Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Every Time I Do Something I Ask Myself, “Should I Be Doing This”?

I have an Executive Personal Assistant joining the team today. Somebody basically to help organize myself, my team, our projects and all around take a lot of things off of my shoulders.

Obviously it’s a position that, you know, the working relationship will no doubt grow over time, and my new assistant will have a lot of things to learn.

They’ve got some training to go through to learn our project management and task management system. There’s a lot to pick up on in this initial stage, before things will be really effectively up and running. But today the process begins.

It’s Quite A Fun Process Actually

What I’ve basically been doing and what I will be doing ongoing now every single day – is any time I’m doing something I’m gonna ask myself, “Should I be doing this?” I really only want to be saying “Yes” to the absolute essential things that I need to be focused on to drive this company forward.

Without the marketing being created or planned out by myself, there won’t be leads coming in. Without leads, there won’t be customers, without customers we won’t be getting client applications, which means the phone team is sat there without people to speak to.

Which means nothing’s really driving the business forward. As the team’s growing and as we begin to start taking the business forwards, it’s really important I’m focused on the most important things.

And so that’s basically the exercise I put myself through now. Every single time I’m about to start a new task I just say…

“Wait! Should I Be Doing This?”

And if I can’t say “yes” because I need to be doing it, then I need to then say, “Who should be doing this?” or “Who could be doing this?”

And so obviously now, you know, we’re in a position where we’re growing the team here at Internet Profits, and everybody’s got their set roles. We've got...

  • Adam who who handles all things video, who’s the Videographer in the company.
  • Chris who’s my Marketing Assistant, so publishing content, creating sales funnels; many, many tasks and responsibilities fall into that position for Chris.
  • Obviously Louis, very important, the President of Client Coaching here at Internet Profits – basically heads up the coaching division.
  • Glen "The Wizard" who assists Louis and runs some coaching webinars.
  • Gloria and Sarah and Destiny in the US who cover customer and client care and happiness.
  • John who heads up the phone division.

So everybody’s got their roles. And so what I’m getting at, is essentially we’re in a position where many roles within the business are fulfilled. People are managing or running those positions.

And so my focus has to be on...

Continue reading here: Everytime I Do Something I Ask Myself, “Should I Be Doing This”?

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

How To Deal With Overwhelm When Starting An Online Business

Something else I want to share with you. I was reading somebody’s posts on Facebook yesterday and…

They Were Talking About Information Overload

…and how they’ve consumed so much information. They were talking about how so much information is conflicting. One person will tell you one thing in the right way to do it, and then someone else will tell you that that’s the wrong way and their way is the right way.

They’ve basically been trying for years, which is pretty common in this industry unfortunately, they’ve been trying for years and they just they feel worse off right now than they did two years ago, because of information overload and conflicting content, conflicting information, and having to deal with overwhelm.

And here’s the thing with that;

I Went Through Exactly The Same

When I first began in 2004, I did the exact same thing between 2004 and 2008. All I did was buy and consume information, and try and implement some of what I was buying. And I failed miserably. I got into over $60,000 of debt and just was so lost, so frustrated.

The truth is that each of us individually needs to basically stand up and take responsibility for what it is we’re allowing ourselves to consume. Every time you buy a product, you choose to buy that product. Every time you consume a product, a video course, a book, a blog post – you choose to consume that content.

So if you are continually a consumer of content, and lack focus, and lack commitment to implementing one main thing and sticking at one thing, then you’re really causing that yourself. And yes, knowledge is power. Yes, it is well said that the more you learn, the more you earn…

But I Would State Something More Important…

…that the more you focus, the more you commit to one thing and making it work the faster you progress, and the more your business and your income is going to grow.

So this is what I challenge you today...

Continue reading here: How To Deal With Overwhelm When Starting An Online Business

Monday, 22 October 2018

How We Sell Our High Ticket Products To Our Customers

I’ve got some awesome plans today. Really looking forward to today. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that I’ve been talking about how we’ve been basically building a new sales funnel.

Then in the last few days, you have known that I’ve been speaking about actually working on the back end customer campaign. So what happens once we get a customer. What is our ascension plan to take people up.

Basically today, or for the last couple of days I’ve really been focused in on this, mapping out what happens. And what we’ve come to the conclusion is, I think initially we’re building four campaigns within the customer campaign.

