Saturday, 16 February 2019

Morning Motivation Tip: How To Get Stuff Done Early In The Morning

Morning Motivation
Here’s an amazing morning motivation tip to help you get out of bed early and crush the day before anyone else has even woken up!

“So I have been up – it is almost 8 a.m. – and I got up around about 4 a.m. this morning.

And I realized something earlier, which struck me when it happened – when I jumped up out of bed.

So I want to share it with you on today’s Drive to the Internet Profits HQ. So let’s do this!

Good morning, welcome to another episode of The Drive. Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ today.

I’m excited, because today feels like one of those days where we’re gonna really bring a lot of stuff together. Got a ton done yesterday, and I’ve already got a ton done today.

As I said above, it is around about 8 a.m. and I’m on the way to the office. However today it’s…

8 a.m. And I’ve Done Almost A Day’s Work Already!

And I want to share a huge, huge morning motivation tip with you. Because, I don’t know about you, but there’s days (and this used to be more frequently than not) where I wake up in the morning and I’m like, I feel not inspired or excited to jump up out of bed.

You know those days where you just want to wrap up in the quilt and and stay in bed all cozy and warm, and the idea of getting out just doesn’t excite you. And you’re like, “No I don’t wanna!” And have all this irrational thinking, like just five more minutes – like five more minutes is going to do any good!

You’re not gonna sleep, you’re not gonna get some meaningful rest. But yeah, you have this irrational thinking some days. And so…

There’s A Way That I’m Able To Turn That Around To Morning Motivation

And I want to share that morning motivation tip with you. But first, let me just share what happened this morning.

Last couple of days I’ve been waking up, like, I’ve started getting in a different routine, where I go to bed earlier. ‘Cos I was always a nighttime person.

If I go back to when I was first starting my business, when I had a full-time job. I’d come home about 6 p.m. and sit at the computer from about 8 p.m. till like 2 a.m. Get a few hours sleep. Get up and go to my job. And then when I left that job in 2009 to do this full-time…

Continue reading my post here: Morning Motivation

Friday, 15 February 2019

Call To Action: The One Thing You Must Do In Your Business At All Times

Call To Action
I want to share this one thing, the call to action, that you need to do in your business at all times, that will undoubtedly make you more money in your business.

So, I never used to do this, right? I never used to do this thing, because I used to assume that people would know what to do.

But when I started doing it, I made more money. And now I always do it!

Okay, so what am I talking about? I’m talking about…

Always Give A Clear Call To Action In Your Marketing

Whether this is in an email that you’re sending, in a sales video that you’re recording, in a sales letter you’re writing, whether it’s in a content piece that you’re creating, a blog post, a social media post.

Whatever it is, if you want your audience, whether they’re reading, watching, listening, whatever it is…

If You Want Them To Take An Action, Tell Them To Do It!

Don’t just assume, because you’ve got a button on the page, or a link in the email, that people will automatically click on it, or know to click on it, okay?

So, for example, right...

Continue reading my post here: Call To Action

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

The Magnetic Secret To Build A Successful Online Business

Successful Online Business
There’s this one small thing that you can do differently today, that will magnetically start to build a successful business online for you. This changed Dean Holland’s life 13 years ago, and it’s just happened again to him. Time to share it right here, with you…

“Something happened to me yesterday and it reminded me of something that I also did a couple of years ago, and it’s really refreshing.

So I want to actually share what this is, because I think this is going to help you get better results in your business.

For me it was one of those things that I did years ago, that finally allowed me to start seeing success. And actually…

Yesterday, I Did It Again, And It Feels Amazing!

And immediately, your audience relates with you, resonates with you, and supports you. And that’s what I want for you in your successful online business too.

So I want to share something that happened yesterday, and it really took me back. I remember when I was first starting to try and make money online, way, way back now, like 13 years ago.

There was a four-year period where…

I Just Completely Messed Up

I was buying and trying everything. Loaded up five credit cards, two bank loans, got over $60K’s worth of debt by the time I was in my mid-twenties.

But the biggest thing about that – one of the biggest lessons I learned – was during that whole time, because I was so afraid of the mess I got myself into, I didn’t tell anyone. So like, nobody knew.

