Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Be Passionate About Your Work, Or This Will Happen To You

Be Passionate About Your Work
Be Passionate About Your Work, Or This Will Happen To You
How do you really feel about the work that you do every day? Can you truthfully claim to be passionate about your work? Dean talks here about the passion that drives him in his online business, and what you must do to avoid life just passing you by…
“We are in for a LONG day in the office today at Internet Profits. Let me share the story…
Good morning everybody. Welcome to another episode of The Drive. Dean here of course. Thank you for joining me here on this journey to Internet Profits HQ. It is a bright sunshiny day, here in the UK. Doesn’t mean it’s warm though, don’t mistake what I’m saying 🙂
The More Offers You Make, The More People You Help, The More Money You Make
The More Offers You Make, The More People You Help, The More Money You Make
Anyway, I hope you’re well. I hope you having a good week. We have kicked the week off with plenty of stuff. We actually launched something yesterday. I know – if you follow me, you’re probably thinking…

“Geez, Dean Launches A Lot Of Stuff”

The reality is – the more offers you make, the more people you help, the more money you make. Simple as that really.
Well, we could go deeper than that… The more offers you make to the RIGHT people that need those things – the more people you help, and the more money you make.
So That'll Take Us To 2 A.M... It Is Gonna Be A Long-Ass Day!
So That’ll Take Us To 2 A.M… It Is Gonna Be A Long-Ass Day!
Now today… Well, I’ve got a long day coming up. Like, right now it is about 8:50 a.m. and I’m just on the way, of course. But I have a webinar at midnight tonight. That’s like fifteen hours away.
And then that webinar is probably going to be a good two or three hours maybe. So that’ll take us to 2:00 a.m. at least. Which is 17 hours. So unless I go home at some point later for a couple of hours, it is gonna be a long-ass day!
But you know what… I’ve said this many times before. This is something that not everybody in life gets to truly, truly experience. And I think it’s such a sad thing that people don’t fight more for this.
Could You Be Passionate About Your Work Like This?
Could You Be Passionate About Your Work Like This?
I’ve said it time and time again, that I don’t actually do any “work”. And I know that sounds weird – I just said I’m gonna be in the office for like 17 hours today.

Can You Be Passionate About Your Work?

But the reality is, I’m so driven and passionate about what I do. And I mean beyond beyond what most could probably understand. Like, I love what I do so much. I love, and am driven by, the difference that what we do can make.
Even in my business, I haven’t always been like that. I haven’t always had that feeling. When I first started out, trying to just be a young kid wanting to make some extra money, I didn’t have aspirations, or the belief, or necessarily the understanding – of what could be done with an online business.
I Started Out Wanting To Make A Bit Of Extra Money To Make Things A Little Easier
I Started Out Wanting To Make A Bit Of Extra Money To Make Things A Little Easier
I didn’t start out wanting to make millions online, because I didn’t know it was possible. I started out wanting to make a bit of extra money to make things a little easier, y’know. And I didn’t set out to build an international company like I do now, and to speak on stages like I do, and do the things that we do.
This was never in the scope of what was possible for me, or even what I desired. But as things develop, as things grow… You realise that what you know, when you develop what you know, and you practice your craft – it can become something so much bigger than what you could have ever imagined.
I’m so driven to be even better and bigger, and have more impact. And I think…

This Is Probably Just A Natural Progression As A Business Owner

Love What You Do To The Point Where You Don't "Work" A Day In Your Life
Love What You Do To The Point Where You Don’t “Work” A Day In Your Life
When you start, and you start to see the results, and you see those results growing…
Our Certified Partners and I, we always have this laugh. Because I say all the time – and I’ve said it for years – I truly believe, to this day, that we’re just getting started. And it’s almost like a sort of ‘thing’ now, y’know: No matter how big we get, we’re just getting started.
And it’s a mighty exciting time! So I guess the message today really is like, love what you do to the point where you don’t “work” a day in your life. And you should be passionate and driven by what you do.
That doesn’t mean everybody has to…
Continue reading > Be Passionate About Your Work

Friday, 24 April 2020

The Key To Success In Life And In Business: One Simple Tip

Key To Success In Life
The Key To Success In Life And In Business
Got a really simple, straightforward tip for you today. However, this has proven to be actually a huge key to success in life and also in business…
“I want to talk about something today… Something that, if you realise this one simple thing, it will make your days so much better. This will start your day off so much better – and set your mood right every single day. And this will allow you to get more significant progress – and that’s ultimately what it’s about.
If you’re making progress every day, even if it’s small baby steps forward, towards your goals – then you couldn’t ask for much more than that, right?

