Thursday, 30 July 2020

Online Business Motivation: How To Avoid Becoming Rich And Miserable

Online Business Motivation
Online Business Motivation: How To Avoid Becoming Rich And Miserable
Just getting rich isn’t enough, even though it may seem like it when you’re poor. Here’s a salutary tale from Internet Profits CEO Dean Holland, which should serve as strong online business motivation for those of us working hard to build a better life…
“2016, I think this was the year where this was happening. My business was, in a financial sense, in the most successful position it’s ever been.
And I think one of the misconceptions that I certainly had in my life is that… When you have all the money, and you can afford anything that you’ve ever sought to strive to have… You think that you’ll never have any problems.
You’ll think that money is the answer to all of your issues, and all of the problems that you’re facing.

One Of The Scariest Things In The World Is…

When you get all the money, and you find that actually this wasn’t necessarily everything that I thought it was going to be.

You Could Say Financially, "He's Rich!" But Actually, I Was Miserable
You Could Say Financially, “He’s Rich!” But Actually, I Was Miserable

And I found myself in a position where, yes… You could say financially, “He’s rich!”
But actually, I was miserable. I couldn’t actually bring myself to turn on the computer. I was just laying on the sofa at home every day, watching daytime television. Wearing joggers and crappy clothes, and just lying around being miserable.
And I guess, to a degree, maybe even going through a certain level of depression in my business. Because, what I found was that actually, I was lacking a purpose, I was lacking vision, I wasn’t feeling fulfilled
I wasn’t necessarily even serving the right type of customers that I wanted to serve. And I want you to understand that, if you are just striving for money in your business….

Why Do You Want Your Money? What's Your Online Business Motivation?
WHY Do You Want Your Money? What’s Your Online Business Motivation?

And that’s what you think is the complete answer to all of your problems… Yes, having money is better than not having money, of course right? Don’t mistake what I’m saying.

Online Business Motivation Tip

But what I want you to understand is that you have to have a reason behind that. What I guess I’m getting at is, you have to have reasons why… Why do you want your money? What are your goals?
And not just, “What are your goals?”… WHY do you want them?
Perhaps you are striving to build a business as an affiliate marketer. And you’re saying to yourself, “I need to make a million dollars a year to be fulfilled.” Well, why? Do you really need that?….
Continue reading > Online Business Motivation

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Key Performance Indicators Of A Business: Are YOU Monitoring KPIs?

Key Performance Indicators Of A Business
Key Performance Indicators Of A Business: Are YOU Monitoring KPIs?
If you’re running any kind of enterprise, monitoring the key performance indicators of a business (KPIs) will enable you to improve and optimise it. Otherwise, without knowing these key business performance metrics, you might end up years down the line, still grinding away and not seeing results…
“Hey, welcome to today’s Drive. Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ on this fine morning.
So, the way in which we kick off our week here at Internet Profits is, we have our ‘weekly interactions’. It’s just another way of saying when the team all get together.
Not everybody can be with us, because of time differences and things like that. But we have everybody that’s in the office. And we have the other team leaders join us from other divisions – from the coaching, the phone team, etc. And we look at several things.

We've Been Setting Up Reports To Add Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Into
We’ve Been Setting Up Reports To Add Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Into

This is something that I was able to take away from some friends of mine, with whom I was on a ‘Mastermind’ gathering recently. It’s how they structure their team, how they structure the company. How they bring everyone together.
They share in the same goals, missions, where everybody’s sharing everything… And, y’know, it’s a much, much better way of doing things than how we used to.
So, we’ve kind of just started this. Last week was the first one. But we’re still not fully into it yet. There are certain reports and spreadsheets that we’ve been setting up for people to be able to add certain key performance indicators metrics (KPIs) into. Like, key bits of data and information from their particular divisions in the business.

"What You Measure, Is What You Can Improve"
“What You Measure, Is What You Can Improve”

And ultimately it comes down to…

“What You Measure, Is What You Can Improve”

So we will now see, every week…
  • How much traffic we generate from our ads.
  • How much traffic we generate from partners and affiliates.
  • How many leads we get.
  • How many customers we acquire.
  • How much we spend on ads.
  • How much revenue we generate.
  • How many applications come in for our high ticket programs.
  • How many calls the team have, and how many sales were made.

Look At The Key Metrics Of Your Business And Monitor Them Consistently
Look At The Key Metrics Of Your Business And Monitor Them Consistently

All the different key business metrics, business performance metrics, KPIs…

All The Various Key Performance Indicators Of A Business

And this is what I guess I could share with you today. Obviously without knowing you personally, I can’t say with certainty what areas you need to be monitoring, and what key performance indicators you should be looking at.
But I definitely encourage you to look at the key metrics of your business. And to monitor them on a consistent basis.
If you are an affiliate marketer, for example. Then you will probably want to look at things such as

Thursday, 16 July 2020

Two Ways To Change Your Emotional State And Get Into The Zone

Ways To Change Your Emotional State
Two Ways To Change Your Emotional State And Get Into The Zone
Are you sick and tired of getting bogged down with negative and unproductive emotional states? Here’s a couple of powerful and immediately effective ways to change your emotional state and get into the zone…
“I want to talk to you about getting in the zone and changing your frame of mind.
When you are pressured or stressed, worried or concerned, or you have a lot going on, or feel overwhelmed or any kind of emotional state that you might be in… Any kind of negative emotional state… You’ve got to be able to switch that.

