Friday, 26 March 2021

How To Change Your Life Instantly In Just 4 Simple Steps

 Change Your Life Instantly

Do you want to change an aspect of your life without delay? If you’re willing to master the four simple steps that Dean Holland lays out below, you should then be fully equipped to be able to change your life instantly

“Good morning! Dean here of course. It’s a bright, early morning at 7:43 am. Just on the way to Internet Profits HQ to begin another great day. I’m gonna smash today! I feel that I’m gonna absolutely dominate my day and crush it. Because y’know what? I’m gonna talk about something now…

You can literally change anything instantly. Like, any situation. You can change in a moment.

I want to tell you a story… So my fiancée used to smoke. I used to bug her about it. Like, “You really shouldn’t smoke. You need to give up. You should quit.” And she knew it was no good, and that she should quit. But she didn’t do it.

You Have To Truly, Deep Down Want That Change For Yourself
You Have To Truly, Deep Down Want That Change For Yourself

And I used to think, that is so annoying, so frustrating. Like, you’re literally killing yourself y’know. I want a long, healthy, happy life together – and to give ourselves the best possible chance of that. And smoking is not gonna help you. Smoking cigarettes constantly every day! Like, what are you doing? And she didn’t quit.

1. You Must WANT To Change Your Life Instantly

So in the end I just stopped going on about it. And then all of a sudden, a few months later, she stopped just like that. So I’m thinking like, I’ve been asking you for so long to stop smoking. And now that I’ve stopped saying anything about it, months later you just quit smoking in one day.

Like not even gradually. Just literally, boom! One day – stopped!

And it made me realise something… That in order to change, there’s a few things that have to happen. Number one; you have to actually want to change yourself. Not, know that you ‘should’ change. And not, change ‘would be nice’. But truly, deep down actually WANT that change.

In Order To Change You Have To Have A Big Enough Reason Why
In Order To Change You Have To Have A Big Enough Reason Why

Now the second thing is, in order to change you have to have a big enough reason. You have to find your reason why.

At the moment there’s something really sad in our lives. One of our close friends sadly has cancer. Something she suffered with when she was in her early early 20’s, and now it’s come back and it’s really bad.

2. Find Your Reason WHY To Change

And I think this was, in part, a bit of a trigger. There’s now a bigger reason why – there was something to look at and say, “I just shouldn’t be doing this, I cannot carry on living this way. I have to stop smoking, I have to give up.”

She had that reason why – she had that big, big reason why. And obviously there were other reasons why, like the expense. Y’know, throwing money down the drain – literally burning it. The health aspects were big. But this was a bigger reason.

To Change Your Life Instantly, You Have To Take Immediate Action
To Change Your Life Instantly, You Have To Take Immediate Action

And so that just proves a point as well doesn’t it? When we look at ourselves, change can happen immediately if you truly want it and you have a big enough reason why.

3. Take Immediate Massive Action

Now the third thing is… If you want to change anything in a moment, you have to take immediate action. Y’know, wanting to change, and having a reason why – doesn’t do anything if you do nothing with it. So you have to take immediate, massive action – Immediate massive action!

And the fourth thing I would say, is that you have to have the belief that you can do it. The belief that it’s possible, and that it can be done. Because when you think about it really, and when we look at this analogy I’ve just shared… Change happened instantly. The decision to change… Stop that day!

You Must Believe You Can Do It, That It's Possible, That It Can Be Done
You Must Believe You Can Do It, That It’s Possible, That It Can Be Done

But what took the time, was getting ready for the change. Does that make sense? If you think about it, it was getting ready. Getting that reason why, getting that belief, getting ready for that action, feeling and truly wanting it. Y’know, it’s getting ready to do it that takes the time.

The change happened in a moment. As I say, she literally just one day stopped smoking. And it was an amazing day, so proud of her.

And when we think about this in business, when we think about ourselves as entrepreneurs… What usually takes time is getting ready for the change.

4. Believe That It’s Possible To Make The Change

For me, I started trying to make money online and build an online business in 2004. But between 2004 to 2008, I just kept ‘trying’ at things. Buying and trying products, Not really following anything through.

