Thursday, 28 May 2020

Tips For Content Marketing: Get Started As A Content Marketer Today

Tips For Content Marketing
Tips For Content Marketing: Get Started As A Content Marketer Today
Some inspiration and tips for content marketing beginners today. If you think that nobody’s interested in what you’ve got to say, you’re wrong! There’s always an audience that you’re a little bit further down the road from, that will more closely resonate with your story than with any of the big name content marketers out there…
“Well, I’ve got something pretty quick, but pretty awesome – should be pretty helpful for you – that I want to share today.
So yesterday… Y’know, we work with a lot of people. We’ve got a lot of clients, Certified Partners, and customers… And I’ve seen something continually coming up, especially when we’re teaching and advising in certain areas.
Whenever You're Looking To Get Traffic Online, You Have To Produce Some Form Of Content
Whenever You’re Looking To Get Traffic Online, You Have To Produce Some Form Of Content
Now one of those areas is content creation. Because obviously, whenever you are looking to get traffic online, you have to produce some form of content, right? You are either creating a written content piece, or you’re producing a video piece, or an audio piece…

One Way Or Another, Content Has To Be Created

I remember, if I go way back to the earlier days of my business, I used to have this belief deep inside that I had nothing of value to share. And I also thought, “Why would anyone want to listen to me? There are far more successful people in the world than me. Why would anyone want to listen to little old me?”
Actually I Did Have A Voice, And People Did Want To Hear From Me
Actually I Did Have A Voice, And People Did Want To Hear From Me
And it was only thanks to the advice of a mentor that I got then, that made me believe enough to try this – that I got to actually realise the reality of the situation. That actually I did have a voice, and people did want to hear from me.
You see, one of the things is… You might look at people that are more successful than you, that have better results than you, that seem more confident than you, that don’t seem to worry as much as you do about getting on camera. All that kind of stuff.
So, you see all that – and it can make you have this feeling of, “Why would anyone want to listen to me?” But the reality is that different people are all at different stages in life… On their journey to wherever they’re going, and where they want to be.
I Think This Is An Amazing Way Of Looking At Things
I Think This Is An Amazing Way Of Looking At Things
And depending on where you’re at, you can convey certain things, and certain lessons, and certain understandings.
I want you to remember this as one of the best tips for content marketing. I think this is an amazing way of looking at things.

You Are Writing A Page Of Your Book Every Single Day

If your life were a book, and each day were a page, you are writing a page of your book every single day. ‘Cos in every single day, there are 24 hours. And in every single 24-hour period, something is happening in your world and in your life.
It's Your Experiences That You Are Living, That People ARE Interested In
It’s Your Experiences That You Are Living, That People ARE Interested In
And so, when it comes down to creating content and putting stuff out there on the Internet, you have all the information you need. Because all the information you need, is being given to you by your experiences in your day-to-day existence.
So whenever you feel like, “I don’t have anything worth sharing.” Or, “I don’t have any value to give.” Or, “Why would anyone listen to me?”… I want you to realise that – it’s your experiences that you are living, that people are interested in.
It’s your experiences, whether good or bad, that people can learn from. And the moment you have enough belief in realising that – at least to give you enough confidence to take that first step, to put that first video online, do that first Facebook Live, that first written post sharing something… That’s the moment things start getting easier.
Gosh, You Would Laugh Your Ass Off, If You Saw My First Videos!
Gosh, You Would Laugh Your Ass Off, If You Saw My First Videos!
And guess what? I am gonna allay your suspicions, or confirm them… At first you’re not gonna be great. In fact, you may indeed suck – unless you’re one of the fortunate, lucky few that have that natural born ability, Very few people have it though.
I didn’t… Gosh, you would laugh your ass off if you saw my first videos. In fact…
Continue reading > Tips For Content Marketing