Find A Trigger That Can Help You To Switch In An Instant
Find A Trigger That Can Help You To Switch In An Instant

You’ve got to find a trigger that can help you to switch that in an instant. I was just playing loud music before I started The Drive. Listening to some upbeat music – obviously not to everyone’s taste.
But I find one of the…

Most Powerful Ways To Change Your Emotional State

…is sound, is audio. It can change you fast.
Think about this… How many times did you hear a song and you say, “Oh my gosh, this takes me right back to that time and place”? Y’know what I mean?
And so you’ve got to find your thing that changes and triggers an improvement in your emotional state.

Another One Is…

…posture. Like, how you’re sitting. A lot of people, if they’re feeling down or anything like that, they’ll sit slumped and they’ll be like, “Ugh!”
So sit up straight, shoulders back, head high. It can help to put yourself in a different frame of mind, a different emotional state.

Got A Full-Time Job, But Also Want To Have Your Own Online Business?
Got A Full-Time Job, But Also Want To Have Your Own Online Business?

When you’ve got these negative states… Maybe you’re just tired even. Perhaps you’re not feeling any negative emotional state – like being stressed, angry, frustrated, or overwhelmed. Maybe it’s simply just that you’re tired or exhausted.
If I go back to when I was in the earliest stages of getting things going for my business. There was a time, obviously as it probably is for nearly everyone, where you’re juggling multiple things.
Meaning, you’ve got a full-time job that you’re going to. But maybe you’ve also…

Got This Desire To Have Your Own Online Business?

And so you’re going to work full-time in the day. You come home and maybe you’ve got family, maybe you’ve got children.

You've Got To Be Able To Switch Out Of That Low Emotional State
You’ve Got To Be Able To Switch Out Of That Low Emotional State

I remember that for me – I didn’t have children, but I had a dog, which is kind of similar in a way, y’know, or maybe not. I had a Labrador at the time, that had a lot of energy. So I get home and have to walk him, then eat some dinner – got to give myself some energy, some food.
And then I’d be sitting down from around about 8 pm, working on my online business until the early hours of the morning a lot of times. Then getting up at 6 am again.
So for at least a few months and years, I was in a certain position where I was probably sleeping anywhere from three to six hours a night. I was tired all the time.
But if you’re working towards something, you’ve got to be able to…

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Sales Funnel Optimization: Always Test And Try New Things

Sales Funnel Optimization
Sales Funnel Optimization: Always Test And Try New Things
There’s an important life lesson to be learnt here, whether or not you know anything about sales funnels. Testing and trying out new things to achieve better sales funnel optimization is critical for the profitable growth of your online business. Dean Holland’s got some inspiration for you about this today…
“Hey hey! Good morning. Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ on this glorious sunny day right now. I am late today because I’ve just been for a haircut.
You’ll notice that I look a little slimmer on top right now. While I was in the US recently, I missed my getting my hair cut, so had to go and get it done this morning.
Heading To Clickfunnels Headquarters To See Mr Russell Brunson
Heading To Clickfunnels Headquarters To See Mr Russell Brunson
Got a lot of recording and filming of video to do over the next couple of days. Am actually flying back out to America again next week on Tuesday. So, I’ve only got a few days left here before I fly back out there.
Gonna go and see Mr Russell Brunson. Heading to the Clickfunnels headquarters to attend a ‘Mastermind’ that I’m a part of. And also spending a few days with my wonderful podcast co-host, Mr James Friel.

Sales Funnel Optimization And Testing

So, today what is going on? I just said I’ve got a lot of video to do. Well, we’ve created and built (or are finishing off) a completely different version of our latest offer and sales funnel.
Testing A New Angle With The Front End, And Something Different With The Upsells
Testing A New Angle With The Front End, And Something Different With The Upsells
I like to test things out, and rightfully so. So I’m testing something out. I’m testing a new angle with the front end, and I’m testing something different with the upsells.
We’ve got something that I think can truly help people a lot. And I want to see how best to get it into their hands. So I’m testing something out to improve the sales funnel optimization. Not gonna spoil anything here yet. But I will definitely talk more about this soon.
Y’know, something that something that Russell and I have… This little thing, where we’re trying to ‘one-up’ each other with something… Currently it’s this one; called the ‘thank you page webinar’.