So what I mean by that is, we’ve mapped out what our next goal is. After we get a customer, and they flow through the initial front-end sales funnel, and we’ve acquired that customer, and we’ve maximized revenue at the point-of-sale.

Then into our back-end campaign, our next plan is to basically ascend those people into our Internet Profits Certification.

What that means is, they will get Certified and then basically get the right to use all of my company’s sales funnels, offers, sales pages, and marketing systems, follow-up campaigns and sales team; all of that stuff as a Certified Partner.

They Get To Leverage My Entire Company To Build Their Business…

…earning high ticket commissions of up to $3,000 as a Certified Partner.

So after we’ve acquired a customer what’s the next plan? We want to filter out all who’s interested in that, and who would like to actually apply, to discuss joining that with us. Which is actually currently a two thousand dollar product / opportunity. I think we’re actually going to raise that to two and a half thousand dollars – I’ve got ideas of raising that, so we can actually do a bit more for the customer.

But anyway, so now we know what that next plan is. So we’ve got the customer acquisition plan, we know how we’re maximizing revenue at the point of sale. Now we know how we’re about start sending them. So that being the goal, what we’ve now done is mapped out, well…

How Do We Generate Applications For, And Sales For The Certification?

So how do we get interested parties to come forward for that Certification? Now, the way in which we actually do things is, we’ve got a...

Continue reading here: How We Sell Our High Ticket Products To Our Customers

Being An Entrepreneur, Are You Forgetting To Live?

Some people aren’t fortunate enough to even have a long healthy life. And even if you do get fortunate enough for that, how many years do you really have to achieve and attain what you want in life and be in a position where you can actually enjoy it? To be able to reach a certain age in life and to be able to enjoy the fruits of of your efforts.

Certainly as a business owner, you get so caught up sometimes in the hustle, in working hard. I’m certainly not trying to suggest otherwise – that it doesn’t take hustle and hard work to build a business. But… just another one of those experiences yesterday, where it makes you kind of stop and think, “What is my end goal? What is my purpose?…

“What Am I Doing All Of This For?”

I think the serious message out of all of this is, don’t forget to actually live! With everything that you’re doing, everything that you’re working towards in your business, don’t get so caught up for so much of your life that you actually forget to live.

I can certainly say for me that, in a sense yesterday, coming away from there, it did make me think like I need to put more effort in with certain people, with certain family members, my grandparents. They only live probably about 30 minutes drive away, yet I probably haven’t seen them for the last few months.

It just kind of makes you think like that. You work hard, you put in all these years working your ass off to build your business, to achieve stuff in life, because you aspire to certain things. But then I think far too many people, if they’re not careful, they actually get trapped in that state and they end up actually with a with an even bigger job than they had when they were in full-time employment. And then because you have to work harder, you have to work more hours.

You can indeed set your business up in a way where it doesn’t require you to be the one doing all of the work all of the time. And I think that that’s definitely something important for a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs to look at… To understand why they got started in a business in the first place. To understand why they actually want to achieve and attain the things they’re striving towards.

If You Want $10,000 A Month

…or $100,000 a month or a million of dollars a month – whatever you’re striding towards and you’re working towards, don’t ever forget the reasons why. And don’t ever forget to...

Continue reading here: Being An Entrepreneur, Are You Forgetting To Live?

Why I Just Employed An Executive Personal Assistant

Big, big week ahead! I think every week right now is a big week with everything that’s going on here at Internet Profits. Expanding the team, expanding the resources, expanding all operations for growth, scale and systematization of the whole business.

I think probably the big news of last week was the fact that, on Friday I actually agreed terms and employed my new Personal Assistant, Executive Personal Assistant who will actually be joining us or starting with us one week today.

So this is now my final week without that person helping me and taking a lot of things off my of my plate – and managing those, running those, helping me with running our our team, helping me running our project management and task management system.

Just all-around taking a lot of my responsibilities that would be B or C grade responsibilities, allowing me, freeing me to just focus on…

The Most Important Of All Tasks

…so I can just begin focusing on the most important things that drive this business forward; product creation, devising the marketing plans, creating the products.

I’ll be in heavily focused in those two areas, because I’ll have that person taking on everything else.