Monday, 25 May 2020

Internet Marketing Guru Fakers, Liars, Cheats, And BS Marketing Products

Internet Marketing Guru Fakers
Internet Marketing Guru Fakers, Liars, Cheats, And BS Marketing Products
Dean has a plan to level the playing field for internet marketing and affiliate marketing beginners. He starts here with a scathing attack on all the internet marketing guru fakers, who are pretending to be something they’re not, while taking your hard earned money…
“Liars! Cheats! Thieves! Scammers! Internet marketing guru fakes, and their BS products… This is my declaration of war, in the affiliate marketing and internet marketing industry.
So let me take you back to 2004. I was in my early twenties, working in a bar serving drinks, working six or seven days a week. And I was on minimum wage.
I Started Reading All These Internet Marketing Guru Sales Pages, All These Claims
I Started Reading All These Internet Marketing Guru Sales Pages, All These Claims
I started looking for ways to make some extra money, and I found affiliate marketing. And I was completely blown away!
I was excited by what I found. I started reading all these internet marketing guru sales pages, all these claims. Started seeing all these people that, seemingly with very little work and very little effort, we’re getting absolutely rich and wealthy on the internet.
And I thought, “I could do this. This doesn’t look hard, this doesn’t look tough.” So I started this process, where I would join forums and scroll through the articles, read internet marketing blogs, and be on social media, and all that kind of stuff.
Before long I start thinking, “Well, if I just buy this plugin… If I just buy this course, this ebook, or program… Then my life’s gonna change.”

Internet Marketing Guru Fakes, Liars And Thieves!

“What Kind Of Idiot Was I, To Believe That Type Of Stuff!”
“What Kind Of Idiot Was I… To Believe All That Type Of Stuff?”
A lot of these programs were being sold to me in a way of, y’know, “Magic software creates cash-producing websites in three clicks of a mouse…” And I believed it all. Y’know, kind of naive now, right? I can look back and say, like, “What kind of idiot was I, to believe that type of stuff?”
But when it’s constantly rammed down your throat by so many internet marketing gurus, what else are you supposed to believe? If you take people on face value – on their word – then you would believe them, of course. Because none of us like to think people would be lying to us.
By 2008, I was in over sixty thousand dollars of debt, five credit cards, two bank loans, and a minus three thousand dollar bank account. All the while, nobody in my life even knew. My life was… In my day-to-day existence…

I Was So Scared, So Afraid, So Crippled With Fear

…that I had no idea what to do. And today, many years on, thankfully I’ve been able to turn that around.
Thankfully I got a mentor, and I learned the truth. I learned how to do things correctly. And now I’ve been helping hundreds and hundreds of others to follow in my footsteps – and build a business the right way.
You Absolutely Can Build An Online Business The Right Way, And Change Your Life For The Better
You Absolutely Can Build An Online Business… The Right Way
But that’s not what this is about today. This is about today… A declaration of war against those internet marketing guru types that do that kind of BS stuff!
So if you’re one of those people that has been fooled by a lot of those hyped up, oversold claims… That magic software, that magic “pill” to overnight success and riches untold, with no work… Don’t feel ashamed, because I was tricked just like you were. But…

We Have To Take A Stand – We Have To Say, “No More!”

You see, you absolutely can build an online business the right way, and change your life for the better, for you and your family.
But here’s the truth…
Continue reading > Internet Marketing Guru Fakers

Friday, 22 May 2020

How To Overcome Customer Resistance With This Disney World Tip

Overcome Customer Resistance
How To Overcome Customer Resistance With This Disney World Tip
Just a short message today from Dean about how you can overcome customer resistance to your products and services, by employing this amazing, overwhelming engagement strategy that’s so successful in the Disney World Florida theme park rides…
“Good morning everybody. Welcome to another episode of The Drive…
Just Been On A Three Week Trip; Caribbean Cruise, Disney World Florida, Funnel Hacking Live
Just Been On A Three Week Trip; Caribbean Cruise, Disney World Florida, Funnel Hacking Live
As you can see, I am inside of Internet Profits HQ. I’m not gonna dress it up any other way, it’s quite simply because I didn’t charge the battery on the camera. So I had to wait until I got here this morning, to get this charged a little bit, to be able to do today’s Drive.
I just want to share something that’s been completely transformational, and really opened my eyes to something over the past few weeks.
If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that I’ve recently been on a three week journey, where I went on a a cruise for seven days. I then went to Disney World Florida and attended Funnel Hacking Live. Spoke on stage…

