Tuesday, 3 November 2020

How To Manage Your Time Wisely And Stop Being A Busy Fool

How To Manage Your Time Wisely And Stop Being A Busy Fool

Are you working hard, but not getting the results you want in your business or in your life? If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, you must learn to manage your time wisely and stop being a busy fool. Dean explains this in more detail here…

“Welcome my friend, how are you doing? Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ. It is 7am. Nice bright early start today. Plenty to do.

Wanted to get in there early and get everything done. Today is a crazy, busy day actually. I’ve got to add the finishing touches to a webinar presentation. I have to shoot a video for some VIP coaching clients. I have some livestreams to do.

What Else?…

We’ve got a load of stuff being delivered into the office… We’re setting up… Got some exciting stuff to talk about actually, in terms of going forwards in the next few weeks. We’re having a real change in our video studio, setting it up to be able to livestream and all kinds of awesome stuff. And so I look forward to showing you that in a few weeks probably. So we’ve got the equipment coming for that, new computer desk, various things like that for the live streaming capabilities.

I'm Doing A Book Writing Challenge At The Moment
I’m Doing A Book Writing Challenge At The Moment

At 9:00 pm this evening, I have a call with Ken. We’re doing a book writing challenge at the moment, and we’ve got someone coaching us with writing a book. So the idea being is that we’re able to write a book – we’ll get the first draft done in 30 days. And then be having it polished up, edited, reviewed and proof read, and all that kind of stuff. So that’s going on today as well.

I’ve also got to drop my car off at the garage today to have its brake pads replaced. By the way, talking of cars, my new Range Rover Sport is is being delivered in the next couple of weeks, which is exciting. I remember years ago I had a vision board in my old office – and I just talking about this, this morning actually. On there was a Range Rover, because I always wanted one. And now I finally get one. So all in all yeah, wow, a lot actually happening today.


A Lot Of People Spend A Lot Of Time Doing A Lot Of Stuff

When people feel busy… I remember, many years ago, my first mentor – someone who’s helped me profoundly in my business, and a very good friend now, is Alex Jeffreys. And he used to say, like, about being a “busy fool”.

Am I Focused On The Right Things, Or Am I Being A Busy Fool?
Am I Focused On The Right Things, Or Am I Being A Busy Fool?

You can be busy doing any number of things. I can find a reason to get busy in this car. For example I could polish it, tidy up, clean all the little bits, take the trash out. And I could tidy it all up and do all these different things, and I feel busy. But it wouldn’t really alter my life, do you know what I mean?

And so you’ve got to look at what you’re doing and how you manage your time wisely. Because I do think a lot of people FEEL busy. But what is it that you’re doing, that’s actually making a difference to your business and to your life? You’ve got to think about, “Am I being a busy fool?” Or, “Am I focused on the right things, and busy with them?”

For me… I know that 80 or 90 percent of the stuff I work on in my day today, is driving the business forwards. I’m working on productive tasks that will drive revenue into the business – that will drive sales, right?

But a lot of people are spending 80 to 90 percent of their time on stuff that won’t impact that kind of result. Y’know, things like… Let me think back to…

Some Of The Stuff In My Past That I’ve Spent Forever On

Trying to get my logo right. I’m not saying it’s not important but, depending on where you’re at in your business, you shouldn’t be spending weeks and weeks on it right? Do that in the future.

What's The One Thing I Can Do Today To Most Impact Revenue In My Business?
What’s The One Thing I Can Do Today To Most Impact Revenue In My Business?

Spending weeks trying to find the perfect WordPress theme for my blog. Again, it’s not impacting my revenue.

Trying to perfect the perfect squeeze page without actually driving any traffic to it. Again not gonna affect anything. I need to get on with driving traffic to it.

So there’s just a few certain areas… Like for me, if I were to really dial down on my day and say, “Right, what is the one thing that, if I did it today, would probably impact revenue the most in my business?”

And it would probably be the webinar thing that I’m working on today, right? Because I know that once I’ve made those tweaks and changes, based on a few tests we’ve done recently with this webinar… And then I record it, then I automate it… That now will work for me every day, every week, every month. You get what I mean?

Manage Your Time Wisely

Make sure you’re looking at your day in this way…

Continue reading > Manage Your Time Wisely

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