So if you look at what we’ve done over the last six weeks. So much has happened:

  • We’ve moved into the new offices – 2,500 square foot offices.
  • We’ve got a training room – a 15-person training room.
  • We’ve got a video studio.
  • We’ve got the offices to work in.
  • We’ve got Adam who’s joined the team – our full time Videographer.
  • We’ve got Chris joining the team, my full-time Marketing Assistant.
  • We have my new Personal Assistant, Executive PA starting in seven days time.
  • We’ve already got obviously the phone division of the company.
  • We have Destiny in the US who handles inbound/outbound customer care and also our social media, you know, our community group.
  • We have Glenn, the wizard as we call him, who’s based remotely as well.
  • John and the phone division, Sarah, Gloria.

So we quite a sizeable team now. It’s really beginning to grow, both internally in the office and virtually across the world. So we’re really now setting up a systematized company.

A company that ultimately can run with or without me there. That’s the goal, that’s the 12-month goal.

Continue reading here: Why I Just Employed An Executive Personal Assistant

Sunday, 21 October 2018

My Thoughts On The Media And News As An Entrepreneur

Now I just wanted to pose a particular question to you today. I want to talk about mainstream media. I just got in my car this morning and when I got in, the news was actually on the radio.

So I’m listening to the news – and to be honest don’t really listen to any news, I don’t watch news on TV – but obviously getting in the car, you know, I didn’t choose to put news on – it just happened to be on the particular radio station that I was listening to.

So I sat there for a minute or so and all sudden I got sucked into it. But then I had this wake up…

“What Am I Doing!?”

And I realized how much listening to the news and the mainstream media like that – I realized how much the news can affect your mood.

I don’t like to do anything or watch anything or listen to anything that might affect my mood going into work. When I’m going into the office, when I’ve got a lot to do, I’m thinking things through and then planning things in my head. I don’t like external forces coming in and messing with that mood.

It’s kind of like spending an hour with…

A Friend That Just Moans Constantly

It affects your mood, right? That’s why people say, be careful who you choose to spend your time with.

And so it got me thinking about mainstream media, and how far too many people pay attention to, listen to and get absorbed by mainstream media, and what I quite frankly believed to be ludicrous claims, many times…

Ludicrous Opinions And Damaging Information

…that can literally cause people to be affected in so many ways.

I believe from even the small exposure that I sometimes have to mainstream media, I can see how it can literally alter people, turn people against each other almost, caused people to have these drastic opinions. And to me, it’s just absolutely insane that people would even choose to listen or watch mainstream media.

And so I think, you know, my personal opinion – and again this is this is something that’s completely open to discussion and I’d love to hear your thoughts in your comments, – what are your thoughts on mainstream media?

Do You Look To Mainstream Media To Keep You Informed?

Do you believe what you’re hearing or seeing in the news? Do you think they have your best interests at heart?

Continue reading here: My Thoughts On The Media And News As An Entrepreneur

Saturday, 20 October 2018

How To Get People To Open And Read Your Emails

Today I want to talk about emails. So right now, when I get into the office, one of my big jobs that I’m working on today, and probably the next few days at least, is writing email sequences for our new sales funnel.

Mainly what I’m going to be focusing on is the customer sequence. So, what happens, what gets sent out to a customer, what events take place to a new customer once they’ve ordered our upcoming new training called The Perfect Offer?

So I want to give some advice actually, because I study a lot to do with email, copywriting and all things like that. Because ultimately, your ability to get somebody to take an action based on the written word is probably…

One Of The Most Valuable Skills You Could Ever Learn

There’s a famous saying, “When you can learn to sell, you’ll never go hungry.” And obviously, a huge asset, or one of the most valuable access in any successful internet-based business, is your email list.

And so, having the ability to develop rapport and build trust and develop a relationship with your subscribers, with your customers, that is one of the keys to having a successful business, you know. Positive cash flow when you’ve got customers.

And so I want to give you a good tip here, because this is one of the things that I’m kind of weaving into all of my emails, or all of this campaign, is this particular tactic – this particular strategy.

So the whole purpose being here, is that when we’ve got a new customer in our business and on our email list, we want to engage with that person. We want to almost, when we first get them on our list, set the scene, engage with them and have them basically looking forward to receiving our emails.

A lot of people write their emails and they’re very generic, they’re very boring, they’re very monotone, you know, they’re very neutral almost. And one of the best things that you can do with your audience is to be polar, you know – polarize. I’m not talking about – you’ve got kind of a scale – you’ve got like boring on one side and then you’ve got…

Completely Ridiculous And Unbelievable And Crazy!

…and then you want to be kind of somewhere in the middle, where you’re polarizing – you’re not afraid to speak your mind, you’re being yourself, you’re letting your audience actually get to know you.