Shared The Stage With Russell Brunson, Tony Robbins

…tons of other amazing people.
Then I spent a few days actually visiting the Disney World parks. We went to Animal Kingdom, Magic Kingdom, Epcot. And it was just incredible!
Disney World Florida Was An Absolutely Incredible Experience!
Disney World Florida Was An Absolutely Incredible Experience!
So why am I sharing all of this? Well, one of the things that became super, super clear to me is – how Disney has become the absolute behemoth company that it has. I did a bit of research – I think they make, was it something like 46 or 48 million dollars a day?
And what’s clear to me is… Yes, they have good products, great products and all that kind of stuff. But what they do have above anything else – is a breathtaking experience. Okay? An absolutely incredible experience.
To the point where… Think about this… Like, I was in one situation at Disney where we actually stood in line, in a queue for one particular ride… Yes, granted they had technical difficulties. They kept announcing this… But ultimately, we queued up for two and a half hours – to get on one ride that lasted probably three, four, or five minutes.
Stood In The Queue Over 2 Hours, Feet Hurting, Thirsty, Hungry - But Then...
Stood In The Queue Over 2 Hours, Feet Hurting, Thirsty, Hungry – But Then…
So all the time you’re in the queue. You’re waiting, your feet are hurting, you’re thirsty, you’re hungry… You stood there thinking, “Oh, my gosh!” But then, within that four minutes of being in that experience, and coming out of there… You completely forgot about all that pain of waiting.
Why? Because the experience was SO incredibly good!!

Overcome Customer Resistance By Offering An Amazing Experience

And so, I think there’s a lot to learn there, for all of us as online business owners, marketers, affiliate marketers… Whatever it is that you’re doing in your business – think about that…

Monday, 18 May 2020

The Importance Of Urgency: Create A Sense Of Urgency In Yourself

The Importance Of Urgency
The Importance Of Urgency: Create A Sense Of Urgency In Yourself
Dean returns from Funnel Hacking Live with a BIG lesson to share in today’s ‘Drive’, about the importance of urgency and why you really need to create a sense of urgency in yourself and in your business…
“Good morning everybody, this is Dean here, en route to Internet Profits HQ. It is actually 7:50 in the morning. Getting a nice early-ish start this morning, because we’ve got lots and lots planned here in the office.
“The New Beginning” - I’m About To Make A Lot Of Improvements
“The New Beginning” – I’m About To Make A Lot Of Improvements
In fact, this is kind of a big day for all of us… Because I’m actually going in there this morning with the full intention that myself and the team (or those that can attend at least) are having a good, long meeting this morning. I’m kind of calling it…

“The New Beginning” Or “The New Chapter”

Not externally… But kind of internally. I’m about to make a lot of improvements, based on things that I’ve learned, and people that advised and helped me over the last few weeks.
You see, this one of the massive things that’s happened over the last few weeks. Obviously, yes, I have been to Funnel Hacking Live. I’ve been on a “Mastermind” cruise. And y’know, I’ve had an amazing time over the last three weeks.
Create A Sense Of Urgency In Yourself To Act On What You Learn
Create A Sense Of Urgency In Yourself To Act On What You Learn
But, make no mistake, it was heavily focused on work, okay? And so I was learning from a lot of different, amazing people that have done a lot of different, amazing things, in a lot of different businesses and niches. So I’m taking lots of this great stuff, and I’m bringing it back to my team now, to say, “This is how we’re going to operate now. This is how we’re going to structure a few things. And this is how we’re now going forwards.”