Here's The Small Adjustment That You Have To Make
Here’s The Small Adjustment That You Have To Make

So, what am I talking about? What’s this simple thing? Well surprisingly, it’s something that not enough people do. Because a lot of people in the evenings – they get comfortable, they get relaxed… And they think, “Ah… I’ll just do it tomorrow.”
But here’s the thing. Here’s the trick – the small adjustment that you have to make – for a significantly bigger positive impact. Success starts the day before, okay?

The Key To Success In Life Starts The Day Before

It Starts By Making Those Conscious Decisions The Night Before
It Starts By Making Those Conscious Decisions The Night Before

And I’ve realised this to be true in so many ways. So many ways – like, eating healthy or choosing to eat healthy. It doesn’t start by waking up in the morning and going, “Oh, what am I going to eat?”
It starts the night before, getting your food prepared – it starts by making those conscious decisions the night before, okay?
Going to the gym. It doesn’t start usually by waking up in the morning and going, “Shall I, shan’t I? I’ve got to get all my clothes ready, pack my bag, get my stuff, my shower bag, and all these different things.”

Business Success Doesn't Start By Sitting At The Computer Saying, "What Shall I Do Today?"
Business Success Doesn’t Start By Sitting At The Computer Saying, “What Shall I Do Today?”

It starts the night before: Getting your gym clothes out, getting everything ready, getting your clothes that you need to put on after the gym packed in a bag. And getting yourself prepared.
Success in your business – it doesn’t start by just sitting on the computer and saying, “Now, what shall I do today?” It starts by having a plan, and being prepared the night before. So, in all areas, the key to success in life begins with preparation in advance.

The Key To Success Begins With Preparation The Day Before

Some Of What I've Learned Came From Having Bosses In The Past
Some Of What I’ve Learned Came From Having Bosses In The Past

And I want you to always, always remember that. Because y’know, it’s funny… As much as we say, as much as I would say… I’ve never enjoyed working for other people. It was never for me.
One thing I can tell you is, these little lessons – some of the things that I know – haven’t just been learned by having my own business. Some of what I’ve learned actually came from having bosses in the past. Small little things.
I remember I used to work in a… When I first left school… So I left school at 16 years old, never went to college, never went to university. Literally left school at 16. I started full-time employment the same day I left school.

Gosh How Am I Remembering This? This Is Insane!
Gosh How Am I Remembering This? This Is Insane!

So I left school at around about 3 p.m. in the afternoon. At 6 p.m. that evening I started my first day of full-time employment. So whilst everyone else was out celebrating, I was out working.
And I’ll never forget. The the boss that I had at that time was a lady named Tracy. Gosh how am I remembering this? This is insane!
She always used to have this saying, this expression…
Continue reading > Key To Success In Life

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Example Of Sales Funnel Conversion Rate Optimisation Using Split Tests

Sales Funnel Conversion Rate
Example Of Sales Funnel Conversion Rate Optimisation Using Split Tests
Here’s how we performed sales funnel conversion rate optimisation, by split testing a small change and picking the winner. When you do this over and over, you craft a higher and higher performing sales funnel for any product…
“Made a couple of changes to our new sales funnel for our new book offer yesterday. And the stats are looking good.
I wanted to just share a couple of things that you might be interested in hearing. So let me share some of what we did…

Evergreen Long-Term Assets That Work For Many Years To Come
Evergreen Long-Term Assets That Work For Many Years To Come

A Couple Of Sales Funnel Conversion Rate Optimisation Things

We have recently launched this brand new sales funnel. And when we say ‘launch’, we’re not into the big 7-day, hyped, massive scale product launch. I’m all about evergreen long-term assets, that can work for your business for many, many years to come.
And so we put this out. We had it optimised and in a great position, and made it available to our Certified Partners.

