Here are a couple of key steps from Dean to follow, to build the best online business that’ll be a perfect fit for you.
“So, ecommerce just paid for my friend to get an Audi R8. An orange Audi R8 supercar. He’s actually coming to see me today, to show it to me. And and I’m incredibly excited about it all.
Good morning. Welcome to another episode of The Drive. Dean here of course, on the way right now to Internet Profits HQ. A little later than normal today.
It’s just after 9:00 a.m. I was and the office late last night, well until about 1 am.
We’re running week one of a six week brand-new coaching program…
The Customer Acquisition Bootcamp
…teaching the clients in the program how to get their own free plus shipping offers up and running.
Very, very excited about that program. Very excited for the success stories that are going to come from it.
So today… Lots of stuff happening at Internet Profits HQ. I’ve got a friend coming to see me today. Somebody I’ve known for many, many years – a good friend.
We don’t see each other enough. I’m really excited to see him today, particularly because I’ve not seen him for months and months.
We actually kind of started our journeys together in a way. Or at least, have known each other from the beginning of my full journey since 2008, when I got my mentor for the first time.
I Was In Over Sixty Grand’s Worth Of Debt
…at that stage, five credit cards, two bank loans, less than nothing in my bank account, y’know – overdrawn, maxed out.
And when I used up that last bit of money on a credit card, and joined a coaching program – he was in that program.
Now here’s the thing. When he joined that program, he was in a very different situation to me.
He actually had a business model – a system, if you like – that he was running on eBay.
And he was making like anywhere between ten to…
$20,000 A Month On Ebay Selling Hair Straighteners!
And this was the first time I’d ever come across… and bear mind this is 2008-2009… this isn’t in a time where ecommerce was huge. He was the first person I’d ever seen doing what, I guess, is now called ecommerce, right? Selling physical tangible products on the Internet
I remember thinking like, “Wow!” For one reason or another… long story short… he basically ended up having to cease selling that product. And his whole business kind of crumbled, and he had to start again using the process that he’d learned and built up for…
His Best Online Business
And I remember always thinking like, “Why are you doing physical products, when it’s surely so much easier to do digital products? Why are you doing this?” It seemed so much more work, so much more difficult…
Continue reading on my blog: Best Online Business