Eventually my belief was wavering like, “Can I really do this?” I didn’t have strong enough reasons why. Just thought it would be great to have my own business, and not work for someone else. Thought that would be nice, that would be amazing.

Change Happens In A Moment, Getting Ready For Change Takes Time
Change Happens In A Moment, Getting Ready For Change Takes Time

But I didn’t have those deep reasons why, until I got to the stage where I was over $60,000 in debt and I hadn’t made a single sale online in over 4 years of trying! I was at rock bottom, felt ashamed and embarrassed. And I felt like an absolute disgusting failure of a mess!

Finish reading > Change Your Life Instantly

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Master Your Craft: How To Become A Master In Your Field

 Master Your Craft: How To Become A Master In Your Field

As a successful entrepreneur you will have gone through a specific process to master your craft. This process will be the same whatever that area of expertise may be, if you want to become a master in your field. This process, this secret of success is so profound and simple that it’s worth reminding yourself of it again here…

“Good morning, hope you’re well. Kicking off your week strong, getting things done, taking no prisoners, crushing your goals. It’s got to be done, it’s got to happen now.

Speaking of which, let me talk about something today. I just actually had a message from one of our coaching clients. So I’ve got a sort of VIP group of our Certified Partners that I work closer with. Monday’s is my coaching day, so I dedicate most of Monday to my coaching with those people.

Y’know, one of the things that keeps coming up… And I’ve just actually had a message from one of those guys, and I’ve said the same thing to him. So I want to share it with you.

And the question really is, like if I summarise and put it in really simple terms, “How do you master something? How do you become great at something?”

"Am I Ever Gonna Be Able To Just Hit A Ball Properly And Consistently?"
“Am I Ever Gonna Be Able To Just Hit A Ball Properly And Consistently?”

All Skills Are Learnable, Right?

Think about it… Every single skill in life anywhere ever, that you want to learn – you can. It’s amazing, isn’t it? Like, think about that. Think about the potential, the possibilities, and your unlimited ability to accomplish anything that you want.

But how?

Y’know, a lot of people often beat themselves up and take themselves down. They say like, “I can’t do this.” And they get angry and frustrated.

I could think about this like… How many times have I gone to hit a golf shot on the golf course and shanked the ball, or just duffed it? It’s so frustrating and you think, “Am I ever gonna be able to just hit a ball properly and consistently?”

And it’s the same advice there… What I’ve got to do is, I have to get on the driving range and I have to keep practicing. And I have to focus on that ball, concentrate on my swing. Not take my eye off that ball, and swing through properly. I need to get up there and practice, and practice, and practice.

You May Have "Tried" A Lot Of Things, But Have You Mastered Them?
You May Have “Tried” A Lot Of Things, But Have You Mastered Them?

If I want to master that craft to the degree of being good enough to play a solid, good game and enjoy it with friends – then I need to practice over, and over, and over again. I can’t go up once every few months onto a golf course and hope to have a consistent, decent game, right? Because I’m not practicing.

And it’s the same with anything, right? Think about it. If you’ve got children, what do you tell your children?

“You Can’t Give Up… You’ve Got To Keep Practicing”

When we look at adults, when we look at ourselves when we’re in business we say, “I’m not very good at this. I don’t know what to do.” Y’know, “I want to learn Facebook Ads, but I can’t do it – doesn’t work for me.” Or, “I want to learn YouTube Ads, but I’ve tried and it doesn’t work for me.”

You may have “tried” a lot of things… But have you mastered them? And so, how do you become great at anything? You practice. It’s as simple as that. What you practice and what you study, you can improve and you can master.

I want you to think about that in all areas of life and business. If you want to become great at anything, heck, even if you only want to become good – practice the damn crap out of it, right? Study, practice!

Now This Is Why, Of Course, Having A Mentor Is The Best Thing For Everybody
Now This Is Why, Of Course, Having A Mentor Is The Best Thing For Everybody

We have, for example, like I just said to Peter who just messaged me talking about Facebook advertising. We’ve got a course for that. And if you want to learn this Facebook Ads stuff… Learn how to set up an ad, how to run Facebook advertising, how to target people on the Facebook advertising platform… You need to study that course.