The Importance Of Urgency To Avoid Slipping Back

And this is the message for today, that I just want to discuss with everybody. It’s to create a sense of urgency in yourself. You see, one of my mistakes over the years… ‘Cos I’ve been to tons of events – I used to go all the time – and they used to be in England a lot… But one of the things was – I used to come back, and quickly revert back to exactly how things were.
I Was In This Toxic Pattern Of Slipping Right Back Into The Same Bad Habits
I Was In This Toxic Pattern Of Slipping Right Back Into The Same Bad Habits
So I used to hear lots of good stuff, take lots of good stuff from entrepreneurs like me. But then I’d come home and slip right back into the same patterns, the same routines, the same bad habits. And instead of improving myself, and continually growing and developing as an individual, as a leader, as an entrepreneur – I would just slide straight back into how things were.

Create A Sense Of Urgency In Yourself

And I realised this toxic pattern that I was in – where I’d go to events or “masterminds”. I’d learn some great new things – things that I knew could help our company, our clients, our processes, our team… But I’d listen to it, I’d write it down, I’d take notes on it – and then I’d come straight back, and within a week and done nothing with it. And slid right back into old routines.
It's Hard To Admit That You Weren't Doing Things Correctly
It’s Hard To Admit That You Weren’t Doing Things Correctly
Because ultimately, it’s easy to continue on as you are. Y’know, change, or admitting you need to change, admitting you can be better, isn’t always easy, right? In order to admit that we can change for the better, we have to admit that things weren’t right. And to admit things weren’t right, is to admit that you weren’t doing things correctly, or you messed up. Or any of those things that no one likes to really admit to themselves.
So this is what I want to say… Whenever you are in a position where you’re learning, whether that’s through an online course, a coaching class, or a physical thing, like going to an event, a seminar, or you’re part of a “mastermind”, make sure that you create a sense of urgency in yourself and…

Make Sure That You Are Taking Immediate Action

The Importance Of Urgency - You Have To Take Immediate, Fast Action
The Importance Of Urgency – You Have To Take Immediate, Fast Action
…especially on the key things that you know and believe can dramatically help you, and make a difference.
I’m not talking about trying to do everything, right? If I tried to do everything I’ve learned from people over the last three weeks, I would probably do nothing – because of the paralysation factor, in that there was so much.
But there are key things – key, significant implementations – that I can do, that can lead to a dramatic outcome…
Continue reading > The Importance Of Urgency

Friday, 15 May 2020

To Succeed In Business And Life, You Must Have These Two Things

Succeed In Business
To Succeed In Business And Life, You Must Have These Two Things
Discover the essential two personal qualities you need to cultivate, in order to succeed in business and life. Whether you work from home in an online business, or you’re still holding down a day job, these two ingredients are critical to your overall success in business, work and life…
“So today… I don’t know what’s happened… But last night, it was around about 8:30 p.m. I just had dinner – made a king prawn curry with whole grain rice and some sweet potato chips (fries for those of you in the USA).
Now, immediately after eating that – got to around about 8:45 almost 9 p.m. and I said… I turned to Robyn, I said, “Y’know, I actually feel a little bit tired.”
We’d just watched an episode of The Blacklist, a series that I love, that I’m following. I don’t watch a lot of television, but I do love a few things – The Blacklist is one of them. Good ol’ Raymond Reddington!

Been Reading So Many Books, Like At Least Two A Week
Been Reading So Many Books, Like At Least Two A Week

So we’d just finished watching that, and then she put something else on that I’m not fussed by. And I said, “Y’know, I’m feeling a bit tired. I’m gonna go to bed and read.” I think I’ve been talking about this a lot recently.

I Have Been Consuming So Much Knowledge At The Moment

So many books – literally, like at least two a week on average I’d say.
And so, I headed off to bed before 9 p.m. last night, which is pretty early for me. I’m lying in bed and I’m reading… I read for about 4 to 5 minutes, and then I got too tired, put the book down, went to sleep.
Now my sleeping, my body clock, lets me normally sleep for anywhere between 6 to 8 hours. I like to get 8 hours if I can. But y’know, 6, 7, 8 hours – somewhere usually around there.

