To Be An Affiliate Marketer Online, You Must Have This Success Mindset |
Want to learn how to be an affiliate marketer? Have you been trying, but have had no luck so far, even with top affiliate marketing companies? If so, there’s a real danger that your mindset is becoming more and more counterproductive to that goal. Your mindset largely determines whether you succeed or fail, so here’s what you can do about it…
“I want to pose something here today… Are you asking the wrong question?
Now this could go in many different directions, but I have one specific thing in mind, based on something I’ve been seeing recently.
We host quite a lot of webinars here at Internet Profits. We do one particular webinar most weeks, whereby we open up places to our Certified Partner Program, when we have spaces that are available.
The Mindset To Be An Affiliate Marketer Online
Recently, I decided to go through an exercise. I download a tons of the chat histories that came in through the questions box / the chat box, from our webinars. And I started going through a lot of them, seeing if there’s any commonalities. Seeing if there’s anything that I’m not covering, or objections I’m not overcoming in our webinar, to see if I could improve upon it and make that better.
And I kept noticing something. Not all the time, but enough times for me to notice it.. It reminded me of myself years ago. And I realised looking back – obviously hindsight’s a wonderful thing. But the question always began with,
“What if…
- this doesn’t happen?
- that doesn’t happen?
- this is the outcome?
- that is the outcome, and I’m stuck?
Basically, all a negative leading ‘what if’. And it just kind of shows what’s in people’s minds…
“What if…
- this doesn’t work?
- it goes wrong?
- this isn’t what I’m being told it is?
- this doesn’t do that?
Negative leading ‘what if’ questions. And I used to be exactly the same – and I get it. I totally get it! Because you’ve tried a lot of things in the past. They haven’t worked out the way you hoped. Perhaps sometimes, that blame was on you because you didn’t stick at it long enough.
Learning From Past Mistakes Isn’t Enough
But perhaps as well, a lot of times, you feel that blame wasn’t on you. Perhaps you did follow the course thoroughly, to learn how to be a affiliate marketer. And perhaps you did implement everything step-by-step that was shown. And it did not work out the way that product owner sold you on it doing. It didn’t live up to expectations, ultimately.
And so now, over years of that happening, you are tainted with this negative leading, “What if this doesn’t work for me?” feeling.
Now the problem with that is, that whenever you lead like that, you’re actually expecting it not to work. And you will talk yourself out of a decision to move forwards, to learn how to be a affiliate marketer, because of past negative or bad experiences.
And whilst I completely agree that you should learn from your past experiences, and you should learn lessons from them. The BIG mistake that I see people making is – they will allow past experiences to stop them making potentially great decisions.
So I want to challenge you today – to not allow fear to consume you, and to prevent you from making what could well be a great decision. And instead, to turn it around and say this…
“What if…
- this DOES work?
- this DOES do what I’m being told it could?
- I DO get the results that others are getting with this?
- this DOES work out for me?
You see, those two ways of leading the ‘what-if’ questions, lead to dramatically different outcomes and perspectives right?
“What if this does do what I’m being shown?” Compared to, “What if this doesn’t work out for me?”
Are You Looking For An Opportunity To Think Negatively?
Now if you are, of course (like we do) backed up with strong assurances and guarantees. For example, if somebody’s giving you a 14 day money-back guarantee, or a satisfaction guarantee, or whatever that may be. Then you should move forwards, right?…
Continue reading > Be An Affiliate Marketer
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