So I want to share the strategy of...

Continue reading here: How To Get People To Open And Read Your Emails 

Where The BIG Profit Is Made In Our Business

One of the mistakes I used to make, going several years back, was to put all of my attention on the front end part of the sales funnel, which is what we’re actually talking about – what we’ve been building at the moment. That’s the front end that actually acquires customers.

Now the problem with that is, is that the bulk of the profits for the business, or all of the profits essentially for the business are made in the what’s called the back-end of the business. So after we’ve acquired a new customer, actually selling more to that customer – having that customer return back to us to purchase additional products, premium products that sell for…

Two To Twelve, Twenty Thousand Dollars And Beyond

So from $2,000 up to tens of thousands of dollars. That’s where the profit is generated for us in the business; working at a higher level, making premium high level products, programs, business opportunities, solutions, services available to the new customers.

A big thing that I was mapping out yesterday – I was to share this with you actually, I almost forgot. I was planning out the back-end campaign.

So what I mean by that is; what happens once we’ve got a customer. So once people are ordering the new product which is called “The Perfect Offer” – once people are ordering that, what then takes place, what happens.

We have to have, a business has to have, an ascension plan…

Where Do We Take Our New Customers?

Well certainly with our business model, we need an ascension plan. So we acquire a customer, we sell more to that customer at the time of purchase – that helps us to liquidate the money it cost us in advertising to make that sale.

And then in order to generate profit, which is what the business needs in order to function and deliver the most we can to our customers and audiences, what are we going to do?

This is one of the huge things, and maybe I’ll go into this more detail tomorrow and in the future. Because one of the big, big things that we’re actually now developing and working on, is a really much higher optimized back-end marketing campaign, a back-end ascension campaign.

Basically, Just To Give You A Quick, Skinny Version…

…because we’re actually pulling into the office now. The quick skinny version of what takes place for us once we get a new buyer is:
  • We then have an email follow-up campaign that goes out.
  • We have outreach phone calls – so a member of my team phoning the new customers.
  • If we have their cell phone number we have text messages go out – we’ve just been setting all of that up.
  • We have re-targeting campaigns using Facebook Ads to show relevant re-targeting campaign messages.
  • We send people to things like automated webinars, video series, case studies, testimonials, interviews with successful clients.
Really the whole goal being, once we’ve got a customer, is let’s now see how we can further help them and accelerate the pace, accelerate and shorten the journey from where they are to where they want to be.

Continue reading here: Where The BIG Profit Is Made In Our Business

Two Things That Will Increase Your Business Income

Had an interview with one of our clients who’s been getting incredible results in our Certified Partner Program.

He’s basically generated a little over $31,000, I discovered yesterday, in the last twelve weeks / three months – something like that – in the first few months of being with us in the Partner Program, which is incredible…

Now Earning Somewhere In The Region Of About $8,000 A Month…

…at the minute which is just incredible to see that within 12 weeks. So I had an interview with him and that was about 30 minutes.

Last night I had the first of a multi-part implementation bootcamp for a Fuel Digital Traffic Mastery Program. Did that with our Certified Partners – teaching them the future of traffic generation and online advertising which was exciting.

But had a bit of a disaster with that actually. Turns out with GoToWebinar, our service we use, it didn’t record the webcam parts which actually had the camera on as I was drawing stuff out demonstrating it on the board, which is a pain. So now I’ve probably got to re-record that at some stage.

We all have days like that, where things don’t always go to plan. You gotta dust it off and just keep moving.

The one thing I wanted to actually talk about here today, because somebody asked me this actually (was it yesterday in a message or maybe a comment?) Somebody asked me what’s my reasons behind doing “The Drive”.

So, if you obviously see on my YouTube channel, you can also see on my Facebook page which and also on my blog. I’m taking these “Drives” and I’m…

Purposing Them On Multiple Platforms

Now somebody was asking me, as I say, what’s the reason behind doing these Drives? Because you’ll see that, you know, I’m not doing these Drives to sell anything – there’s nothing that I’m saying here – I’m not telling you to do go to websites or trying to sell you anything at all. So how do I increase business income here?...

Here’s the thing. And here’s what I want you to always remember…

“The success of your business and the amount of money you generate in your business, will be in direct proportion or will be directly affected by the amount of value that you deliver to your marketplace.”

So my intention behind The Drive is really just to...

