Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Unique Selling Proposition Examples – Your Personal Path To Prosperity

 Personal Unique Selling Proposition Examples - Your Path To Prosperity

Not getting results with your content marketing efforts? No one responding to your ads or blog/video content? Here are some personal unique selling proposition examples, which may reveal why you’re not yet seeing the success you deserve in your business…

“What is happening? How are you doing? Good morning, of course. In the new Range Rover, on the way to Internet Profits HQ on this fine morning.

Busy day of coaching today. I’ve actually started a new 12 month, year long coaching. I only opened it up to a small number of people just recently.

The way in which that program begins is that I have a 30 minute session with each individual, as a part of the group. So they have 30 minutes one-on-one time with me on the webinar.

And everyone else is welcome to listen in if they want to, whilst I find out more about where that person’s at. What they’re currently doing and any sticking points right now. And give them immediate implementable advice.

This Is Applicable For Blog, Video, Social Media Content And Also For Advertising Content
This Is Applicable For Blog, Video, Social Media Content And Also For Advertising Content

That started yesterday. And today’s the second day of that. We’ll round everybody up today in that.

#1 Problem When Starting Content Marketing For Beginners

I want to share with you something that came out multiple times yesterday, in speaking with different people about where they’re at in their business. This is in relation to the content they create and how they create it.

Now this is applicable whether it’s content that you’re just producing, say, for your blog, or for a YouTube channel, or for social media. This is likewise applicable if you’re creating content for advertising. Like, paid ads on Facebook and other platforms. And I want you to think about this as well.

You see, a very common issue many people face is feeling like they don’t have a lot of uniqueness or value to give, that could exceed or be more valuable to the marketplace than other people.

And this especially happens – and I know this happened to me a long time ago – when you’re in the early stages of your business. It is a common theme or feeling for you to think, “Well I’m not really getting anywhere right now. I don’t have any results to speak of just yet. So why would anyone listen to me?”

"I'm Not Getting Results, So Why Would Anyone Listen To Me?"
“I’m Not Getting Results, So Why Would Anyone Listen To Me?”

Y’know, because there are others online – there are many people who are now getting great results. And when you are not yet there, and you compare yourself to others who are getting results… You can almost put yourself into a ‘shell’ and feel like, “I’m not getting results. So why would anyone listen to me? What could I possibly say that would be worth anyone listening to?”

And so, because of that feeling, you end up not actually producing anything. Not pushing yourself to make that first video, to place that paid ad, or to just put yourself out there online – because of those feelings and fears.

Unique Selling Proposition Examples From Clients

When I was speaking to multiple people yesterday, who are in the earlier stages, the same thing kept coming out. I was always able to identify an area for them that is their uniqueness, and their entry point for their messaging to start conveying… I’ll give you a couple of these unique selling proposition examples…

There was one lady I spoke with yesterday who is currently in a full time job, like most people are. Probably everyone pretty much is that’s starting a business. Most people are in a job or are retired.

Getting On Video Can Build A Connection With People, But Doesn't Mean You Have To
Getting On Video Can Build A Connection With People, But Doesn’t Mean You Have To

But this lady was in a job, in a particular employment position whereby she felt she was unable at this stage to get herself on video, actually on camera. Because that would then mean she would have to notify her employer, and that may not be a good idea at this stage.

So she saw that potentially as a negative: “Well, I can’t get on video. So is that going to be a drawback? Because everyone tells me you have to get on video because that’s how you build trust.”

And yeah, although there’s aspects to that which are correct. Y’know, getting on video can build a connection and let people see you and know you’re real. But that doesn’t mean you have to.

So actually, we were able to spin that unique selling proposition example in a way that made her uniqueness.

How To Spin A Personal Unique Selling Proposition

For example, I said “Well, rather than hide from that and not discuss it, and just be this person that seemingly isn’t showing themselves, putting that potential opportunity of doubt into the viewers and marketplace…”

All Of A Sudden, A Negative Becomes A Positive
All Of A Sudden, A Negative Becomes A Positive

And have them say, “Why does she never show herself? What has she got to hide?” Instead, actually take it on, and say…

“Look, I’m building my business in a position where I’m still employed full time. I’m in a certain type of job, and if I were to get on camera it may cause me issues with my employment. And I’m not yet at the stage where I’m able to leave that job to run my business full time. And so I have to build a business without getting on camera and doing a lot of the conventional stuff that everyone tells us that we need to do.”

You see, now all of a sudden a negative becomes a positive. And I’ll give you one more unique selling proposition example…

Continue reading > Unique Selling Proposition Examples

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