Tuesday, 28 January 2020

The Matrix Advertising Test: Always Be Testing And Advertising

The Matrix Advertising Test
Some creative inspiration today, to always be advertising and getting your message out there. Can you find a new twist or approach you could use in an advertising test? Well, Dean’s got a new video marketing idea that he wants to share with you today, just to get your creative juices flowing…
“Hey, hey! So… I’m in the Internet Profits HQ already, and not in the car on The Drive – and I’ll show you why. We just took a delivery. I had to be here a little early this morning.
Good morning everybody. Welcome to today’s Drive video. Only, I’m not driving. I’m here right now in the Internet Profits HQ. And I’ll show you why in just a second.

Delivery At Dawn For A New Video Advertising Test

You see, I just had to be here early this morning at around about 7:30 am to accept and be here for a delivery that should’ve actually come on Friday of last week. But it didn’t. And I’m gonna show you what we just finally received, and then I’m gonna ask you if you can understand why. Check it out…
Tested Advertising Methods
Why On Earth Do We Want These Two Old Leather Chairs In Our Offices?
So we got these two old chairs. You’re probably wondering, just like the delivery drivers did – what on earth do we want those old chairs for? Well let me show you something else. Check out our little mascot. He’s got this long leather jacket…. What might it be for?
Well, one of the things that you’re going to see as we go into the new year is some brand new ads from us here at Internet Profits. And this is our first one that we’re going to be using. I’m gonna be dressing up in this stuff. You’re probably going to have a good laugh at me.

The Matrix Advertising Test

But what is it that we’re doing?… We’re recreating a scene from The Matrix. The movie, The Matrix, where Morpheus and Neo sat down opposite each other in those kind of chairs. Both sitting there, and he’s about to offer Neo the blue pill or the red pill.
So we’ve got some awesome stuff lined up for our video marketing, so that we can get our message in front of more of the right people. We’re looking to be more creative, have more fun, create more engaging, more interactive advertising. And this is just the beginning.
We’re getting all of this stuff delivered – we’ve had to search high and low across the country to get these two chairs. And we managed to find two secondhand and get them driven from the other end of the country, and they arrived first thing this morning.
Now just to share a little message about what you can take away from this for your business, and for what you’re doing…
Continue reading > The Matrix Advertising Test

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Stop Wasting Time And Money On Marketing Gimmicks: Do This Instead

Marketing Gimmicks
Two important questions to ask yourself today… One: How many shiny marketing gimmicks have you invested in over the last year? Two: And have any of them substantially contributed to your bottom line this year? Well, Dean’s got something important to say about this, which may transform your online business forever…
“These last few days I’ve been putting together a new presentation for a webinar that we’re going to be doing next week, that we’ll be inviting the public to.
And something dawned on me when I was putting together one of the slides. It really hit home. I really saw this clearly. Even though I understood it, I saw it clearer than probably ever before, because I was actually putting those words onto the slide, onto the presentation. And I want to share this.
Sales Gimmicks
As The Saying Goes, “Money Loves Speed”
Good morning everybody! Welcome to another episode of The Drive. Dean here of course, en route to Internet Profits HQ. The sun is shining on a cold, wintry, wet morning here in the UK.
I hope you’re good, and having a great week. Still pushing forwards, and still trying to crush all your goals. Goals don’t wait for anyone. As they say, “Money loves speed” and, “Time waits for no man or woman.”
So… I spent the last few days – and I’m still going to be continuing on with this today – putting together a webinar presentation that is going to be taking place next week. And I’m going to be talking about some very, very important stuff.
I’m going to be talking about the problems people face with affiliate marketing, why that is only going to get worse, and why more people than ever will have to give up and quit – if they don’t put four specific things in place in their business…
Continue reading > Marketing Gimmicks

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Business Mindset Tip: Is There An Easy Way To Make Money Fast?

Business Mindset
There is a big misconception in the business mindset of people in the internet marketing / affiliate marketing space. And you’ve really got to be careful who you listen to. Because, to be honest, if you go about believing this – then you’re going to struggle, and you’re gonna lose, you’re gonna fail.
So I need to talk about this today. I need to share what this is. And share the real answer – the real solution to this misconception – and what the reality is, so you can actually get the results you desire in your online business.
Good morning, welcome to another episode of The Drive. It is Dean here of course, en route to Internet Profits HQ. Sun is shining and what a glorious, glorious day it is.
Entrepreneur Mindset
The Elephant In The Room Of The Online Marketing Industry
There is a big, big, humongous misconception in the online marketing industry. It’s like the pink elephant in the room that everybody’s just walking around saying, and stating, and believing. But the reality is that it’s just not true.
And it’s causing more and more people, I believe, to struggle and stay stuck – and have the wrong mindset, and the wrong outlook of an online business. Therefore, that business mindset holds them still, holds them stuck. It confines them.

