main thing… Eighty percent of my efforts today, and over the next few days, is going into…

Continue reading > Build Your Online Business Fast

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Unique Selling Proposition Examples – Your Personal Path To Prosperity

 Personal Unique Selling Proposition Examples - Your Path To Prosperity

Not getting results with your content marketing efforts? No one responding to your ads or blog/video content? Here are some personal unique selling proposition examples, which may reveal why you’re not yet seeing the success you deserve in your business…

“What is happening? How are you doing? Good morning, of course. In the new Range Rover, on the way to Internet Profits HQ on this fine morning.

Busy day of coaching today. I’ve actually started a new 12 month, year long coaching. I only opened it up to a small number of people just recently.

The way in which that program begins is that I have a 30 minute session with each individual, as a part of the group. So they have 30 minutes one-on-one time with me on the webinar.

And everyone else is welcome to listen in if they want to, whilst I find out more about where that person’s at. What they’re currently doing and any sticking points right now. And give them immediate implementable advice.

This Is Applicable For Blog, Video, Social Media Content And Also For Advertising Content
This Is Applicable For Blog, Video, Social Media Content And Also For Advertising Content

That started yesterday. And today’s the second day of that. We’ll round everybody up today in that.

#1 Problem When Starting Content Marketing For Beginners

I want to share with you something that came out multiple times yesterday, in speaking with different people about where they’re at in their business. This is in relation to the content they create and how they create it.

Now this is applicable whether it’s content that you’re just producing, say, for your blog, or for a YouTube channel, or for social media. This is likewise applicable if you’re creating content for advertising. Like, paid ads on Facebook and other platforms. And I want you to think about this as well.

You see, a very common issue many people face is feeling like they don’t have a lot of uniqueness or value to give, that could exceed or be more valuable to the marketplace than other people.

And this especially happens – and I know this happened to me a long time ago – when you’re in the early stages of your business. It is a common theme or feeling for you to think, “Well I’m not really getting anywhere right now. I don’t have any results to speak of just yet. So why would anyone listen to me?”

"I'm Not Getting Results, So Why Would Anyone Listen To Me?"
“I’m Not Getting Results, So Why Would Anyone Listen To Me?”

Y’know, because there are others online – there are many people who are now getting great results. And when you are not yet there, and you compare yourself to others who are getting results… You can almost put yourself into a ‘shell’ and feel like, “I’m not getting results. So why would anyone listen to me? What could I possibly say that would be worth anyone listening to?”

And so, because of that feeling, you end up not actually producing anything. Not pushing yourself to make that first video, to place that paid ad, or to just put yourself out there online – because of those feelings and fears.

Unique Selling Proposition Examples From Clients

When I was speaking to multiple people yesterday, who are in the earlier stages, the same thing kept coming out. I was always able to identify an area for them that is their uniqueness, and their entry point for their messaging to start conveying… I’ll give you a couple of these unique selling proposition examples…

There was one lady I spoke with yesterday who is currently in a full time job, like most people are. Probably everyone pretty much is that’s starting a business. Most people are in a job or are retired.

Getting On Video Can Build A Connection With People, But Doesn't Mean You Have To
Getting On Video Can Build A Connection With People, But Doesn’t Mean You Have To

But this lady was in a job, in a particular employment position whereby she felt she was unable at this stage to get herself on video, actually on camera. Because that would then mean she would have to notify her employer, and that may not be a good idea at this stage.

So she saw that potentially as a negative: “Well, I can’t get on video. So is that going to be a drawback? Because everyone tells me you have to get on video because that’s how you build trust.”

And yeah, although there’s aspects to that which are correct. Y’know, getting on video can build a connection and let people see you and know you’re real. But that doesn’t mean you have to.

So actually, we were able to spin that unique selling proposition example in a way that made her uniqueness.