Study Then Implement, In Small Increments To Master Your Craft

And one of the things that I would advise people, with a course such as that is, first work your way through it in full. Don’t do anything, don’t try and copy it, don’t implement it. Just go through it, okay? Then you’re gonna have an overview of the process. You’re gonna see where it’s going.

Then go back to the beginning… Watch a piece – pause and implement, watch the next piece – pause and implement, watch the next piece – pause and implement, okay? And if there’s ever a point where you didn’t understand something, go back, watch and study it again and again until it makes sense.

Now this is why, of course, having a mentor is the best thing for everybody. Because sometimes for a lot of people, just watching a video isn’t enough. They need that accountability, they need that support, they need that advice… A mentor to turn to who has done what they want to do, who has been where they want to be, who has overcome the challenges that they’re facing.

If You Want The Best Business Income Possible, You Need To Master Your Craft
If You Want The Best Business Income Possible, You Need To Master Your Craft

And so, how do you become great at anything? It’s not a complicated technical answer is it? You practice, practice, practice. In the same way that you’d see any sports star – what are they doing? They’re practicing, practicing, over and over. They don’t stop.

Y’know, a golfer – they’ll hit tens of thousands of balls. A footballer they’ll kick tens of thousands of free kicks, if that’s their role. They’ll take tens of thousands of corners in practice. They do not stop. They’re relentless in mastering their craft. Why? Because they want to be great. They want to be the best.

Strive To Be The Best You Can And Master Your Craft

And you have to strive for that as well in your life, and in your business. If I want the best online business that I can have, I need to master my craft. And if I want the best income possible and provide for my family, I need to master my craft.

Finish reading > Master Your Craft

Monday, 15 March 2021

Setting Intentions For The Day And The Importance Of Following Through

Setting Intentions For The Day

For online entrepreneurs, the importance of setting intentions for the day is clear. By having a plan before you sit down to work at your computer, you’ll be more likely to achieve the results you desire in your online business…

“What is happening, my friend? How are you doing? It is Dean here, of course. We are on the way to Internet Profits. It is only about 7:15 in the morning right now. A nice fresh early start today. I want to kick off this week with a bang. Lots and lots of plans. A grand vision, if you will.

Last week I started really delving into the grand vision of, “What do I want to do in life?” Like, what impact do I want to have? How can we at Internet Profits have the maximum impact with what I know, and what we do? How can we continually grow and strive to be the absolute best – the global leader of our category?

I've Reached A Point Where My Grand Vision Scares The Crap Outta Me!
I’ve Reached A Point Where My Grand Vision Scares The Crap Outta Me!

I started thinking it through and going deeper into thoughts I’ve had in the past. And I had this big realization of where I see us, how we develop and grow, and how we can get there. I gotta say that I’ve reached a point where my grand vision is scary. And that excites me – that feeling of what I want to accomplish, scares the crap outta me, but in a great way.

When I Look Back At The Routine Of Life I Used To Be Stuck In…

There was no excitement. Like, the only excitement was waiting for Friday – waiting for the weekend to arrive. Now I’m excited for Monday to arrive, y’know.

If you’re doing something you don’t enjoy, then you don’t get out of bed with a bang. You don’t jump up, you don’t leap up – you’re not able to wake up without an alarm. Like, I don’t have an alarm because my body wants to get up. My mind wants to be awake. I wanna get into the office.

I used to run my business from home. But I’ve chosen the opposite of that now. I go to an office, and I’m giving myself that working routine back. I’m taking myself out of my home. My home’s now my home, and I go to the office to work. I know that’s not for everyone. Some people love nothing more than working from home, and that’s the big goal for them. And it was for me too, for a long time. But the bottom line is, do what makes you happy.