Continue reading here: Increase Business Income

Friday, 19 October 2018

Making Maximum Use Of Your Free Plus Shipping Offer

The main project of this week has been working on the brand-new offer and sales funnel we’re building, for a free plus shipping style offer for some training called “The Perfect Offer

We had a bit of a delay yesterday when we found out from our production house that produces our product and puts it onto the USB stick.

We found out that we can print double side on both the cover of the case, because it’s going to be a clear case, we found out. Meaning that we can have prints on the outside to the main cover that has the name and the information.

But we can also print, that will appear on the other side, that will appear when you open the case up, that will have the USB stick in it. We can have print on there. And the flyers, the inserts that we’re putting into that (there’s only one of them). But we also found out that we can print both sides of that too.

So obviously, really, just to explain why that is great news. Ultimately if you think about it, because of the cost we have in actually sending one of those free plus shipping offer products out, every bit of space ultimately is what I would call like ‘prime real estate’ that we’re delivering somebody’s home.

So if we can if we can print on the outside of the cover AND the inside AND both sides of the the Flyer, the postcard that goes inside. Then that gives us ultimately double what we anticipated…

Double The Opportunity, To Give More Value And Lead People To The Next Stage…

Lead our customers to that next step, that we’d actually like them to take. Which for us y’know, we have a bonus case study – a bonus interview with somebody that we’re actually going to be sending them.

We’re also looking at setting up a web class that they can actually go to, like a 90 minute training that they can register for. So we can utilize all that space on the flyer, on the postcard, on the inside cover, to actually tell people more information about that.

What I’ve just touched on there, being that the flyer, the postcard is like prime real estate to being able to give more value and show people material or resources, to lead them to that next step.

Well the reason we do that is because actually – here’s something that not many people realize…

With This Free Plus Shipping Offer, It Actually Costs Us More Than What We Charge!

So for example, we will be saying on this funnel, “Just cover $9.95 shipping”. Which in the US, it costs us around about just over ten dollars… if somebody in the US orders this offer, it cost us a little over ten dollars to ship it to them – for us to get that produced to their house, and posted through their door.

So we lose a few cents there which is fine y’know obviously, because...

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Grow Your Business By Utilizing The Time And Money You Have

Looking back to when I was first starting my business, when I was in those earlier stages. I put in a lot of work because I’m very passionate I love what I do. Nowadays to be honest, where my business and company’s at now, I don’t generally have to work really late.

Probably I don’t have to work as many hours as I do, but I’m very passionate about the mission we’re on to help 100,000 entrepreneurs to start and grow their business using the internet. And that drives me.

The success of my clients and partners and affiliates – that drives me! But generally speaking, I don’t have to do these really late nights anymore. There was a time when I did. And the reason that I did used to have to, is because I had to utilize the time I had, and I really want to just talk about this, this morning on today’s Drive.

Because there’s a chance that you’re reading this, and…

Perhaps You’re In The Early Stages Of Your Business Right Now

Perhaps you don’t yet see too much happening. Perhaps the results aren’t yet there and you feel like you’re putting in all the work.

Well I could take you back to a time where that was exactly the same for me. And the bottom line is, that really in terms of growing your business, we generally have two things, and we generally have to utilize both of them. One is time, and one is money.

Now money can be leveraged to reduce the time, but you only have so much time available. So let’s just take you back to when I was in the early stages of my business and (stopping at a train line again, my daily train line that seems to catch me every day, but anyway at least we get to kind of just stop here and talk).

So let me take you back to, I won’t go as far back as 2004, 2005, 2006 – those of the years when I was really stuck and struggling, and I was losing tens of thousands of dollars – I ended up in a horrific amount of debt. But let me take you back to 2008, towards the end of 2008.

That’s when I actually...

Continue reading here: Grow Your Business By Utilizing The Time And Money You Have

Time Management Home Business - Know When You MUST Get Help In Your Business

One of the things I really to talk about today, that I think used to always be on my mind, and probably a lot of others as well. So possibly this will be something that's valuable to you.

How Do You Know When Is The Right Time To Start Getting Help In Your Business?

When is the right time to grow? When is the right time to relinquish some of the responsibilities that you have? When does time management in home business become an issue for you?

Because when you first start in your business, to get your business off the ground, you're typically a business of one, for most people. An online business is not typically, generally speaking for many people, the same as an offline business, y'know, with a brick and mortar business.