How To Spin A Personal Unique Selling Proposition

For example, I said “Well, rather than hide from that and not discuss it, and just be this person that seemingly isn’t showing themselves, putting that potential opportunity of doubt into the viewers and marketplace…”

All Of A Sudden, A Negative Becomes A Positive
All Of A Sudden, A Negative Becomes A Positive

And have them say, “Why does she never show herself? What has she got to hide?” Instead, actually take it on, and say…

“Look, I’m building my business in a position where I’m still employed full time. I’m in a certain type of job, and if I were to get on camera it may cause me issues with my employment. And I’m not yet at the stage where I’m able to leave that job to run my business full time. And so I have to build a business without getting on camera and doing a lot of the conventional stuff that everyone tells us that we need to do.”

You see, now all of a sudden a negative becomes a positive. And I’ll give you one more unique selling proposition example…

Continue reading > Unique Selling Proposition Examples

Friday, 4 December 2020

Morning Motivational Routine For A Productive Day And Mindset

 Morning Motivational Routine For A Productive Day And Mindset

For the next ten days, test out this morning motivational routine for a productive day and a positive mindset. That’s the challenge. Do this, and see how your motivation, productivity, and mindset improve. Here’s Dean to explain this morning routine, which he personally continues to rely on to this day…

“Hey, hey! What is happening? Welcome to, actually, the first ever Drive here in my new car. Got the Range Rover Sport, all in black. It is absolutely beautiful!

And y’know, this car was actually on my vision board that I had in my old office, when we had our offices in Nottinghamshire, in a place called West Bridgeford. I had this on my vision board back then, and now in the last few days, I got it – which is pretty awesome.

I want to talk about something to do with this. Not to do with the car, not to do with attaining things. Although I suppose it is in a away.

People's Lack Of Confidence And Belief In Themselves And Their Ability To Accomplish
People’s Lack Of Confidence And Belief In Themselves And Their Ability To Accomplish

You see, I’m constantly analysing and monitoring what’s going on in the marketplace. What’s happening with the (internet marketing/affiliate marketing) industry as a whole. What’s happening right now with people in this industry, with our customers, with other people’s customers, with the industry as a whole?…

Alarming And Overwhelming Lack of Confidence And Self Belief

And do you know what I see, that’s an overwhelming, alarming issue? It’s people’s lack of confidence and belief in themselves and their ability to accomplish what they truly want to accomplish.

I can say it categorically, and I know this might sound weird for somebody that actually sells information. But there really is no shortage of information.

I mean, the internet is a platform of information. Think about it – you go to Google – what are you searching for? Information. You go on YouTube, what are you watching or looking for? Information of some kind. You go on social media, what are you consuming? Information

The Internet is information. So there isn’t actually a shortage of information. One thing I can say is, there is too much misinformation – too much of the wrong information. But hopefully you get my point – there is no shortage of information.

Why Is There An Overwhelming, Alarming Number Of People Stuck And Struggling?
Why Is There An Overwhelming, Alarming Number Of People Stuck And Struggling?

And so when you think about things like that, and you think, “Well, all the information I could ever need is available to me.” Whether you have to pay for it, or it’s freely available, is immaterial really. All the information you need to accomplish your goals in life, whatever they may be, is available to you. Whether you can access it freely, or pay your way to access it – it is there and readily available.

And so, why is there an overwhelming, alarming number of people who are stuck and struggling? If we ignore the fact there’s a lot of misinformation, I want to focus on the fact that

Most People Do Not Believe In Themselves Enough

And I used to be the same. In fact, for a long time, because of failure and struggling, because of lack of results, the belief in myself faltered.

The belief in myself disappeared. I started to think things like, “Well maybe this is me. Maybe I’m not capable of doing this. Perhaps this is the sort of stuff that only a few really clever people can do. Maybe I’m not qualified. Perhaps I just don’t have that ability.”

And that doubt crept in, over and over. It became overwhelming, and I started to really think, “Well maybe I shouldn’t do this. Maybe I should focus on my job. Perhaps I should just accept that, even though the construction company wasn’t my passion, maybe I should just focus on it for life, build up a career in there, and aim to become my boss, and his boss’s boss over the next 10, 20, 30 years.”