Believe Me, I Used To Have This Business Mindset Myself

I used to believe this too. So you know I’m not attacking anyone that believes this here and now. But where you will deserve to kind of stay stuck is, if you don’t listen and take on board what I’m about to say, and do something about it.
Dean Holland The Drive Episode 136
Dean Holland’s “The Drive” Episode 136
So let me take you way back, early 2000’s – 2004, 2005, 2006 – something like that.
I was working in a bar, in a pub, here in England. And I was working basically six nights a week, six days a week. I was working what’s called split shifts. So I would start working 11:00 a.m. and finish at 3:00 p.m. I’d have about 45 minute drive home. Then I would go back and start work at 7:00 p.m. until about 11:00 p.m. or 12:00 midnight.
I would do that six days a week, with one day off a week. And for that type of job, to be honest, the pay wasn’t that good. I’m trying to think back. I was on about £12,000 p.a. which is probably, in today’s conversions, I don’t know, about $15,000.
And so, I wasn’t on great money. I was doing a lot of work for the money I was on. I wasn’t in debt – I didn’t have debts at this stage, but…
Continue reading… Business Mindset

Friday, 17 January 2020

What You Must Become An Expert At, For The Success Of Your Business

Become An Expert
How Many Subjects Do You Need To Become An Expert At In Your Business?
What does it take to become an expert at anything? And is becoming an expert at the multiple elements that comprise your business effective, or even feasible?
“It’s pretty crazy when you think about those numbers, really. I mean, there’s 24 hours in a day and you sleep for eight of them. So just imagine how long it takes. I mean pretty insane…
Good morning! Welcome to another episode of The Drive.
How To Become Expert
The Main Reason Why So Many People Fail To See The Results They Desire
It is Dean here of course, on the route to Internet Profits HQ. And I want to address something this morning, on this short journey today.
One of the reasons so many people fail to see the results that they desire, or that they’re seeking in their business, I believe is… because they’re trying to learn everything. They’re trying to master everything.

There’s A Lot That You Could Choose To Learn, Right?

There’s, my gosh, probably hundreds, if not thousands of things you COULD choose to learn in business, and you COULD personally be focused on.
But the cold, hard truth is that you cannot master everything. In fact, it’s pretty staggering when you look at these numbers.
Scientists… I don’t know how this is calculated, but it’s definitely something I’ve read about… Scientists claim that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at something. 10,000 hours of focusing on one thing to become an expert at it.
Becoming An Expert
Scientists Claim That It Can Take 10,000 Hours To Become An Expert At Something
10,000 hours! And I mean, when you think about that… There’s 24 hours in a day. Let’s just say the average person sleeps for eight of them. That leaves 16 hours. And then, when you think about all the other commitments and stuff going on in your day-to-day life…
Even if you did nothing other than sleep and focus on this – focus on your one area of mastery… It will take you, what?! Well, I’m not quick enough to figure that out. But years, and years, and years – to be deemed an expert on the area.
Now, when you then apply that to – let’s just say – the online marketing, or internet marketing, or affiliate marketing industry…
Continue reading, click> Become An Expert

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Email Copywriter Tip That Gets People Opening And Reading Your Emails

Email Copywriter
If you’re stuck for copywriting ideas for your email marketing campaigns, here’s a great email copywriter tip for creating and structuring addictive, response-generating content, very simply out of your most mundane day to day life events…
“And for my next trick… I’m gonna show you how to get more people opening and reading your emails every single day, using a little something that I call…
The Looping Cliffhanger Campaign
Good morning, welcome to this glorious, glorious day. It is Dean Holland here of course, en route to Internet Profits HQ.
One of the most important and valuable assets that an internet marketer and online entrepreneur will ever own, is an email list. But it can also become a useless, redundant, non-profitable asset if not done correctly.
Every single time you add a number to your email list – that is a real person, opting into your mailing list for additional information, to connect with you. It is your responsibility to build up that rapport. To build and develop that connection… To eventually go on to…

Get That Person To Know You, Like You, And Trust You

Now, one of the biggest factors that you can adopt, to allow that to happen… is consistency – consistent communication.
A lot of people though, struggle with what to say, what to send, how to say it, and how frequently to send it.
Many years ago, it was kind of common email marketing practice I guess – and I supposed to some people it still is – to email once or twice a week.
Email Marketing
Get Your Subscribers To Know You, Like You, And Trust You
Now the problem with that is, more and more people are subscribing to more and more mailing lists. And if you do not start to

Establish That Rapport And Connection Immediately

…and consistently, on a daily basis, unfortunately they’re gonna forget who you are.
They’re gonna forget why they subscribed. And those subscribers… they’re gonna become unresponsive, redundant, and useless to your business. You don’t want that, right?
What you want, and what you need, is…
Continue reading: Email Copywriter Tip

Saturday, 11 January 2020

Life Hack To Increase Productivity And Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

Increase Productivity
If you’ve been struggling and feeling overwhelmed, desperately reaching for (but missing) the necessary clarity of thought to increase productivity in your business and at home… Then this mind cleansing, mind focusing, productivity hack should transform all of that for you…
“Being overwhelmed! The feeling of feeling stuck – the feeling of being stuck. It is a crippler! Especially if you’re an online entrepreneur, if you’re a business owner.
But there is a way to fix it… A simple process that I go through.
I’ve been in business and in this marketplace for over a decade. And many, many times I felt that feeling, y’know, that paralysing feeling of…

Feeling Stuck And Everything’s On Top Of You?