Working On A Secret Project For Someone You Would Absolutely Know
Working On A Secret Project For Someone You Would Absolutely Know

So what have we got going on this week? We have a lot to get done, a lot of stuff to get together…

Secret Projects…

I’m working on a secret project that I can’t say anything about right now. Literally, I can’t tell you a single thing. It’s not even for my company – it’s for someone else that I’m doing something with. Someone you would absolutely know, who I’ve been asked to be involved with. Can’t say anything more – I know that’s not really giving you much, but you’ll learn soon enough. I’d imagine within six weeks you’ll know about this.

Our software project… Again, I’ve kept this top secret. This is an idea that I’ve had for over a year. Wasn’t able to bring it to fruition because (a) time, and (b) I didn’t really know, still don’t know, what I’m doing with software services creation and development.

Been Working On, Testing And Optimising Our Big New Webinar Campaign
Been Working On, Testing And Optimising Our Big New Webinar Campaign…

But I’ve teamed up with someone, partnered with somebody and a company to do that. Therefore I’m no longer involved in the software development side of things. It’s just not my strong point. So I can just focus on the marketing and sales aspect, which is great – which IS my strong point.

Big Webinar Campaign…

Webinar… You may know that I’ve been working on, testing, optimising, and getting load stuff ready for our big webinar campaign that we’re going to basically do for… We’ll roll out with affiliates, venture partners and Certified Partners, and do this webinar for their audiences.

We’ll probably run it for six to twelve months, and then we may actually retire that webinar. Only because I’ve got some thoughts of the future, and where we’re going and what we’re doing. So I’m excited for that – a limited time thing – but a big, big exciting thing.

Finishing that up, I’ve got to get all the stuff to the copywriter who’s working with us on the emails, ‘cos I’ve been absolutely useless in that sense. I’ve not gathered everything together that he needs to get on with the job. Carlos, who’s been patiently waiting for me – thank you, if you ever happen to see this.

Setting Intentions For The Day Ahead, Before You Sit At Your Computer
Setting Intentions For The Day Ahead, Before You Sit At Your Computer

We’ve got videos, we’ve got ad campaigns to create. We were setting up a lead acquisition funnel back end of last week, using a deadline funnel strategy to convert people into customers. It’s something that I want just privately test out before any affiliates or Certified Partners get access to it.

So all in all, a very busy week. Monday is my coaching day now, with some students I have. So I’ll be in the office until probably 9 or 10 p.m. tonight. Busy, busy day – like a 12 hour a day or something.

The Importance Of Setting Intentions For The Day

Anyway… Hopefully you’re all ready for a good week. The weekend is now done. Get yourself organized. And a big tip for the start of the week – and probably deploy this in your business every single day – is setting intentions for the day. Make sure you already know, before you sit at your computer, exactly what you’re doing.

You’ll notice that I’m able to tell you what’s going on this week for me… Why? Because I have a plan. And when I have a plan, I can then have a strategy to implement the plan and get it done. When I have a strategy, then it’s just a case of…

Finish reading > Setting Intentions For The Day

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Recap: Taking Risks In Business And Adapting to Change

 Taking Risks In Business

Several things covered here today by Dean – recapping recent events and topics. How, as we get older, taking risks in business can change for the worse if we let it. Focusing on one main thing at a time. Being transparent about the goals our company, Internet Profits, has for its customers. And the repercussions of the FTC action against MOBE…

“What is happening, my friend? How are you doing? I hope you’ve been having a fantastic week. So today, we’re gonna have a recap. But just before we get into that, I want to share a story…

Something I don’t really talk about – there’s no reason to – and not a lot of people probably know this about me… But I’m an only child – no brothers or sisters. And because of that reason, I’ve not spent a lot of time around kids.

Like, I wasn’t raised around any brothers or sisters, I have a pretty small family, and nobody that I see in my family has kids. And up until the last couple years, none of my close friends have had children.

So I was with one of my best friends from school not long ago, and he has a kid now, a young child, a toddler. I was observing him, and something funny happened. He wasn’t hurt, so therefore I can say it’s funny…

We’ve got this large long leather sofa, y’know one of those sofas that are in an L shape. And the kid got up onto the sofa, and he was stood there with his hands up against the back and sofa just standing.