Many people that straightaway, depending on the size of the business, they need help. They need a cashier at the checkout, or they need somebody helping with stock or, y'know, all these different things.

Well when you go and start your online business...

For A Lot Of People, They Start As A Business Of One

And that's what I actually like about this whole internet-based business - is that you really can just start a business as one.

When I first began there looking into all this stuff, which initially was in 2004. I was in a full-time job, I had a lot of other responsibilities, and just in my spare time I was able to start studying, buying products, getting mentors, joining coaching classes to learn my skills, to learn this craft. And still to this day I do that.

But not to get off track, when do you then know when it's time to stop being just a business of one, and get help?

Now in the past I'll take you back to, was it probably 2011 maybe 2012 I can't quite recall now, but the business was growing and I thought, right it's time to really grow fast.

In my head, I thought we had everything in place in order to allow us to start growing really, really fast. I had these wild ambitions that...

Continue reading here: When Is The Right Time To Get Help In Your Business?

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Day To Day Profitable Tasks - The Pareto Principle 80/20 Rule

Yesterday, I gave you a full rundown of the main priorities of the week. Which is ultimately working on this funnel.

What I didn’t really talk about is all the day-to-day stuff that always has to happen as well, y’know. One of the things that I always talk to our clients about ultimately is, you’re going to find…

There’s A Few Different Categories Of Things That You Have To Do In Your Business

There’s going to be essential things and non-essential things, essentially! There’s so many essentials in your business. But the thing is y’know, some people would tell you to only focus your time on the profit producing tasks, which to a degree I can totally understand.

But the thing is, the reality is, there’s still other things that you might have to do.

It Comes Down To The 80/20 Rule

This is the Pareto Principle. And that’s how you should be looking at it. 80% of your time needs to be spent on the things that produce the actual results. And the 20% can just get spent on the other things that kind of has to happen to to keep everything sustained.

An example of this might be, let’s say if you have started a blog – just pure example, and you find out there’s some technical stuff wrong with your blog, so some of your pages aren’t working.

Well yes, that has to be fixed. But is fixing that page on your blog that has something’s wrong with it, or the logos not quite aligned properly, or this other thing that kind of bugs you and you know really needs to be sorted because you’d like to have it right.

But Is That Going To Actually Generate You Leads?

Is that going to actually make you sales generate you customers generate revenue in your business? Doubtful right? Unless your your entire business revolves around having a perfect blog, which I think that’s zero percent of the world.

But instead, let’s say one of your other tasks was to actually be setting up or completing the...

Continue reading here: Day To Day Profitable Tasks - The Pareto Principle 80/20 Rule

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Priority Of Steps For Building Your New Sales Funnel

Very excited about what’s coming up this week. We should really be, probably I think by the end of the week, we should have everything in place, all being well, to be able to go live within the next, hopefully, two weeks – to start testing our brand new front end offer, our brand new sales funnel. So that’s one of the major focuses.

Right now, just to kind of fill you in on where we’re at with that sales funnel, and then I’ll kind of explain what it is left that we’re going to be doing, and the kind of priority of doing things, just so you can kind of see a bit more of an insight into how I approach building a sales funnel.

So right now, we’ve obviously planned out the funnel so we’ve got that the actual pages of that built in. We haven’t done all of the copy yet. But the pages are actually in place. So we’ve got the front end, two upsells, the downsell on the second one, and then the Thank You page. That’s kind of what the funnel looks like.

Here’s a big thing – and I’ve made this mistake completely in the past…

Don’t Ever Forget When You’re Bringing Customers Into Your Business, What The End Goal Is

Okay? So what I mean by that is – what I used to do – I used to have these offers, have sales funnels, do product launches, all variety of things – keep getting customers into my business every day, week and month.

But then not really have a solidified, proper back-end campaign – a proper back-end follow-up campaign, a proper promotional procedure in the back-end of the business.

So… what do I show, what do I expose and present to my new customers? I fully believe in doing a mixture of you know value, but combining that with promotions.

At the end of the day, my range of products that I have – I know without a shadow of a doubt – can make a huge, significant difference to the people’s businesses and lives that get their hands on them. So it is my duty ultimately, to...

Continue reading here: Priority Of Steps For Building A Sales Funnel

4X+ Conversions Are Possible With Physical Front End Offers

So on the way to the office yesterday – mega-productive day – we actually had John down here, who’s our Business Growth Manager who basically heads up the phone side of things here at Internet Profits. He’s gone back now.

