Saturday, 27 June 2020

Business Strategy Example: Being Clear About What You’re Offering

Business Strategy Example
Business Strategy Example: Being Clear About What You're Offering
Are you clear about what you are offering to your prospective customers? Here’s a business strategy example from Dean Holland’s own company, Internet Profits, which should help you to step back and take a 60,000 foot view of your online business strategy…
“I’ve been asked recently… Or several conversations have recently been brought up around specifically speaking with people that are in that very early stage. Y’know, that stage that a lot of us have gone through – or are still there.
You have this desire for more in your life, you have a desire to make money, accomplish more, have more stability, more security, more freedom. And so you’re trying to make money online, right?
Come Around To The Fact That You Need To Build A Business Online
Come Around To The Fact That You Need To Build A Business Online

The Need To Build A Business Online

Maybe, or maybe not, your mind’s come around to the fact that you need to build a business online. But nonetheless, in simple terms, you want to make more money for all your personal, internal reasons.
And things don’t necessarily go well, right? I know, speaking from personal experience… My first four years, I was stuck like that. I knew I wanted more, and I wanted to get results and make more money. But I had absolutely no idea at all how to do it.
And so, you’re buying and you’re trying everything. You’re trying all these different ways. And when it comes down to it, here’s what you’ve got to figure out if you’re in that position…

“WHAT Am I Selling? And HOW Am I Selling It?”

You Could Make Your First Million Online By Answering That Question
You Could Make Your First Million Online By Answering That Question
In fact, I would go as far to say that you could make your first million online by answering that question, let alone a few thousand dollars a month, or ‘replace your day job’ kind of income, or ‘supplement your pension’ level of income.
You could literally make your first million dollars figuring those two things out… “What am I going to sell?” And, “How am I going to sell it?” And I think, if you’re not yet getting the results that you want, then you could probably look at it and say…
“This is why…” Either, maybe you do know what you’re trying to sell, but if you’re not selling it, then it’s the other problem. It’s, you don’t know quite how you’re selling it. Or, you haven’t quite figured out how you’re selling it properly.
So I think you could definitely look at yourself and what you’re doing, and say one of those two things clearly isn’t right.
I've Got Multiple Products, But I'm Not Offering All Of Them
I’ve Got Multiple Products, But I’m Not Offering All Of Them
Am I clear about what it is that I’m offering? Am I super clear about that?

Internet Profits Business Strategy Example

Me, for example… I’ve got multiple products, offers, programs, and opportunities that we provide in my company, Internet Profits. But I’m not selling all of them. I’m not offering all of them.
I’m generally offering either something that’s at the very beginning of the business, like the entry-level stuff such as my Affiliate Marketer’s Playbook (or my new book, The Iceberg Effect). That entry-level item which can attract my ideal customers and clients, to give value and build that trust with them.
We Very Successfully Offer And Sell Our Certified Partner Program
We Very Successfully Offer And Sell Our Certified Partner Program
So I’m either offering that. You either see me online offering that type of product. Or a kind of mid-range product. For instance, we very successfully offer and sell our Certified Partner Program.
So I’m very clear about what it is that I’m selling, in this business strategy example.

Now, HOW Am I Selling It?

Well, with my entry-level product, I am doing Facebook advertising. That is our main personal traffic source – Facebook advertising. We also do email buys (solo ads), and we also have affiliates and partners that promote our products for commissions.
So we are clear on how we’re selling it. And that’s what you need to be. You need to be able to say…
Continue reading > Business Strategy Example

Friday, 19 June 2020

How To Overcome Fear Of Failure In Business: Dare To Be Bad!

Overcome Fear Of Failure
How To Overcome Fear Of Failure In Business: Dare To Be Bad!
Whether you’re right at the start of your business, or at a stage where you’re expanding into new areas and disciplines, being fearful of not succeeding can often hold you back or slow you down. Daring to be bad – not Michael Jackson “Bad” – but just plain bad when attempting something new, is how to overcome fear of failure in business…
“It’s just past 8 a.m. in the morning, and boy am I excited! Last night I was watching some stuff and trying to figure a few things out for a webinar that we’re doing. And that dreaded, amazing, bittersweet thing happened to me, where I get an idea in my head and – there we go – I couldn’t sleep!
I had to grab my phone, scribble lots of notes down on this notepad app that I’ve got – and then get it all out of my head. Because I always worry, “What if I fall asleep and I don’t remember this idea!?”
So now I have this notepad app, that I can jot everything into. And it syncs to my gmail and sends me a copy of the notes to my email inbox. That was me last night. Went to try and get an early night in bed. Read for an hour and, lo and behold, I was lying there awake for like three hours or something. But…

