Monday, 30 November 2020

Affiliate Marketing Beginners Quick Start Challenge

 Affiliate Marketing Beginners Quick Start Challenge

Dean’s 2020 Black Friday Offer for affiliate marketing beginners finally opens it’s doors…

This brand new LIVE “Quick Start Challenge” kicks off on December 8th 2020. And is the perfect start-up action plan for affiliate marketing beginners. Or those who have tried and failed in the past with affiliate marketing.

Here’s Dean…

QUICK QUESTION… If you could get mentored by me and my team live online so you can get everything you need in place to win at affiliate marketing in just 7 days… For less than $100… Would you be interested?…

“Hey, this is Dean Holland here. And if you’re reading this, let me just warn you ahead of time – I’ve kind of messed up, in a way. Let me explain…

As you can see, this is not one of those slick, professional, fully detailed, beautifully illustrated sales pages.

And the reality is, I had the full intention of going all out to build an incredible offer, promotion, sales page, video… All that kind of stuff, to try and get as many people as possible to buy this offer.

Black Friday Plan For The Affiliate Marketing Beginners Quick Start Challenge
Black Friday Plan For The Affiliate Marketing Beginners Quick Start Challenge

Truth is… I got incredibly busy. We’ve got so much stuff going on, that I just ran out of time. And now here we are, after Black Friday, and I thought to myself, “Well, I’ve missed the boat. I can’t make a special offer now.”

But somebody just mentioned, “Look, why don’t you just tell people what you’ve got? Forget about all the fancy pants stuff, and just tell them this incredible offer you’ve got. And I’m sure some people will absolutely not want to miss out.”

So here we go…

Starting On December 8th 2020, We’re Hosting Our Brand New Quick Start Challenge…

This is a live 7 day challenge for anyone who wants to start and launch their affiliate marketing business in just 7 days.

Now I’ve got a few notes here – so let me just grab these – and I’m going to tell you exactly what we’ve got planned.

Like I say, this is a 7 day challenge for affiliate marketing beginners, where I’m going to basically take you from the ground up. I’m gonna explain everything you need to know. And then help you over the 7 days to get everything in place that you need to do. So that, within 7 days, you’ll have everything set up and ready to go.

Have Your Entire Affiliate Marketing Business Operational Up And Running Before Christmas
Have Your Entire Affiliate Marketing Business Operational Up And Running Before Christmas

Then basically you’ll be in a position, before Christmas even arrives this year, to have your entire affiliate marketing business operational, up and running, so you can drive traffic and start earning commissions.

So to do that, we’ve got a 7 day challenge to take you through. This is a LIVE 7 day coaching. So every day, for 7 days starting December 8th 2020 (excluding the weekend) we will be inviting you to to join us on a live coaching call. This will be hosted by myself, Dean Holland, and I have a couple of other people on my coaching team joining us to help you in specific areas.

So, day one – we’re calling this…

Day 1: Laying The Foundations For Success

This is where we’re going to explain everything you need to know. We’re going to lay those foundations.

Why is it that most affiliate marketers are stuck and struggling today? Why is it that most people who are trying, not only don’t build a full time income, don’t get any commissions or sales at all?

I’m going to explain why traditional affiliate marketing is dead, and what the best new way is to do things. And we’re going to basically make sure that you are ready to hit the ground running, before day 2 which moves into…

Day 2: Deploying Your List Building Engine

Now I don’t think there are any secrets around what that topic might be. It’s all about email list building.

But we’re going to do things in a very specific way. You see, having now been building email lists since 2008, I’ve learned a few things and I’ve seen many things shift.

And today, we use a way that I call, like, this ‘triple-tiered’ approach. It’s essentially a way of getting paid to build your list, and it works incredibly well.

I'm Going To Give You The 'Done-For-You' List Building Engine
I’m Going To Give You The ‘Done-For-You’ List Building Engine

Not only are we going to explain it to you, we’re also going to hand you the templates. So I’m going to give you the ‘done-for-you’ list building engine, and then we’re going to walk you through some simple steps to connect the dots, plug it in, and get it up and running.