Today, and the later part of yesterday after John had gone, we actually was working heavily on a new front end offer for a new sales funnel that we’re actually creating, that we’re looking to go live with, all being well, by the end of this month.

It’s actually a free-plus-shipping style offer, so it’s actually a physical product. Just to give some advice, this has been something that’s been huge for us…

Leveraging Our Digital Products And Re-Purposing Them In A Way That Turns Them Into A Physical Product

So for example, you can take your digital product, let’s say if you’ve got a training program that’s a video course – you could take that and you could have it purposed onto a physical product such as a USB flash drive, putting on a USB stick, or a DVD disc. If you had an audio you can have it put onto CD or onto an mp3 player. Or a you can have t-shirts.

You can have all these different things in your business that basically takes the offer from being a digital to a physical product.

One of one of the reasons we do this – and I’m really adapting this into the whole business – I think from the results we’ve seen over the last 18 months, the conversions from a physical product – a free-plus-shipping style offer – compared to trying to sell that exact same thing as a digital product…

We’ve Seen 4X To 5X Conversions

So literally I think the first time we tested this, we went from about a 2 percent conversion up to around about an 8/9/10 percent conversion. So let’s just say 8 anyway – that’s a 4X online sales conversion rate. And that’s off the same amount of traffic.

So, if you think about it, imagine the traffic you’re getting in your business right now, or imagine the traffic you could be generating – what would it mean to 4X the number of buyers, the number of revenue that you’re generating in your business, literally by making this one small shift?...

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The Importance Of Follow Up Marketing Campaigns And Support For Your Customers

We’re actually working on some things with regards to our entire phone and application process. Just to give you a bit of a rundown on exactly what I mean with that and what it is that we do.

The Large Majority Of Our Revenue Is NOT Made From Sales Online

We actually change the sales environment and we actually have phone conversations, phone calls with with our customers.

How the whole process of our follow up marketing campaigns actually works is; we actually have sales funnels, so we start off with the low price products – anything under $20 essentially. And we use a whole variety of different type of offers such as, y’ know, just low value, low price digital products.

Or what we’re really, heavily moving into, and moving away from the low price digital based products, is actually physical products. We’re moving into running a lot of free plus shipping style offers.

We’ve got one at the moment that’s actually close to being released and launched, and we actually use one in in the make up and beauty company that we also have as well that my fiance runs. And we’ve seen that these work incredibly well.

So what we basically do…

We Sell Low-Priced Or Free-Plus-Shipping Offers…

…then we show people a couple of upsells.

And then we basically have follow-up campaigns, back-end campaigns that we actually put people through that basically are a combination of email campaigns, we’re just setting up text message marketing,

We Also Have Marketing Campaigns Integrated Into The Members Area

So for the products that people buy if they are digital based and they can access those in a members area, we actually have campaigns integrated into those as well, with the whole basis, essentially, to find out from our customer base that buy those low price products – who actually wants more help.

Some people are just quite alright in just buying low price digital products, and trying to follow them, and trying to go it alone. But other people, and actually the sensible thing to do, is actually to get further help – to get a lot more closer, hands-on help through mentoring or coaching.

I know certainly for me, when I first started in 2004, I spent four years being one of those guys that just kept buying products. And I did try and figure it out alone, because I actually thought (and I think I was probably led to think this from all the sales pages and products I was buying) that it was a lot easier to just follow a process and on my own and succeed.

But I came to realize after four years and hitting near bankruptcy and being over sixty thousand dollars in debt by my mid-twenties, that actually I needed...

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Monday, 15 October 2018

Systematizing Your Content To Boost Business Growth

Good morning everybody. Dean here, of course. Welcome back to another episode of The Drive here on the journey to the Internet Profits headquarters this morning. The sun is shining but it’s a little bit windy here in the UK.

Yesterday was quite a big day. We got quite a lot done yesterday actually. We’re really kind of systemising our whole content marketing strategy. So you’ll perhaps notice, and if not have a look. You can use it, kind of, as as your own case study to see what we’re doing.

The whole basic thing with these Drive videos is that, once I get to the office I hand them off to my video guy. He then edits them, adds the intro on, then passes them to my marketing assistant now.

So This Is The Whole System We Set Up Yesterday…

I walk in, hand him the video/the camera. He edits it, produces it, puts the recording onto a USB stick, hands it to my marketing assistant, who then basically takes that video, uploads it onto our YouTube channel, uploads it onto our Facebook fan page.