Younger People Don't See Risk Until They've Been Warned Of It, Or Hurt
Younger People Don’t See Risk Until They’ve Been Warned Of It, Or Hurt

All of a sudden he turned, and he just starts walking along the sofa. Nothing wrong with that, right? He’s walking and he’s coming towards the edge – and he just keeps walking, as if it’s going to carry on, as if there’s no edge. Just keeps walking!

And obviously like, boom! Falls straight off. I’m watching and I’m like, “What!?” To me that made no sense. Obviously those of you with children, grandchildren, friends with children – you’re probably like, “Dean, that’s so normal.”

So I’m looking at this and I’m thinking… That kid saw zero risk in walking off the edge of that sofa. And as I’m thinking about this, I’m realizing that obviously when you’re younger – and logical common sense tells us – that you don’t see risk until you’ve necessarily been warned of it, or hurt.

Like when you’re young, your parents will stop you putting your hand in a fire because THEY know you’ll get burned. YOU don’t. You’ve not had that experience – you play with fire, you get burned. When you first get a puppy or a young dog, and it’s not had the experience… It doesn’t know about the dangers of roads and vehicles… So you have to train the dog to come to heel, or sit at the edge of the sidewalk before you cross.

Re-Learn The Skill Of Taking Risks In Business

And so this comes back to my recap… I was talking previously about what is your tolerance for taking risks in business. You have to be willing to take risks. And I remembered seeing this not long ago, and it reminded me of what we were talking about before… Which is tolerance of taking risks in business, and being willing to take risks on yourself to get where you want to be.

If you think back to when you’re younger, you didn’t have any issues with risk because you didn’t know of the dangers. The older we become, the more times we’ve been hurt, the more aware of risk we become. And actually for a lot of people, the less tolerant to risk we become, because our natural DNA is to protect us from being hurt, right?

Anyway, just an interesting fact – something to ponder… Moral of the story; you need to get back to a time in your mind when you were less scared of being hurt, and become more willing to take risks in business. So risk tolerance was one of the things we spoke about recently.

Focus On Getting One Main Thing Done This Week, And Business Should Be Fun
Focus On Getting One Main Thing Done This Week, And Business Should Be Fun

Another thing, obviously big news – MOBE being sued by the FTC.

Other news, what’s been happening, geez – busy, busy week in lots of different areas. We are on week two of a 12-month coaching that I’m doing with some of our Certified Partners now. That’s going great – really enjoying seeing people progress.

The moral of the story from that is; focus on one main thing which, if you get that done this week, you’ll progress more than if you spread yourself over all the million and one other things that you could choose to do.

Last time out we actually spoke about how and why building a business should be fun, right? And that video was really well received. I had a few people comment to me on social media about that video, saying it was one of my best. So definitely check that out if you missed it.

Transparency In Our Business At Internet Profits

In that one, I was also talking about transparency in business. And I actually detailed our entire process that we look to take people through. All the way from having no business, up through each stage, and the different programs which we offer that can take people through those stages.

From learning skills and promoting other people’s products first, while you learn to do advertising, building an audience, and following up. Learning those key skills. Then through to being able to build a sustainable full-time income doing that.

And then leveraging those skills that you’ve now mastered, to be able to create your own products. So you can further serve more people, and grow and scale your business.

Taking You From Zero Through The Exact Path I Followed, Without The Trial And Error
Taking You From Zero Through The Exact Path I Followed, Without The Trial And Error

Then to be able to build your own sales funnels, leading to premium programs and high ticket offers, where you can truly help people and multiply your profits massively. Finally leading to a ‘Mastermind’ group that we have, which costs tens of thousands a year.

And so we’ve got this full progression process. Taking someone from zero, through the stages of building their businesses. It’s the exact path that I followed over the last ten years. Only our goal is to condense that period of time down.

I did a lot of trial and error, lost a lot of money along the way. And now, having done it for ten years, I know the path. And so, that’s the path we lay out. You’re gonna see us publishing a lot of videos about all of this going forwards...

Finish reading > Taking Risks In Business