It wasn’t until I got my first mentor, joined my first coaching program and got my first mentor… This guy said to me (he’s now a good friend, Alex…) he said to me, “Dean, it’s time that you were open, transparent and honest, and shared exactly what you’ve been going through with the rest of the world?”

This was a really scary thought at the time. Because I think, particularly in the ‘make money online’ space and the ‘home business’ space, everybody conveys their success. Everyone shares their wins. Nobody generally, especially 10 years ago…

No One Was Ever Talking About Failure

Nobody was sharing how bad things were for them. Nobody was sharing how much they were failing, right?

Continue reading my post here: Successful Online Business

Monday, 4 February 2019

Entrepreneurial Mindset: If You Don’t Have This One Thing, Nothing Else Matters

Entrepreneurial Mindset
Here’s Dean Holland revealing the specific entrepreneurial mindset he needed to adopt in order to transform his life and business from the brink of disaster, to the prosperous and expanding business he runs today for all of us at Internet Profits.

“Today I want to discuss probably one of the most important things that online entrepreneurs need to hear, but very few actually want to listen to.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Good morning, welcome to another episode of The Drive. So yesterday was my birthday and it sparked off a whole time of reflection and thinking.

Looking back to how much has changed, it was only nine years ago when I was at the lowest, worst point in my life.

I was 24 years old. I was over $60,000 in debt. I’d been chasing the dream of making money on the internet for four years at this stage. I had five credit cards, all pretty much maxed out, and two bank loans. And…

I Was So Afraid And Ashamed

…of what I’d done and what had gotten myself into that I didn’t tell anyone of the debts. And so I was living this complete lie!

Now yesterday, I was talking about this with our Certified Partners on a Facebook Live in our private group. I was on there for 30 40 minutes, and I was talking about all of this.

I was sharing what I’d been reflecting on, sharing the key things. And the conversation came up like…

What Was The Real Turning Point…?

What was the defining thing? And whilst I could say many different things – I spoke about it in yesterday’s Drive actually – I gave some big millionaire business tips that helped me turn my business around.

Whilst I could say all of those tips, like; getting a mentor, not going it alone, learning from people that are already doing what you want to do.

Whilst I could say all of those tangible things that can be seen, and felt, and purchased, there’s one thing above all – that without this, none of the rest of it matters.

Without this one thing… it doesn’t matter how many great mentors you get to teach you business, it won’t make a drop of difference if you don’t have this one thing...

Continue reading my full post here: Entrepreneurial Mindset

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Millionaire Business Tips: How I Generated Over $9 Million In Online Sales By Age 33

Millionaire Business Tips
A series of not-to-be-missed millionaire business tips shared by Dean Holland, specifically aimed at helping new business startups and online marketers…

“In today’s Drive I’m going to talk about how I’ve grown my business to generate over nine million dollars in online sales, by the time I’m 33.

I don’t really have anything specifically planned, but hopefully these will be some great tips and bits of advice for anybody starting and growing a business.

Millionaire Business Tips For Starting And Growing A Business

I started back in 2004, and for the first four years I struggled ridiculously. It ended up being like some of the darkest and scariest times in my life, because by 2008 I was in over sixty thousand dollars of debt.

And I suppose this is where my first bit of advice will come from. When you’ve figured out, or when you think you’ve got an idea of what it is you want to do – as in what direction you want to take your business.

Which Direction To Take In Your Business?

Do you want to be an affiliate marketer? Or do you have expertise and knowledge that you feel can help others, and give value to others? In which case, do you want to learn how to create your own product or course, then how to sell that?

Whichever direction it is you want to go, my first bit of advice would be, don’t try and figure it all out on your own.

There’s quite a steep learning curve, in terms of learning what to do and how to do it, to start and grow business properly. There’s a lot to learn.

The Biggest Shame In My Online Business Career

One of the biggest shames is, when I look back, I think, “Yes, I might have lost tens of thousands of dollars (which in itself is not great) but I managed to make that back many, many times over.”

So I’m not worried by that. But one thing I do look back on and think is, “What a shame that I didn’t get that advice that I’m sharing now, much earlier. What a shame I thought that figuring everything out on my own was a good idea!”

Because I can’t get the four years back that I lost. And that’s just the truth, right? They’ve come, they’ve gone!

Thankfully I did get a mentor in 2008, and that was the turning point. So that would be my first thing…

Continue reading here: Millionaire Business Tips