So even if you’re not technical at all – I’m not going to be expecting you to do anything mega-complex. It’s going to be very, very simple – very step by step. And by the end of day 2, you’ll be fully equipped and ready to build your list.

Oh, and by the way, before I forget… I’m also going to give you a lead magnet, specially made by me, for you to be able to give away for free to build your list. So you really will have everything you need in place by the end of day 2.

So having now moved into day 3, we call this…

Day 3: The Automated Sales System

Now there are very specific things that you can put in place, as you build your list, that basically means that every individual who joins your list automatically hears from you, automatically gets emails from you…

And when we put things in place in the right way (which I’ll guide you through), it enables you to be making an income – generating commissions – without actually doing anything further yourself.

Automated Process Allows You To Generate An Income 24 Hours A Day, Even When You're Sleeping
Automated Process Generates You An Income 24 Hours A Day, Even When You’re Sleeping

So this is – and I hate to sound kind of like a cliché, or use any hype terminology – but ultimately, this really does allow you to generate an income 24 hours a day, even when you’re sleeping. Because it will be fully set up to be an automated process.

So by the end of day 3, you’ll have laid all the foundations for success. You will have your list building engine in place. And you’ll now have your automated sales system in place.

Day 4, we’re going to talk about multiple streams of income.

Day 4: Multiple Streams Of Income

One of the great benefits for affiliate marketing beginners is that you can create, and add in, and build in, multiple income streams from different promotions, different offers, different companies, into your business.

I myself, for example, have earned tens of thousands of dollars in commissions from Clickfunnels. I recommend another tool that earns me over $3,000 a month, that I just started promoting three months ago – and it’s already at $3K a month. I’ve received a cheque for between $100 and $200 every single month since 2009 from another promotion.

One Simple Free Strategy To Start Getting Traffic Without Spending Any Money On Paid Ads
One Simple Free Strategy To Start Getting Traffic Without Spending Any Money On Paid Ads

All these added together can create a fantastic income and business for you. So I’m going to help you do the same.

Day 5, it’s time to turn on the ‘traffic tap’.

Day 5: Turn On The Traffic

So I’m actually bringing in one of my very own Certified Partners and student on our coaching team for this session.

Because 11 months ago, he actually lost his day job. He wasn’t making any income online. Didn’t really know what he was doing, Made a ton of mistakes like many people starting out.

And today, he no longer has a day job – he didn’t have to go back to a day job – and he earns between three and four thousand dollars a month.

He’s done it all using one single, simple free traffic generation strategy. And I’ve persuaded James to come and actually share this with you. He’s gonna actually teach you this live, so you can start getting traffic without spending any money on paid ads…

Continue reading > Affiliate Marketing Beginners

Friday, 27 November 2020

Virtual Assistant Outsourcing: What To Outsource To A Virtual Assistant

 Virtual Assistant Outsourcing: What To Outsource To A Virtual Assistant

When’s the right time to consider virtual assistant outsourcing? And how about the question of what to outsource to a virtual assistant? Outsourcing to a virtual assistant is a critical step to grow your online business, especially if you’re just a business of one person. Here’s some pretty useful insight and guidance on the subject…

“Hey, good morning my friend. As you can see this is a very different setting. Why? Well I’m actually in my house. This is one of our spare rooms here.

I want to actually address a specific topic today. A lot of times on The Drive, I’m kind of just talking about what it is we’re up to and various things like that, which I will always keep doing.

But today, I want to actually answer a specific thing. And there’s a few topics that I really want to address. So probably over the next few Drives, I’m actually going to address specific topics.

The first of these topics though – let me just address one specific one here… When do you know it’s right to start outsourcing things? And how do you do it? What should you outsource?

So really, we’re going to talk about outsourcing for a few minutes. Y’know, when you’re building an online business, and in life in general, you only really have two main sort of ‘commodities’ (or whatever you want to call them) that you can put in.