Just Accepting Circumstances As Your Future Until You Die, Is A Scary Place To Be
Just Accepting Circumstances As Your Future Until You Die, Is A Scary Place To Be

And I started to accept the possibility of that being a viable option – and that’s a scary thing when you think about it, right? If you’re not enjoying what you do, not passionate about what you do, and it’s not fulfilling you and delivering to you… But you’re accepting that as your future – then that’s kind of a scary place to be isn’t it?

If you’re accepting that, “I’m not happy with where I’m at, but I’m accepting of this being my future for life until I die.” That’s not a nice place to be.

And so I want to just share some of the things that I’ve done to build that belief. You see, I don’t know if you know this, but here on my arm… When I decided I was gonna really do this, and I built that belief, and I was gonna quit my job and go full-time into this…

I Had “Believe And Achieve” Tattooed Onto My Body

I know not everybody likes tattoos, and that’s the only tattoo I’ve ever had. I’d never even considered it before. But this meant so much to me that I wanted to permanently place it on my body… That that I’m going to believe in myself, and achieve what I set out to achieve.

And I want to share just a few things – just as few simple shifts that you can make, to build that confidence and belief. In fact, I’m not gonna give you any more than one. Because if I give you lots of things, chances are they will reduce the possibility of you actually doing it.

Your Brain Is Most Receptive In The First 10 To 20 Minutes Waking Up In The Morning
Your Brain Is Most Receptive In The First 10 To 20 Minutes Waking Up In The Morning

So I’m gonna give you the one biggest thing that shifts my mindset. And I do this morning motivational routine every day, to this day right now…

I now begin my day in a way that most people do not.

I’ve spoken about this in the past, so I’m not going to go into it too much. But you may or may not be aware that there is scientific research – there is scientifically backed facts…. That in the first 10 to 20 minutes of you waking up in a morning – when you have been asleep all night and you wake up – your brain is the most receptive of the entire day.

So what you choose to put into your brain at that stage, can actually impact how your day goes. So here’s one of the biggest things that I can say to you to do. And some of you will say this morning motivational routine is ‘woo woo’ nonsense. Fine. If you’re not open to possibilities, you’ll be closed off to them, and that will be that.

Morning Motivational Routine For A Productive Day And Mindset

And so, you want to start your day as quickly as possible from the moment you wake, by listening to something that is going to build your confidence and belief, and feed your mind with positivity.

One of the easiest and most freely available morning motivational routines that you can do, that I do to this day, every single day right now is… The moment I wake up, instead of going on Facebook, instead of reading a newspaper, instead of consuming news or media – I go straight onto YouTube. I search for ‘motivational‘ or ‘confidence building‘ or ‘positivity‘ or ‘morning motivation‘ videos. Something like that.

One Of The Main Things That Can Change Beliefs, Is Repetition Over Time
One Of The Main Things That Can Change Beliefs, Is Repetition Over Time

And generally, I will listen to something by people like Les BrownTony Robbins or Eric Thomas. Essentially you’re going to find the same people – these motivational speakers who have dedicated their lives to motivating, inspiring, building and creating confidence and ability-building perceptions in people like you and I.

You listen to at least 10 minutes of that as a morning motivational routine, every single day, every day, first thing in the morning. And you’re going to find shifts occurring in your belief, your mindset, and in your approach.

It won’t happen straightaway. But the more you feed it, the bigger that belief becomes. Because the only thing that can change – or one of the main things, I should I say – that can change beliefs, is time and repetition.

Feed Positive, Motivational, Confidence-Building Information Into Your Brain

So if you feed positive, motivational, confidence-building information into your brain through audio like that, every single day, Every single morning for 10 to 20 minutes every single day. And you repeat that daily in your morning motivational routine. You will see a shift over a period of days, weeks and months as time goes on.

These People, Their Information, Their Words, Can Infect Your Mind In Such A Positive Way
These People, Their Information, Their Words, Can Infect Your Mind In Such A Positive Way

You will have belief in yourself. You will not let things stop you. You will not hit barriers and freeze, and pause. You will keep going… Because these people, their information, their words, can infect your mind in such a positive way.

In the same way, think about this…

Continue reading > Morning Motivational Routine