3 A.M. Came Around And BOOM, I Was Wide Awake, Could Not Sleep
3 A.M. Came Around And BOOM, I Was Wide Awake, Could Not Sleep

Today happened to be more closer to 6 hours. Because 3 o’clock came along and BOOM! I was wide awake – could not sleep. So I actually read for another two hours in bed. The cool thing is, I’ve got a Kindle Fire. So I don’t have to put the lights on and disturb Robyn, cos it’s got a back-lit screen.
So I read for two more hours. Got up, got ready. Now it’s just before 7:00 a.m. and I’m on the way to start and dominate my day. And that’s something I just want to talk about. It’s not about getting up early or anything like that – it’s just kind of what started my day off today, and how that all came about.
But as an entrepreneur… Actually, as a person, as a human… I want you to know that…

You're The Captain Of Your Ship, Controller Of The Life That You Live
You’re The Captain Of Your Ship, Controller Of The Life That You Live

You Are The Captain Of Your Ship, The Controller Of Your Destiny

…The controller of each and every one of your days – the controller of your future.
And you choose how you live, right? You are the controller of that – you are the captain of your ship. This life that you live – you are the captain of it. You are the one in charge, you are the one that makes your choices. You’re the one that chooses to do something, or not do something… And there’s no middle ground.
People say, “Ah, that wasn’t in my control.” Well y’know, usually when you trace things back, many things are in your control. Now, I know there are certain things that are not, Obviously not everything is in everybody’s control 100% of the time. But you get the drift of what I’m talking about, I’m sure.

Choose To Live With Purpose, 'Cos You Don't Know What's Around The Corner
Choose To Live With Purpose, ‘Cos You Don’t Know What’s Around The Corner

You have to choose to live life how you want to live. And choose to live with purpose. You have to choose to be fulfilled. You have to make choices that dictate how your life is gonna go.
I’m continually reminded… It wasn’t that long ago I was attending a funeral for one of my old bosses, where I used to work… Incidentally, back in 2004 when I first discovered people were making money online, the people that I used to work for, were actually family friends as well – friends of my mum.
Sadly she passed away, and she was a similar sort of age to my mum actually. When you think about this stuff, you just don’t know what’s coming around the corner. And…

You See So Many People Just Drifting Through Life

Some People Say, "This Is 'Woo-Woo'. This Is All Woo-Woo Nonsense!"
Some People Say, “This Is ‘Woo-Woo’. This Is All Woo-Woo Nonsense!”

There’s so many people living ‘negatively’. They think, “I’m not where I want to be because of this.” Or, “I’m not happy because of that person”, or, “…that circumstance.” Or y’know, “Well, it’s not my fault.”
And I think sometimes, it’s like… If I look back when I’ve had those frames of mind myself, you’re really not helping yourself. And one of the things I’ve learned – and some people say, “This is ‘woo-woo’. This is all woo-woo nonsense.”
But I truly, truly believe in the power of your mind – the power of positivity – and the power of belief.

How To Succeed In Business And In Life

Y’know, the problem that most people have is… It’s very easy to be confident and positive when things are going good in life…

How Many Knocks Can You Take, And Still Tackle The Day Head-On?
How Many Knocks Can You Take, And Still Tackle The Day Head-On?

It is NOT easy to have that same mentality, when things are going against you. When things are failing, struggling, aren’t going right – when things that you worked hard on, go wrong – when things that you strive towards, don’t play out how you’d hoped.
It is not easy to be motivated and get up every day, fighting, when the chips are stacked against you, and you feel like nothing’s going your way. Everything you do goes wrong, everything you try doesn’t work. It is not easy to keep getting up.
But as Rocky Balboa said…
Continue reading > Succeed In Business

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Problems Of Affiliate Marketing For Beginners: Risks And Challenges