We Launched A Brand New Book Called The Affiliate Marketers Playbook
We Launched A Brand New Book Called The Affiliate Marketers Playbook

One of the things we do when we’re getting a new sales funnel ready – a new customer acquisition funnel… Right now, we’ve launched a brand new book for affiliate marketers called the Affiliate Marketers Playbook.
What we basically do… We launch it privately – just me. I drive my own traffic to it, and we optimise it. And then, when we’ve got it to a great position, we make it available to our Certified Partners.
But we never stop optimising. One of the things we always do, is continually optimise. We’re always testing things because…

You Don’t Know What Works Best Until You Test

Split Tests Of Changing Certain Words Gave A Small Bump In Sales Funnel Conversions
Split Tests Of Changing Certain Words Gave A Small Bump In Sales Funnel Conversions

I’m constantly trying new things – testing – little split tests of changing certain words.
One of the awesome things that happened this week… We tried a couple of things out, and it made a good difference, a positive change – a small bump in conversions on the sales funnel.
So yesterday – although it’s a little too soon to say – but yesterday I did a small split test. And it was actually really small things. I changed what the order button said. And I made a couple of graphics ‘desktop only’ – so that for people viewing on mobile, it made for a better mobile experience.
And it looks like it’s already increased the conversion rate on the front-end – the people actually ordering the book. We’ve managed to increase it by something like 1.2 percent. It’s too soon to say though.

I Simply Changed The Text On The Order Button
I Simply Changed The Text On The Order Button

But I guess the message of the day really is like, ‘always be testing’ – to improve conversion rates and to get things to that best position. And…

Don’t Underestimate What A Tiny Little Change Can Make

Like, I changed… The text on the order button said… Well it’s a 2-step order form, right? So they fill in their name, address, phone number and email. Then they press the first button, and it goes through to their card information. There’s another button there, to complete the order.
Well, what I had was on the first button it said something like, “Yes! Send Me The Book”. And then the second one said, “Complete Order”.

As Soon As You Tell People The Order Is Complete, It Closes The Buying Cycle
As Soon As You Tell People The Order Is Complete, It Closes The Buying Cycle

Now, what I changed it to yesterday was…
Continue reading > Sales Funnel Conversion Rate

Thursday, 9 April 2020

How To Create An Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

Effective Digital Marketing Strategy
How To Create An Effective Digital Marketing Strategy
Online marketing technology and the internet changes so fast. Do you know how to create a digital marketing strategy that can keep up with all the changes? Here are some evergreen tips and advice for creating your own effective digital marketing strategy. This approach is especially suited to affiliate online marketing, as well as for product owners and service providers…
“Somebody said to me yesterday, “Dean, the internet and online marketing – everything changes so fast. How are we ever supposed to keep up?”

The Same Principles That Applied Ten Years Ago, Still Apply Today
The Same Principles That Applied Ten Years Ago, Still Apply Today

That is something I’m going to talk about this morning – speed.
The truth is, technology does move fast. But I can’t begin to tell you how much it is true – that the same principles that applied when I made my first affiliate commissions online ten years ago, still apply today.
The same principles, the same set of things that have to be done. Yes, the tools which we use change. The technology that can assist us, advances and changes. But the principles still remain the same.

Many Are Still Not Focusing Their Efforts On Mastering One Main Strategy For Traffic Generation
Many Are Still Not Focusing Their Efforts On Mastering One Main Strategy For Traffic Generation

For example, I still see so many people not building their own email list of targeted prospects. Still seeing so many people not focusing their energy and efforts on mastering one main strategy for traffic generation.
So let me say this clearly… Technology advances and moves fast. But the principles upon which you can build your business on, and run an online business successfully, remain largely the same as they were ten years ago (for me).