Today, I Want To Pose Something To You…

I know most people that listen to or watch The Drive, are in a position where I used to be.
All These Fears And Beliefs In My Mind That Were Holding Me Back
All These Fears And Beliefs In My Mind That Were Holding Me Back
Meaning you’re stuck in this stage, where you’ve been trying and buying tons of products – and you’ve been trying to figure things out for probably years. And yet, nothing seems to be quite working out the way you hoped.
If I look back to me, when I was at that stage, there were a few things that I was constantly told that I needed to do. Like, “Oh, you should get on video.” Or, “You should build an email list.” And many more different things.
And I used to have all these fears and these beliefs in my mind that were holding me back. For example, when it comes down to getting on video I used to think, “Well, I don’t know what to say…
“What if…
…I mess up?”
…people judge me?”
…I say the wrong things?”
…people laugh?”
…I’m no good?”
…I don’t know what to do?”
All those kinds of things. When it comes down to email marketing, I was like, “Why should I build a list, when I’ve got nothing of value to share?” Y’know, “Why would anyone want to listen to me, when there are so many successful people out there, and I’m just a complete and utter failure!?”
I Felt Like An Absolute Failure - And It Was Embarrassing!
I Felt Like An Absolute Failure – And It Was Embarrassing!
That’s how I used to feel. Having tried for years and got nowhere, of course that’s how I felt – like an absolute failure. And it was embarrassing to be honest, deep down. Because I felt like I should have figured things out.
But I want to say something to you that I realise now, about how to overcome fear of failure in business and in life. And I know this is easier me saying this now, because I have figured things out. But at the time – back then when I was pushing myself – I hadn’t. And then I saw big breakthroughs because of it.
I want to say something that I want you to apply, and remember, in all areas. Whether you are in that position I just spoke about, or whether you are further on and advanced – and you’re running a successful business…

I Guarantee There Are Times You Should Be Applying This

And that is, to dare to be bad, right? Dare to be bad.
You're Never Going To Improve Until The Day You Start
You’re Never Going To Improve Until The Day You Start
Until you know something thoroughly, the chances of you being even remotely good are slim to none. So if you’ve never done a video, and you don’t know how to do a video, or a Facebook live for example… Dare to be bad.
All the things that you think, or most of the things that you think, are probably going to be true. You’re not going to be any good. You probably will mess up and say some stuff that you didn’t intend to say. And you probably won’t put on the most confident and compelling Facebook Live.
But you’re never going to improve until the day you start. So you need to overcome fear of failure, by daring to be bad.
And when it comes down to moving forwards on some of these things…
Continue reading > Overcome Fear Of Failure

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Purpose-Driven Business: Why Purpose Is SO Important In Your Business

Purpose-Driven Business
Purpose-Driven Business: Why Purpose Is SO Important In Your Business
Do you feel driven by a strong sense of purpose in your business or money making endeavours? If not, you may find yourself a slippery slope to a miserable working life. Here’s why having a purpose-driven business can make for a more profitable and fulfilling experience for yourself and your customers…
“A few weeks ago I was on stage at Russell Brunson’s event, Funnel Hacking Live. And over three or four days, there was a whole host of amazing speakers, most of whom I know, and are friends with. Just amazing entrepreneurs! And of course…

The Keynote Speaker Was Tony Robbins

It was just an amazing experience!
How Can You Be Financially Well-Off, And Be Absolutely Miserable?
How Can You Be Financially Well-Off, And Be Absolutely Miserable?
But one of the biggest things that led my presentation, before I got into sharing what I call, “The Ultimate Funnel“, was… How you can literally be rich – you can be financially well-off – and be absolutely miserable.
One of the biggest reasons for that is if – who you are serving, and who you are selling to, or what you are selling – does not provide you with fulfilment. If you’re not passionate about serving or selling to those people. Or not passionate about what it is that you’re selling.
Now all of those things can be changed. All of them. For those of you that have followed us for at least a year, you’ll have seen some massive, massive changes that we’ve made.
People With Unrealistic Expectations Of Push-Button Overnight Success
People With Unrealistic Expectations Of Push-Button Overnight Success
We were selling very much to unrealistic people, with unrealistic expectations – who thought you could get rich with no work, no money, no effort, no time… Push-button riches to success untold overnight – type of people.

Transition To A Purpose-Driven Business

The reason we served that sector of the market was that I used to be there. I believed that if we could sell to those people and educate them properly, that we’d be able to turn them around correctly. And we did with a minority.
But I was left unfulfilled, because there was this side of me that just thought, “Well, what about all these other people? This doesn’t feel good. I’d rather not be selling to those people.” And that’s a decision that I’ve stuck to and lived by, and that has provided me with much better fulfilment in my business.
Are You Fulfilled By Who You're Selling To? And What You're Selling Them?
Are You Fulfilled By Who You’re Selling To? And What You’re Selling Them?
It’s been a tough transition to be honest. Because it’s changing everything that we’ve served and sold, and who we’ve sold to. Switching over to a different purpose-driven business.
And I would really encourage anyone – whether you are promoting other people’s stuff, or selling your own stuff – to always ask… “Am I fulfilled by who I’m selling to, and what I’m selling them… What I’m offering – my products, my services, my solutions, my offers?”
So it’s “Who” and “What” y’know…

Who Are You Serving? What Are You Selling?