Then once it’s uploaded onto YouTube, takes that video, embeds it as a blog post at which you can see. Which is basically where we’re now documenting the journey to helping a hundred thousand entrepreneurs to both start and grow their businesses using the internet.

I think I mentioned yesterday we’re at 1%, so we’ve helped a thousand people start earning money on the internet as it stands right now. Round-a-bout that. So we’ve really, like I say, systematized this whole process now.

What’s exciting about that for me personally, just so you can understand myself – what exactly my thoughts are around this – is that I know that the more content we produce, and this is how – let me explain my thinking on content right. Because…

Content Marketing In Your Business Is Definitely Not An Instant Gratification Thing

You’re not going to create a piece of content and see it necessarily working for you immediately, such as a blog post. But looking long-term, think about this, if you’re watching this and listening to this right now, it means that my content is being consumed by you, right?

Which means hopefully that you’re getting to know me better, hopefully getting to like me, and over a period of time my intention is that...

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Sunday, 14 October 2018

Setting Up A Full Content Marketing Strategy

Welcome to episode number 2 of The Drive. So we started this yesterday and we actually got this up, the first one up, on the new blog which is at So we’re actually gonna be posting these there every day. So this is actually one of the big things that we’re actually doing this month. So I’ll share this one with you today.

We’ve been setting up for the last, probably two weeks approximately, a full content marketing strategy that we’re actually going to integrate with our Facebook ad strategy, with the whole purpose of going out to cold traffic with facebook ads, sending them to certain videos, certain blog posts where we’ll actually pixel people and then be able to re-target them with additional offers, such as to attend webinars or purchase free plus shipping offers, that type of thing.

There’s A Whole Strategy Behind Doing These Videos

The primary purposes obviously is to give value, but in doing so ultimately what we’re looking to do is obviously make people aware of how we can actually help them, what it is what we do here at InternetProfits, and how we can serve them in their business – because we’ve actually got quite a big mission, quite a big goal and thing that we’re working towards, here at Internet Profits.

Yesterday I actually mentioned this, when I mentioned helping 10,000 people to start grow their business. Well when I actually got to the office yesterday having spoke about that, when when Adam on my team was actually editing the video, and I was speaking to Chris who’s my marketing assistant, we was actually talking about that goal, was actually talking about that mission of striving to help 10,000 business owners.

And I had this moment of kind of an awakening if you want to call it that, where I basically decided that that was not a big enough goal. There are literally millions of people looking to live a better life, achieve financial freedom, and achieve different areas of freedom in their lives – whether that’s to just work for themselves, you know, work from home be around for their kids more – whatever those goals may be.

There are so many people looking to do that. And so I realized that we were actually restricting ourselves by saying...

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Where Has Dean Holland Been?

Hey everyone and welcome to The Drive. So this is Dean Holland and this is the first edition of my daily Drives.

So the the idea is a simple one. Not too long ago we moved into our new 2500 square foot offices here in the UK, set up a brand new InternetProfits headquarters and in order to get there every day, Monday to Friday, I have to drive for about 10 minutes or so.

And so what better way to make use of that time than to actually share what’s going on here InternetProfits – share what it is that we’re up to each day – share some great value with you, to help you start and grow your business.

So In This First Edition…

…All I want to basically do is bring you up to date on what’s been happening here in in my company InternetProfits, and exactly what’s been going off.

Because for the last few years, probably at least two or three years, other than a bit on Facebook, I haven’t really been putting out much content. And that’s because the business grew really really quickly actually, in fact probably too quickly in some respects and it caused some cracks to appear, which I’ll probably talked about in another episode.

But Today, Let Me Just Kind Of Explain Where We’re At Right Now

A few years ago we actually had a small office in Nottinghamshire city centre, not far from where I live. But I was basically moving house. And so I ended up moving out to the countryside, and it was kind of really far away from my office. And so in the end we ended up closing that office down and everybody that worked in the office with me went virtual and worked from home.

So we ended up in a position where we had several people working full-time in the UK. And we’ve also got some people working full-time and part-time in the US, and I was basically working from home.

I converted my double garage into a home office and video room/video studio, and for about two years was fine with that. But we’re about to embark on a lot of new things, and I mean A LOT...

Continue reading here: Where Has Dean Holland Been?