Imagine You've Got Two Coupons - You've Got 'Time Coupons', And 'Money Coupons'
Imagine You’ve Got Two Coupons – You’ve Got ‘Time Coupons’, And ‘Money Coupons’

One is time, and the other is money. And the way I think about money in the business is…

Money Allows Me To Buy Back Time

That’s kind of how I view it. It’s like you’ve got – imagine if you’ve got two coupons. You’ve got ‘time coupons’, and you’ve got ‘money coupons’. And you’ve got to spend them, like, they’re both being spent.

Say every day, you’ve got one-hour blocks. So you’ve got 24 ‘one-hour block’ coupons in a day of your time. And then money – however much money you have – to put into your business.

Every hour that goes by, you’re spending a time coupon. And they don’t come back – they are very limited, right? And you have money coupons that you can put into your business as well.

Now obviously, that money has to be allocated to everything that you do in your online business. So, for example, you’re going to need money for website hosting, you’re going to need money for an autoresponder, you’re probably going to need money – as soon as possible – for paid advertising.

And of course the other thing to consider – which is what we’re talking about here – is how do you buy back some time?

What To Outsource To A Virtual Assistant? Non Profit Producing Income Generating Tasks
What To Outsource To A Virtual Assistant? Non Profit Producing Income Generating Tasks

Because the LAST thing that you want to do, especially long-term, is to build a business that does not allow you to be away from running the business.

So you have to be able to buy back those time coupons. And you use money coupons to buy back the time – and therefore, you free up your time, okay? So now you can do with it what you want. Does that make sense?

Because we all have 24 hours in a day. And so when you are able, you want to…

Start Looking At Virtual Assistant Outsourcing

But what to outsource to a virtual assistant? Now on a basic level, when you are just a business of one, some of the things you want to outsource would be the tasks that really are not profit producing tasks, not income generating activities. And you want to try and replace yourself from those.

So for example, let me give you a rough bit of guidance as to the sort of things that I did outsource early on… Sort of like, ‘virtual assistant’ type tasks – checking emails, responding to emails possibly, posting blog posts, uploading your videos or podcasts if you do those.

Y’know, anything that’s not directly contributing towards income and sales coming into your business – you want to ultimately be looking to start virtual assistant outsourcing as soon as you can. Especially those kind of administrative types of tasks, okay?

List Everything You Do In Your Business, Then Circle Those Which Directly Affect Your Income
List Everything You Do In Your Business, Then Circle Those Which Directly Affect Your Income

The way in which you go about this is – do a full list. Grab a trusty, old-school traditional pen and paper, and write down like every single thing that you do on a day-to-day basis to operate your online business.

What To Outsource To A Virtual Assistant

Everybody’s going to be doing different stuff – so it’s kind of a ‘general’ process. Write every single thing down that you, until you’ve exhausted this whole list.

And then as time goes on – each day, keep checking on, “Am I doing something that’s not on my list?” Then add it to the list, and keep adding until you’ve got this exhaustive list.

Then you’re gonna do this interesting thing…

Continue reading > Virtual Assistant Outsourcing

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

How To Find Time to Work On Your Business, Even With A Busy Life

How To Find Time to Work On Your Business Even With A Busy Life

We all have the same number of hours every day as each other. But most of us are busy with many responsibilities in our lives. So how do you find time to work on your business? Here’s some insight on how manage your time and get your priorities straight…

“Hey, good morning everybody. Dean here, of course. But not on the way to Internet Profits headquarters this morning. As you might tell if you watch us regularly – you will know that I’m always wearing the same stuff. But not today.

I have a white shirt on because we’ve actually been to a wedding this morning, hence why I’m dressed like this. (I know I said ‘good morning’ but it’s actually early afternoon – I got stuck in a pattern there.) Just on the way back home now, where I’m going to do some work.

A Lot Of People, To Be Honest, They're Not Willing To Sacrifice
A Lot Of People, To Be Honest, They’re Not Willing To Sacrifice

Y’know, most of people have a lot of things going on in their day to day lives, right? It’s like, you have a ton of stuff that you’re doing. Maybe you’ve got a part-time or full-time job still. Perhaps you’ve got children or relatives who depend on you.