Something that I encourage every single person to do, and make sure that you have that fulfilment. Because if you don’t, you won’t be passionate about it.
There I Was, Literally Huddled Up On The Sofa, Miserable! Hating Everything!
There I Was, Literally Huddled Up On The Sofa, Miserable! Hating Everything!
I showed a photograph when I was on stage – there were over 3,000 people I believe, in the audience. And I had a picture that I’d managed to find, that was taken of me, which was basically me lying on my sofa, my dog was actually lying just above my head, more than two years ago.
My business was making hundreds of thousands a month And yet, there I was every day, literally huddled up on the sofa, miserable! Hating everything! Because I didn’t have that fulfilment.
And I think everybody is more than happy to chase the money. But one of the things you realise when you get it, is…
Continue reading > Purpose-Driven Business

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

To Be An Affiliate Marketer Online, You Must Have This Success Mindset

Be An Affiliate Marketer
To Be An Affiliate Marketer Online, You Must Have This Success Mindset
Want to learn how to be an affiliate marketer? Have you been trying, but have had no luck so far, even with top affiliate marketing companies? If so, there’s a real danger that your mindset is becoming more and more counterproductive to that goal. Your mindset largely determines whether you succeed or fail, so here’s what you can do about it…
“I want to pose something here today… Are you asking the wrong question?
We Do One Particular Webinar, Where We Open Up Places In Our Certified Partner Program
We Do One Particular Webinar, Where We Open Up Places In Our Certified Partner Program
Now this could go in many different directions, but I have one specific thing in mind, based on something I’ve been seeing recently.
We host quite a lot of webinars here at Internet Profits. We do one particular webinar most weeks, whereby we open up places to our Certified Partner Program, when we have spaces that are available.

The Mindset To Be An Affiliate Marketer Online

Recently, I decided to go through an exercise. I download a tons of the chat histories that came in through the questions box / the chat box, from our webinars. And I started going through a lot of them, seeing if there’s any commonalities. Seeing if there’s anything that I’m not covering, or objections I’m not overcoming in our webinar, to see if I could improve upon it and make that better.
It Reminded Me Of Myself Years Ago - And It Kind Of Shows What's In People's Minds
It Reminded Me Of Myself Years Ago – And It Kind Of Shows What’s In People’s Minds
And I kept noticing something. Not all the time, but enough times for me to notice it.. It reminded me of myself years ago. And I realised looking back – obviously hindsight’s a wonderful thing. But the question always began with,
“What if…
  • this doesn’t happen?
  • that doesn’t happen?
  • this is the outcome?
  • that is the outcome, and I’m stuck?
Basically, all a negative leading ‘what if’. And it just kind of shows what’s in people’s minds…
“What if…
  • this doesn’t work?
  • it goes wrong?
  • this isn’t what I’m being told it is?
  • this doesn’t do that?
I Get It - I Totally Get It - You've Tried Things In The Past, And They Haven't Worked Out
I Get It – I Totally Get It – You’ve Tried Things In The Past, And They Haven’t Worked Out
Negative leading ‘what if’ questions. And I used to be exactly the same – and I get it. I totally get it! Because you’ve tried a lot of things in the past. They haven’t worked out the way you hoped. Perhaps sometimes, that blame was on you because you didn’t stick at it long enough.

Learning From Past Mistakes Isn’t Enough

But perhaps as well, a lot of times, you feel that blame wasn’t on you. Perhaps you did follow the course thoroughly, to learn how to be a affiliate marketer. And perhaps you did implement everything step-by-step that was shown. And it did not work out the way that product owner sold you on it doing. It didn’t live up to expectations, ultimately.
And so now, over years of that happening, you are tainted with this negative leading, “What if this doesn’t work for me?” feeling.
Don't Allow Fear To Prevent You From Making What Could Well Be Great Decisions
Don’t Allow Fear To Prevent You From Making What Could Well Be Great Decisions
Now the problem with that is, that whenever you lead like that, you’re actually expecting it not to work. And you will talk yourself out of a decision to move forwards, to learn how to be a affiliate marketer, because of past negative or bad experiences.
And whilst I completely agree that you should learn from your past experiences, and you should learn lessons from them. The BIG mistake that I see people making is – they will allow past experiences to stop them making potentially great decisions.
So I want to challenge you today – to not allow fear to consume you, and to prevent you from making what could well be a great decision. And instead, to turn it around and say this…
“What if…
  • this DOES work?
  • this DOES do what I’m being told it could?
  • I DO get the results that others are getting with this?
  • this DOES work out for me?
You Should Not Allow Past Negative Experiences To Stop You From Moving Forwards
You Should Not Allow Past Negative Experiences To Stop You From Moving Forwards
You see, those two ways of leading the ‘what-if’ questions, lead to dramatically different outcomes and perspectives right?
“What if this does do what I’m being shown?” Compared to, “What if this doesn’t work out for me?”