One-Upping Russell Brunson

There was something I saw him doing and I was like, “Huh, that’s really good”. And so, I took it and combined it with something else that I had seen and learned in the past. I was like, “Wonder if I can improve it?”
Russell, I Don't Know If You'll Ever See This, But I'm Coming For You!
Russell, I Don’t Know If You’ll Ever See This, But I’m Coming For You!
And then I came back with, “Ah Russell, I think I think I’ve done something really cool with that thank you page webinar thing.” And he looked at it and he was like, “Ah, that’s really good.”
So then he went and ‘one-upped’ me… He took that, and he did something different with it. And Russell, I don’t know if you’ll ever see this, but I’m coming for you! I think I’ve one-upped you again with my sales funnel optimization.
I know I’m being really cryptic right, like, “What’s he on about?” But anyway, nonetheless, the message of the day really – what you can take from that- is always be testing and trying new things.
Don’t be afraid to test stuff, right? A lot of times – I’ll be honest, probably more times than not – things that I try fail. Meaning they don’t improve what we have. They make it worse.
Many Don't Invest In Themselves And Buy A Product Or Program, For Fear Of Failure
Many Don’t Invest In Themselves And Buy A Product Or Program, For Fear Of Failure
But how do you know? I see so many people, in so many different areas of life…

People Settle, Because They’re Afraid Of Pain

They’re afraid of getting something wrong. Y’know, I see people all the time who are afraid to place that Facebook ad, or to to spend some money on advertising.
They’re afraid to buy that product or program. Afraid to invest in themselves. Why?…
Continue reading > Sales Funnel Optimization

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Ways To Challenge Yourself Daily In Your Business And Life

Ways To Challenge Yourself
Ways To Challenge Yourself Daily In Your Business And Life
If you’re looking to make changes or improvements in your life or in your business, then you need to find ways to challenge yourself daily, or at least every week. Dean was given an exciting challenge on his podcast, and he’s got some great ‘challenge yourself’ tips to share with you here…
“Welcome my friends. Dean Holland here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ. Hope you are well. Another fine and glorious sunny day, here in England. I hope you’re having a great week.
Busy, busy times here at Internet Profits. Working on some big picture stuff and setting up some pretty exciting things, like high ticket sales systems.

Something Pretty Exciting Happened Yesterday…

…courtesy of a podcast guest that we had. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this on The Drive before, but I do actually run a podcast with a good friend of mine – Mr. James P Friel. We run a podcast called, “Just The Tips
Ken Set Us A Challenge... A Challenge That We Both Gratefully Accepted
Ken Set Us A Challenge… A Challenge That We Both Gratefully Accepted
The whole premise of our podcast is that it’s fun, light-hearted. We have guests on, and we also do shows with just the two of us.
And the whole idea is that we want our listeners to feel like they’re just sitting with friends around a table, having great conversation about something they’re interested in.
Yesterday we had Ken Dunn who owns a book publishing company, and also works with authors to write their amazing books, and publishes them. He’s published something like over 4,000 books. An amazing guy, funny as well.
And yesterday… So, why I’m saying that this was a more exciting podcast than others, is that Ken set us a challenge… A challenge that we both gratefully accepted.
Take Something Powerful From This, On Ways To Challenge Yourself Daily
Take Something Powerful From This, On Ways To Challenge Yourself Daily
That challenge was this… He is going to support us both individually, to each write a book within 30 days, spending no more than 10 minutes a day. That’s his kind of system – how to write a book in 30 days or less, with just 10 minutes a day.
And so he’s taking each of us under his wing individually to do it, using his system. Then the book that he deems is the best, or whoever’s the winner… He’s going to publish that book, and put it into leading bookstores around the U.S. and send us a thousand copies of our book!

So… The Challenge Is On!

You can take something pretty powerful from this, on ways to challenge yourself daily. And that’s why I’m sharing it. Because yesterday, James and I said, “Right, it is on! Game on!”
I Don't Show Up In Any Area Of Life To Come Second - I Show Up To Win!
I Don’t Show Up In Any Area Of Life To Come Second – I Show Up To Win!
If you’re anything like me… I think this is probably that business person inside me, that entrepreneurial spirit… I’m a fighter. I don’t like to lose. I don’t mean I’m a physical fighter – I’m not entering the UFC anytime soon!
But I am a fighter. I do not like to lose. And so, a challenge to me is a very serious thing, y’know. I don’t show up in any area of life to come second. I show up to win!
And that’s a side of me that is very ingrained in me, I guess, from a young age. My mum’s the same. I’m a winner. I love to win. And losing is not a good thing (chuckles) coming second is not a good thing.
Y’know, I used to hear people say, “Well it’s the taking part that counts.” Screw that! I show up to win, alright? And so should you.
Set Yourself Challenges Every Week To Make You Fight For The Win
Set Yourself Challenges Every Week To Make You Fight For The Win
So the lesson from this is – setting yourself challenges. Finding ways to challenge yourself daily. If you thrive off stuff like that, like I do, then what a great thing it is to…
Continue reading > Ways To Challenge Yourself