Monday, 15 March 2021

Setting Intentions For The Day And The Importance Of Following Through

Setting Intentions For The Day

For online entrepreneurs, the importance of setting intentions for the day is clear. By having a plan before you sit down to work at your computer, you’ll be more likely to achieve the results you desire in your online business…

“What is happening, my friend? How are you doing? It is Dean here, of course. We are on the way to Internet Profits. It is only about 7:15 in the morning right now. A nice fresh early start today. I want to kick off this week with a bang. Lots and lots of plans. A grand vision, if you will.

Last week I started really delving into the grand vision of, “What do I want to do in life?” Like, what impact do I want to have? How can we at Internet Profits have the maximum impact with what I know, and what we do? How can we continually grow and strive to be the absolute best – the global leader of our category?

I've Reached A Point Where My Grand Vision Scares The Crap Outta Me!
I’ve Reached A Point Where My Grand Vision Scares The Crap Outta Me!

I started thinking it through and going deeper into thoughts I’ve had in the past. And I had this big realization of where I see us, how we develop and grow, and how we can get there. I gotta say that I’ve reached a point where my grand vision is scary. And that excites me – that feeling of what I want to accomplish, scares the crap outta me, but in a great way.

When I Look Back At The Routine Of Life I Used To Be Stuck In…

There was no excitement. Like, the only excitement was waiting for Friday – waiting for the weekend to arrive. Now I’m excited for Monday to arrive, y’know.

If you’re doing something you don’t enjoy, then you don’t get out of bed with a bang. You don’t jump up, you don’t leap up – you’re not able to wake up without an alarm. Like, I don’t have an alarm because my body wants to get up. My mind wants to be awake. I wanna get into the office.

I used to run my business from home. But I’ve chosen the opposite of that now. I go to an office, and I’m giving myself that working routine back. I’m taking myself out of my home. My home’s now my home, and I go to the office to work. I know that’s not for everyone. Some people love nothing more than working from home, and that’s the big goal for them. And it was for me too, for a long time. But the bottom line is, do what makes you happy.

Working On A Secret Project For Someone You Would Absolutely Know
Working On A Secret Project For Someone You Would Absolutely Know

So what have we got going on this week? We have a lot to get done, a lot of stuff to get together…

Secret Projects…

I’m working on a secret project that I can’t say anything about right now. Literally, I can’t tell you a single thing. It’s not even for my company – it’s for someone else that I’m doing something with. Someone you would absolutely know, who I’ve been asked to be involved with. Can’t say anything more – I know that’s not really giving you much, but you’ll learn soon enough. I’d imagine within six weeks you’ll know about this.

Our software project… Again, I’ve kept this top secret. This is an idea that I’ve had for over a year. Wasn’t able to bring it to fruition because (a) time, and (b) I didn’t really know, still don’t know, what I’m doing with software services creation and development.

Been Working On, Testing And Optimising Our Big New Webinar Campaign
Been Working On, Testing And Optimising Our Big New Webinar Campaign…

But I’ve teamed up with someone, partnered with somebody and a company to do that. Therefore I’m no longer involved in the software development side of things. It’s just not my strong point. So I can just focus on the marketing and sales aspect, which is great – which IS my strong point.

Big Webinar Campaign…

Webinar… You may know that I’ve been working on, testing, optimising, and getting load stuff ready for our big webinar campaign that we’re going to basically do for… We’ll roll out with affiliates, venture partners and Certified Partners, and do this webinar for their audiences.

We’ll probably run it for six to twelve months, and then we may actually retire that webinar. Only because I’ve got some thoughts of the future, and where we’re going and what we’re doing. So I’m excited for that – a limited time thing – but a big, big exciting thing.

Finishing that up, I’ve got to get all the stuff to the copywriter who’s working with us on the emails, ‘cos I’ve been absolutely useless in that sense. I’ve not gathered everything together that he needs to get on with the job. Carlos, who’s been patiently waiting for me – thank you, if you ever happen to see this.

Setting Intentions For The Day Ahead, Before You Sit At Your Computer
Setting Intentions For The Day Ahead, Before You Sit At Your Computer

We’ve got videos, we’ve got ad campaigns to create. We were setting up a lead acquisition funnel back end of last week, using a deadline funnel strategy to convert people into customers. It’s something that I want just privately test out before any affiliates or Certified Partners get access to it.

So all in all, a very busy week. Monday is my coaching day now, with some students I have. So I’ll be in the office until probably 9 or 10 p.m. tonight. Busy, busy day – like a 12 hour a day or something.

The Importance Of Setting Intentions For The Day

Anyway… Hopefully you’re all ready for a good week. The weekend is now done. Get yourself organized. And a big tip for the start of the week – and probably deploy this in your business every single day – is setting intentions for the day. Make sure you already know, before you sit at your computer, exactly what you’re doing.

You’ll notice that I’m able to tell you what’s going on this week for me… Why? Because I have a plan. And when I have a plan, I can then have a strategy to implement the plan and get it done. When I have a strategy, then it’s just a case of…

Finish reading > Setting Intentions For The Day

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