The brain is such a powerful thing, but not always working in your favour. So let me tell you, and share with you today… how I solve this. And how I do it with just one simple piece of paper.
Good morning! Welcome to another episode of The Drive. It is Dean here, of course. En route to Internet Profits HQ.
Increase Productivity In Business
So… the feeling of being overwhelmed. That paralysing feeling of being stuck. When you’ve got so much going on in your brain, you feel like there’s so many different things to do. Almost like, you lie in bed at night and you can’t sleep, because your brain won’t shut down.

You Ever Had That Feeling Of Being Overwhelmed?

I’d love to hear in the comments if you have. Like you literally feel so stuck. It’s like there’s so many things to do, but you can’t bring yourself to physically, properly do any of them, because your brain is just so busy.
You see, the brain is actually, obviously a very, very powerful thing, right? It can store so much – so many memories, so much information. But it’s not always a good thing for you though, in terms of moving forwards, increasing productivity, and seeing consistent progress in your business.
So I’ve obviously had these feelings and these experiences many, many times. And I don’t think you’ll ever stop that from occurring. But what you can do is learn how to deal with it in an adequate way, in an effective way. So that you can…
Continue reading here… Increase Productivity

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Steps To Starting An Online Business Or Achieving Anything You Desire

Steps To Starting An Online Business
Whenever you embark on a new business venture online, there will always be numerous steps to starting an online business that will confront you. So, here’s a short piece of key advice from Dean Holland, about how to succeed in starting and building a business online.
So two pieces of advice… Number one: Commit yourself to one thing. And number two: only focus on learning enough to take that one step forward. And when you’ve done that, then you can learn another piece, alright?
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that, in order to take action, in order to see progress, in order to take the first steps to starting an online business… that you need to learn everything about given subject.
Steps To Starting A Business
Because the reality is this: There is a very minimal chance of you ever knowing everything there is to know about something.
Hey, good morning! Welcome to another episode of The Drive.
Y’know what I was just thinking about… is how, as humans…

We Tend To Want To Learn Everything About Something

If I look back to certain times in my life, and certain times in my business… I realise one of my mistakes was trying to know it all, right? To try and learn everything there is about something.
And what I realise now, years on, where my business is at today, is; you don’t need to know everything, for where you’re at right now. You just need to know enough.

So Let Me Give You An Example Of This

Let’s just say I like pizza, okay? So I could buy a pizza and eat that pizza and enjoy it. Do I need to know how to make the dough? No, right? I just needed to know that I liked pizza in that instance (and how to buy one).
Now that’s not the greatest example, so let me think of a few more. Let’s just say…

Saturday, 4 January 2020

How To Change Your Life For The Better In 2020 And Beyond

How To Change Your Life For The Better
In this New Year of 2020, millions of people will now be wanting to focus on how to change their lives for the better. Here Dean Holland explores ways to change your life, based on his own personal rags to riches life experience…
“There is a big, big difference – and that’s what I’m emphasising here – a huge difference between wanting something, wishing for something, hoping for something… and committing to making something happen.
Good morning! Welcome to another episode of The Drive.
So, I’m asked all the time…
Dean, What Was The Key To Your Success…?
“…How did you go from over $60,000 in debt, working in a construction company, stuck in a job you hated… to starting your own company, and helping tens of thousands of people, and having all this incredible stuff happen? Financial freedom and all this success online… What was the secret? What was the key?”
Changing Your LifeAnd there’s many different things that I could choose to mention here. But there’s one that ultimately stands out.
You see, for my first four years, when I first began in 2004, I always said to myself, “I want to build a business – I would love to have that success.”
Looking at other people, like; “I want what he’s got.” “I want what she’s got.” But for the first four years, looking back, by saying those things, all I was really indicating was my interest in doing it.
I was interested in making money online. Interested in having success. I was interested in having what he or she had – the gurus I followed online.
But it wasn’t until 2008, where I changed. Where I stopped being just interested… and became committed.

How To Change Your Life For The Better

There is a huge difference – and this is the problem I see… just like I used to be – most people in this industry say they want to start an online business. They want success. But very few are actually committed to making happen.
You see, if you are committed to making it happen, you don’t keep buying many different things. You commit to one thing.
If you are committed to making something happen and changing your life for the better, you do it every single day.
If you are committed to achieving a result, you do not give up until you make it happen. And if you are committed to something, you say…
Continue reading on my blog: How To Change Your Life For The Better