What Are You Willing To Sacrifice To Find Time To Work On Your Business?

You’ve got all these other things going on, and yet at the same time you’re trying to start and grow your business online. And a lot of people, to be honest, they’re not willing to sacrifice.

I see a lot of people say they want certain things, say they want to live a certain way, say they want to accomplish and achieve certain goals. Yet they’re not sacrificing enough to do it.

Like take today for example. There’s tons of stuff that I could and should be doing in the office for the business, But today, my priorities meant going to this wedding, right? Obviously y’know, family and weddings took priority.

On Days Where You Can't Actually Do Anything, Say, "How Do I Make That Time Up?"
On Days Where You Can’t Actually Do Anything, Say, “How Do I Make That Time Up?”

So does that mean that I say, “Well, there’s no point me doing anything today because I’ve lost most of the day.” No. Instead what I’m gonna do is go back and I’m gonna do a bit of work on my laptop at home this afternoon and this evening.

Everyone Should Commit at least 1-2 Hours A Day To Their Online Business

And so, I’m always looking for ways to still get done what I need to get done. There’s some days that you can’t actually do anything, right? But you don’t then say, “Oh well, that’s gone.” Instead you say, “Right, how do I make that time up?”

I fully believe that everybody, no matter what situation you’re in, no matter what’s going on in your day today… Everybody should be committing at least one to two hours a day to starting and growing their online business.

And if you’re not able to commit and find time to work on your business – two hours each and every day… Whether that means some days you can’t do anything, so the next day you do 3, 4, 5 plus hours. Or at the weekends you put in 5, 6, 7, 8 hours. However it is that you make that time up, you have to sacrifice to do it.

You Have The Same Amount Of Time As Everyone Else, It's What You Do With This Time That Counts
You Have The Same Amount Of Time In A Day As Everyone Else

Y’know, that means going without your favourite TV show, or telling your friends at the weekend that you’re busy. Sacrificing the thing that ideally you’d like to do. But at the end of the day, you’ve got to set your priority to find time to work on your business, if that’s what you truly want, right?

Continue reading > Find Time to Work On Your Business

Monday, 23 November 2020

Celebrate Your Small Wins And Stop Feeling Unworthy

 Celebrate Your Small Wins And Stop Feeling Unworthy

Just a short post today about how important it is to celebrate your small wins, especially when you’re just starting an online business. Here’s how Dean is encouraging our new Certified Partners to stop feeling unworthy and celebrate each small step forwards…

“Good morning my friend. How are you doing? It is of course Dean here. This is The Drive. And how is your day going? I hope it has kicked off to a great start. It’s a glorious morning here in the UK. Sun is shining, which is great.

Today I’ve got a simple but effectively powerful, awesome message that I want to share with you. And there’s a reason I’ve come inside of Internet Profits today to do this. Because there’s actually something on the computer – there’s a glimpse…

Internet Profits Certified Partners Celebrating Success
Internet Profits Certified Partners Celebrating Success

…that I actually want to show you, because this really supports today’s message.

Y’know, when you are starting and growing a business, you have to celebrate your victories. You have to celebrate your progress, you have to celebrate what we’re calling your ‘wins’. And you have to…

Celebrate Your Small Wins No Matter How Small Or Insignificant They May Seem

Because every small, tiny step forwards towards your end outcome, is indeed a victory.

If I look back, one of the things that I used to do was – I used to feel unworthy of celebration because I always used to think there’s so many more successful people than me. There’s people getting much bigger results than me.

Watch Us Celebrate Your Small Wins, Certified Partners
Watch Us Celebrate Your Small Wins, Certified Partners

So I can’t really celebrate what I’m doing, and what I’ve done… This small thing… Because there are so many people that are more successful than me. And that means I’m not worthy of celebration.

And I Call BS On That!