Laying It Down: Traffic Generation > Lead Acquisition > Customer Acquisition
Laying It Down: Traffic Generation > Lead Acquisition > Customer Acquisition

Let Me Lay It Down For You:

  • Traffic generation – number one.
  • Lead acquisition – building your list, basically.
  • Customer acquisition – converting prospects that are on your list into paying customers that buy products.
Now those products could be yours, if you’re a product owner, creator, or a service provider. Or they could be someone else’s, as an affiliate, if you do not have those yet.

Follow Up With Prospects Every Single Day, Through Email Marketing
Follow Up With Prospects Every Single Day, Through Email Marketing

I started out as an affiliate marketer. Why? Because to be honest, I didn’t have the experience or knowledge to create my own stuff early on. So I promoted other people’s.
But I still did the same principles: Traffic generation, lead acquisition – building your list, customer acquisition – converting prospects into customers. How do you do that? You follow up with them every single day, through email marketing.
Now if you’re an affiliate marketer, that’s kind of where your job stops. Because you get those people into those products and then the upsells – and you get paid commissions on those.

Traditional Affiliate Commissions No Longer Cover The Cost Of Traffic Generation
Traditional Affiliate Commissions No Longer Cover The Cost Of Traffic Generation

Now ultimately, much of what I stand for is that I believe this traditional affiliate marketing business model… When you do things in that way, when you’re paying for traffic – it’s got more and more difficult. Increasingly difficult, because…

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Develop Positive Thinking: Change Your Mind To Change Your Life

Develop Positive Thinking
Develop Positive Thinking: Change Your Mind To Change Your Life
Do this one thing every day to help develop positive thinking, and see how the ‘change your mind, change your life’ strategy will work for you. Clear out negative trains of thought and build positive morning motivation, by understanding this one simple (audio-based) switch that you can make to your morning routine…
“Don’t you find that the things you listen to and the things you hear, affect how you feel and how you think?
A lot of people are so oblivious to this simple trick that you can do as a person, let alone as a business owner, to completely alter your days. I want to share this massive tip with you today, so let’s get this rocking…

'Change Your Mind, Change Your Life' - Develop A Positive Mindset
‘Change Your Mind, Change Your Life’ – Develop A Positive Mindset

Good morning everybody. It is Dean here of course. Thank you for joining me here on today’s Drive, as we journey to Internet Profits HQ.
So… I’ve been doing something for a little while now, and it completely changes everything.
Now, you’ll often hear (well, maybe you will, maybe you won’t)… There is an expression a wise man once said. I can’t remember who it was, but it goes…

“Change Your Mind, Change Your Life”

I Want You To Make A Conscious Effort To Put This To The Test
I Want You To Make A Conscious Effort To Put This To The Test

Now, a lot of people take that in different ways. Like, develop a positive mindset. Or some people would think, “Change my mind? About what? What do I need to change my mind about?”
But I want you to think about it in this way today. And I want you to make a conscious effort to at least put this to the test. Because I’d vow that it will make a big difference to you.
And this applies to everyone. Whether you’re in a full-time day job, or a part-time job working for someone else. Maybe you’re going to a job and you’re striving to get out of it.
Or maybe you have your own business like me, and you drive, or you go to your office, or perhaps you don’t leave home. Maybe you work from home.
But still, in our day-to-day lives, we are taking in information. We are taking stuff in. We’re hearing things all the time. Y’know, obviously excluding any hearing impediments in that sense of course, right? But as a whole right, those with able hearing – we are hearing things, we’re taking things in.
Now a lot of people choose to listen to the news. They choose to listen to certain TV shows, media on the internet, videos on social media – they choose to listen to…

Sounds Evoke Emotions - The Most Important Thing In Our Videos Is The Audio
Sounds Evoke Emotions – The Most Important Thing In Our Videos Is The Audio

All This Stuff That Fills You With Emotion

I honestly believe that the greatest thing that evokes emotion is audio.
Think about it… Sounds – they make an impact. Y’know, music is one of the biggest drivers. When we’re putting together videos, and we’ve got our videographer producing videos, one of the most important things is the audio. If not THE most important thing.
For example, you could have – for those of you that don’t have a videographer like me. (And this is really going off track, by the way.)