Are You Looking For An Opportunity To Think Negatively?

Now if you are, of course (like we do) backed up with strong assurances and guarantees. For example, if somebody’s giving you a 14 day money-back guarantee, or a satisfaction guarantee, or whatever that may be. Then you should move forwards, right?…
Continue reading > Be An Affiliate Marketer

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Business Organisational Structure: Taking Yours To The Next Level

Business Organisational Structure
Business Organisational Structure: Taking Yours To The Next Level
Knowing how to optimise your business organisational structure, whatever the size of your operation, brings a raft of efficiency benefits which enable a more rapid growth of business. Here’s Dean Holland with news on how he’s about to improve the organisational structure of his business at Internet Profits…
“I’ll bring you up to date on some of the big exciting developments of this week here at Internet Profits…
One of the biggest realisations I had a few weeks ago, when I was on a cruise/mastermind. So if you’ve been following The Drive, you will have seen that I was on a “mastermind”, on a cruise, for seven days with some amazing people.
To Have A Proper And Effective Team Structure - They Had Divisions Or Departments
To Have A Proper And Effective Team Structure – They Had Divisions Or Departments
Some of these people were running seven-figure a month businesses, with 30+ staff. And seeing how they structure things at that size, and of that level, was a real eye-opener for me. A real epiphany and revelation.

Business Organisational Structure – Using Divisions Or Departments

Because, what I saw was… To have a complete, proper and effective team structure – they had divisions or departments. So they would have, like, an advertising department, and a content department, and this, and that, and so on.
And everybody had their responsibilities and key performance indicators (KPIs) within their specific departments. So everybody knew who was responsible for delivering what. When you look at that systemised business organisational structure as a whole, it all works together.
Even If You're Small, You Should Still Be Structured Like A Large Business
Even If You’re Small, You Should Still Be Structured Like A Large Business
Every division, and every person, is important to delivering the results of the business. And when I looked at this, it was like a real big epiphany to me.
Because, although we don’t have anywhere near that many staff, and we’re not currently that size of company… I realised that even if you’re a smaller business/company, team wise, revenue wise, whatever – it should still be structured like a large business.
I looked at how we structure things at Internet Profits. And yeah, obviously everybody has their own role, everybody has their own responsibilities, everybody knows what they’re doing. But it wasn’t quite right.

Our New Business Organisational Structure At Internet Profits

New Divisions And Departments Will Directly Affect The Value We Offer
New Divisions And Departments Will Directly Affect The Value We Offer
And so, last week I introduced the team to how we’re going to go forwards now, in divisions and in departments.
In this next seven days, it’s me finalising the arrangements of that, and sitting with each department or division individually. So that everybody’s clear on what their individual or team/division’s responsibilities are. And what they’ve got to deliver.
And then, sitting down with the team as a whole next week, to say this is how we’re now going to operate as a team. How everyone’s responsibilities are integral to the overall results that we’re able to deliver to our clients, and for our business. And how this will directly affect the value which we give, which we offer.
So that’s kind of what’s going on. We’re really separating things up – but bringing it together at the same time. And it is probably…

One Of The Most Exciting Things I’ve Realised Over The Last Year

Huge Improvements To Change The Type Of Customers And Clients We Attract
Huge Improvements To Change The Type Of Customers And Clients We Attract
If you’ve been following along or been a customer of ours for at least a year… You’ll know that, I think it was this time last year, we actually moved into our offices here now, and began some huge improvement and changes. To change who we serve, to change who we work with, to change the type of customers and clients we attract.
And it’s been a rocky road of discovery and figuring things out. It’s definitely not been as straightforward as I anticipated. Everything took a lot longer, everything’s been a lot more costly.
But now it feels like it’s all finally coming together. And we’re almost there. We’ve almost got it right. Because we’ve been trialling and testing, internally mostly. Anyone else, externally, would not have seen all this. But now it’s finally coming together.
And so that’s what this next week is all about… Structurally implementing a new set up – an improved setup – an operating procedure within the business organisational structure.
Look At Operating In That Way, Whether You Are A Business Of One, Or Ten, Or Whatever
Look At Operating In That Way, Whether You Are A Business Of One, Or Ten, Or Whatever
And this is what I would say to you…