Yesterday was quite a big day. We got quite a lot done yesterday actually. We’re really kind of systemising our whole content marketing strategy. So you’ll perhaps notice, and if not have a look. You can use it, kind of, as as your own case study to see what we’re doing.
The whole basic thing with these Drive videos is that, once I get to the office I hand them off to my video guy. He then edits them, adds the intro on, then passes them to my marketing assistant now.
So This Is The Whole System We Set Up Yesterday…
I walk in, hand him the video/the camera. He edits it, produces it, puts the recording onto a USB stick, hands it to my marketing assistant, who then basically takes that video, uploads it onto our YouTube channel, uploads it onto our Facebook fan page.
Then once it’s uploaded onto YouTube, takes that video, embeds it as a blog post at which you can see. Which is basically where we’re now documenting the journey to helping a hundred thousand entrepreneurs to both start and grow their businesses using the internet.
I think I mentioned yesterday we’re at 1%, so we’ve helped a thousand people start earning money on the internet as it stands right now. Round-a-bout that. So we’ve really, like I say, systematized this whole process now.
What’s exciting about that for me personally, just so you can understand myself – what exactly my thoughts are around this – is that I know that the more content we produce, and this is how – let me explain my thinking on content right. Because…
Content Marketing In Your Business Is Definitely Not An Instant Gratification Thing
You’re not going to create a piece of content and see it necessarily working for you immediately, such as a blog post. But looking long-term, think about this, if you’re watching this and listening to this right now, it means that my content is being consumed by you, right?
Which means hopefully that you’re getting to know me better, hopefully getting to like me, and over a period of time my intention is that...
Continue reading here: Systematizing Your Content To Boost Business Growth
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