Develop Positive Attitude By What You Listen To Every Day
Develop Positive Attitude By What You Listen To Every Day

You could have ‘okay’ visuals… So you could be using your phone, or like a normal camera, and you could have average visuals. But if you have great audio, it would make that video amazing, right?
So I believe audio best evokes emotion. And so, I want you to think about this…
Continue reading > Develop Positive Thinking

Friday, 3 April 2020

Learn New Skills Online: All Talents And Skills Are Learnable

Learn New Skills Online
Learn New Skills Online: All Talents And Skills Are Learnable
When it comes to learning new skills online, the sky is the limit. You can learn new skills online for free on just about any subject. In fact, it’s true that ultimately all skills and talents are learnable. All it takes are sufficient motivation, determination to find the best information online, and dedication of time and effort to learn new skills online…
“I’m excited. On the way to the office now. It is 8:07 in the morning. Let’s do this.
Good morning everybody. It is Dean Holland here of course, en-route to Internet Profits HQ. Thanks for joining me here on this journey, on this fine morning. I hope you are pumped for the day ahead, no matter what it looks like.

Are You Excited For Your Day Ahead?
Are You Excited For Your Day Ahead?

Whether you’re starting your business, and you’re still going to a day job that you don’t want to be at. But you’re…

Building Your Online Business In Your Spare Time

Or whether you are running your own business full time, in whatever way that you do that.
Now, we’ve got a lot going on here at Internet Profits. But just before I discuss that, and share some of that with you, letting you in behind the scenes of what we’re working on and focused upon… I want to just talk about something…

Dean Holland's "The Drive" Episode 174
Dean Holland’s “The Drive” Episode 174

A lot of people talk about external things that are not within their control. Y’know;
  • “I can’t do this, because of this.”
  • “It’s not possible for me to get that done, because of this.”
  • “I don’t know how to do that, and I’m at a disadvantage because of this.”
Nobody was born with any talents or skills. For some people, yes, things come quicker to them. But all skills and everything you want to do, is learnable. And there are always people teaching online.
YouTube… Second biggest search engine in the world right now. It’s just a wealth of information. You can find out how to do anything and…

Learn New Skills Online From YouTube

You Can Control The Amount Of Effort You Put Into The Day
You Can Control The Amount Of Effort You Put Into The Day

So instead of focusing on the things you can’t control… Like, you might be freaking dead tomorrow! I might be dead tomorrow. We can’t control that. If that’s gonna happen, that’s gonna happen.
But what you CAN control today, is the amount of effort that you put in. I can control whether I turn up today, and I’m just ‘there’… Or I turn up, and I’m real and present, and putting in effort, progressing myself, my business and my impact, forwards.
Some people in the world are just showing up, and they might as well not bother. It’s like you’re turning up at your job, but you might as well just not bother. Even if you don’t enjoy it, even if it’s not your long-term thing – you should be giving everything your maximum effort. Because…

Be Someone Who Goes All-In, Maximum Effort All The Time
Be Someone Who Goes All-In, Maximum Effort All The Time

How You Do Something, Is How You Do Everything

There’s people that are messy and sloppy at home. And I guarantee they’re messy and sloppy in their jobs, or in their business. There are people who laze around. And I guarantee that their efforts in all areas of their life, reflect that they laze around.
You can control how much effort you put in every single day, in every single area. Be one of those that goes all-in, maximum effort all the time. okay?
Now, with that little bit of wisdom done here. I hope that gets you fired up for the day ahead. Because I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a lot that I plan on accomplishing.

I'm Literally Starting From Scratch With; 1. What's In My Head 2. Being A Certified Partner
I’m Literally Starting From Scratch With; 1. What’s In My Head, 2. Being A Certified Partner

For example… what have we got happening? We’re still running the…

Kick-Start Coaching Program

…which is a coaching that we offer to our Certified Partners.
Basically, the premise of the program is to watch me personally every day for a duration of six weeks, starting from scratch, using only what I know in my head. So I won’t be mailing my email list, I’ve got to start from scratch. No proven squeeze pages / landing pages / opt-in pages. No email follow-ups that I’ve already used.
Just literally starting from scratch. And the premise being…
Continue reading > Learn New Skills Online