So we just recently started something new with our Certified Partners, where we have them celebrate their wins together with us in the group. And I want to just share this quick, quick video montage with you, where you can actually see us celebrating the small wins of our Certified Partners.

And then I’m going to come back and I’m just gonna round the video up and share with you how you could be doing this yourself… How you could be motivating yourself more, by celebrating your small wins. So check this out…

Continue reading > Celebrate Your Small Wins

Friday, 20 November 2020

Find The Right Mentor For Your Business And Keep Fighting

 Find The Right Mentor For Your Business And Keep Fighting

The fastest way to success with your online business is to find the right mentor, and be willing to keep fighting. Here, Dean is laying out how everything you need to succeed online is within your grasp, if you adopt a positive mental attitude and find your ideal business mentor

“Hey, hey! Good morning. Dean here of course. We’re on the way to Internet Profits on this fine and glorious morning. I hope you’re doing well, and I hope you’re taking massive action in your business.

I can’t help but think sometimes, and see sometimes, that it’s not lack of information that most people have. Especially those that have been trying to start a business for a long time, because there is a wealth of information online.

In fact, what is the internet? It’s just an information platform if you think about it, right? it’s just access to information.

With Enough Commitment And Willingness To Invest, You Can Get Access To Pretty Much Anyone
With Enough Commitment And Willingness To Invest, You Can Get Access To Pretty Much Anyone

So if it’s not lack of information, what is it that people do lack?

Why Is It That So Many Struggle?

I think a lot of it is access – they lack access – not to information, but to the right people. And really, if you think about it, we are living – and I said this at a seminar recently – we are living in such an amazing time in life… Where, with enough commitment and the willingness to invest, you can get access to pretty much anyone, and find the right mentor for your business.

I have been able to pay my way to access incredible minds in the past. Right now, I’m able to pay my way into ‘Mastermind’ groups that enable me to access incredible, smart, successful, wealthy individuals that can help me, change my mindset, inspire me, guide me and support me.

You can literally… I mean, lets put this in perspective… Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group of Companies – Virgin Airlines, Virgin everything, right? You can actually pay to spend time with him, and go to Necker Island and hang out!

"Well That's Alright For You Dean, You Have More Money" BS!
“Well That’s Alright For You Dean, You Have More Money” BS!

What an incredible world we live in, where you can get access to anything you want if you are willing to, like finding the right mentor of course.

A lot of people would say things like, “Well, that’s alright for you Dean. You have more money.” But you know what? It was ten years ago when I was broke – like, only ten years ago.

I was on the brink of bankruptcy. I had over sixty thousand dollars of debt. I had a minus three thousand dollar bank account, five credit cards, two bank loans. I couldn’t pay my way out of debt at that stage. But you know what I had?

I Had A Willingness To Keep Fighting

So I don’t want to hear from anyone who says, “Oh, it’s okay for you…” BS!

Like, it wasn’t okay for me when I was in debt. Wasn’t okay for me when I was working in my construction job, staying up all night to work on my business, to fight my way out of the hell hole that I was living in. It wasn’t okay for me when I was hiding the state of my life from all my family, my loved ones and my friends.

You Can Get Anything You Want In Life, If You're Willing To Do What It Takes
You Can Get Anything You Want In Life, If You’re Willing To Do What It Takes

And it wasn’t okay for me when I couldn’t even sleep at night because I was so afraid and worried about the mess I was in. That wasn’t okay for me then… And it may not be okay for you now. But with enough willingness to fight, you can make it out. And that really, essentially is my message of today.

You can get anything you want in life. You can access anything and anyone if you are willing to fight, if you are willing to do what it takes. And doing what it takes is not gonna come easy. Oh, no! Wouldn’t that be nice, if everything just came on a silver platter. I wasn’t born like that. You probably weren’t too.

So, what can we do about it? We can take control, we can take responsibility, and we can find the right mentor. Things are gonna go wrong in our lives. We’re gonna come up against hard times, we’re gonna have to fight, dig deep, be more committed and willing than ever before.

Continue reading > Find The Right Mentor