Problems Of Affiliate Marketing For Beginners
Problems Of Affiliate Marketing For Beginners: Risks And Challenges
Affiliate marketing has often been touted over the years as the quickest, easiest way to start making money online. But is this still true? And what are the most significant affiliate marketing risks and challenges today? Dean dives into the major problems of affiliate marketing for beginners nowadays, and explains the main misconception that leads to the 98% failure rate in affiliate marketing today…
“Good morning. This is Dean Holland of course. Thank you for joining me here on today’s Drive, as we journey to Internet Profits HQ on this fine morning.
A little later in the morning than usual, almost 10:00 a.m. I was actually doing some live training at Internet Profits headquarters last night, until around about 1:30 a.m. So, bit of a late night last night.
I Hosted This Webinar On Why Affiliate Marketing No Longer Works For The Average Person
I Hosted This Webinar On Why Affiliate Marketing No Longer Works For The Average Person
But y’know, one of things that I continue to say is that, sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do. And last night was amazing!
I’ve been really working on my webinar ‘game’ – I’ve been really studying. And I’ve been learning so much about different topics, like copywriting, sales, persuasion, storytelling, And Facebook Ads is another thing I’m really diving into right now.
Last night, I got to host a webinar. Now, granted, there wasn’t that many people on there last night. It was, give or take, around about thirty-five people.
But I did a brand new presentation. And that presentation was to basically educate people on why affiliate marketing, as pretty much everyone knows it, no longer works the average person.
People Tell Me, “Dean, You’re Crazy To Say That Affiliate Marketing Is Dead!”
People Tell Me, “Dean, You’re Crazy To Say That Affiliate Marketing Is Dead!”

The Problems Of Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

You see, the only people it’s generally working for are those that sell their own products, have their own email lists of buyers, and can promote good, related, quality products to those buyers.
But what about the rest of the people? People tell me, “Dean, you’re crazy to say – to make that statement – affiliate marketing is dead.” I’m not saying it’s dead for everybody, I’m saying it is dead for the majority.
And I’m talking about… What about the the 98% that aren’t succeeding – that aren’t overcoming the risks and challenge of affiliate marketing? Why is it that affiliate marketing is still positioned and described as, “The easiest way for people to start out online…
We’ve Reached A Kind Of Tipping Point - A Critical Point
We’ve Reached A Kind Of Tipping Point – A Critical Point
“To be able to start getting traffic – do one or more forms of online advertising via Facebook AdsGoogle Ads, Microsoft Ads, native ads, email buys…” Whatever it is, right? “Drive traffic to affiliate offers, make sales, get commissions.” Y’know. And, in between, there’s building an email list of those prospects, so you can follow up with them.
Now conceptually, yes, of course it works. But for the average person facing the problems of affiliate marketing today, what’s happened is – we’ve reached a kind of tipping point. A critical point, where the cost of online advertising continues to rise.

Affiliate Marketing Risks And Challenges

I have data and statistics from over the last ten years, that show the multiples that it’s increased by. Going from pennies per click, to dollars per click.
The Average Cost Of A Front-End Affiliate Marketing E-Book Used To Be $77 To $97
The Average Cost Of A Front-End Affiliate Marketing E-Book Used To Be $77 To $97
Yeah, I’m generalising here. Not being big headed at all, or bragging in any sense… But I’ve been in this game a long time, which gives me a unique experience level, and a unique perspective that a lot of people just don’t have.
And what I can tell you, and why I say this, is that… Not only has the cost of advertising risen dramatically, by multiples. But also, y’know…
I remember when I got started, the average front-end digital product in the affiliate marketing / make money online / home business industry was $77 to $97 dollars for an e-book!
Nowadays, you’ve got people putting out software products, video courses…
Now That Same Affiliate Product Is $10 - Even With 100% Commission, You're Screwed!
Now That Same Affiliate Product Is $10 – Even With 100% Commission, You’re Screwed!

Full-Blown Programs… For Five To Ten Dollars!

Now that’s all well and good, but what does that mean? Well, the price has dropped, but the cost of advertising has gone up… When the price drops, the commission you get paid as an affiliate has to drop.
When we were being paid 50% commissions on a $97 front-end offer, we’re getting nearly 50 bucks commission, plus upsells.
Now that front-end offer, for that same product, is just $10 dollars. Even with a hundred percent commission, that’s still only ten dollars. When you balance that with the fact that the cost of getting the traffic’s gone up, but the commissions have gone down – you’re screwed, right?