Friday, 28 August 2020

Motivation To Change Your Life And Overcome Obstacles To Success

Motivation To Change Your Life
Motivation To Change Your Life And Overcome Obstacles To Success
How to overcome obstacles to success in life, and why your friends, colleagues, and even family can often seem like they’re against you. Find the motivation to change your life, to be true to yourself, and to trust your gut feelings…
“I want to give you a message of motivation to change your life this morning. You see, I think one of the biggest problems that people often face is either themselves, or the external influences that they allow to affect them.
And this is especially something that’s pretty common when you’re starting out looking to grow an online business as an affiliate marketer, say. Or y’know, whatever online business you’re starting. You will come up against ‘barriers’ let’s just say.
"Oh My Gosh! I've Discovered This Thing That's Gonna Change My Life"
“Oh My Gosh! I’ve Discovered This Thing That’s Gonna Change My Life”
I can take you back to a point in time – 2008. I’d been trying to make money online and build an online business for four years. I hadn’t gotten anywhere. And when I began that journey…

When I First Discovered Affiliate Marketing, I Was So Excited

…that I would tell everyone about it: “Oh my gosh! I’ve discovered this thing that’s gonna change my life – it’s called affiliate marketing. And you can make money online, and I’m gonna figure out how to do it, and then I’m gonna tell everyone else how to do it… You should do it too!”
And I would tell everyone, and they would be like, “Oh really? Okay, ho hum.” And kind of like laugh almost like, “Okay, yeah right.” Additionally I would also be greeted with things like, “All that stuff’s not true, Dean. Don’t believe any of that. That’s all lies and scams. Don’t be foolish enough to believe any of that.”
I Remember This Feeling Where I Just Started Getting Quieter And Quieter About It
I Remember This Feeling Where I Just Started Getting Quieter And Quieter About It
But I believed it. I believed there was something there. I saw lots of proof, saw lots of evidence online – people doing it. And so I kept going.
And as time went on, the days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months, and the months turned into years…. People would be asking, but now in sort of a mocking way, like…
“Oh, how’s that internet stuff going Dean?” Y’know, almost looking at each other – when I was in my full-time job, for example – people would be looking at each other when we’d be stood around having lunch. You could see when…

People Are Talking About You, And Laughing At You Behind Your Back

But the problem was that, because I couldn’t figure it out, because I wasn’t getting any results, I had nothing to throw back in their face. And so I remember this feeling where I just started getting quieter, and quieter, and quieter about it – because I had nothing positive to share.
People That Love Me And Care About Me - Telling Me It's Nonsense And I'm Being Fooled
People That Love Me And Care About Me – Telling Me It’s Nonsense And I’m Being Fooled
In fact, to be honest… By my mid 20’s, at the end of 2008, I was in over sixty thousand dollars of debt. Five credit cards, all but one of them maxed out. I had two sizeable bank loans. And basically, in my mid twenties, facing bankruptcy.
But because I was so ashamed of what I done, nobody knew. So I was carrying on like, “Oh, y’know, that stuff’s going okay. I’ll figure it out soon.” And that’s all I kept saying… “I’ll figure it out soon.” I didn’t let anyone know that I’d got myself into a hell hole of debt.
Here’s one of the things I can learn and look back on now. Because I’m not just talking about friends and colleagues. I’m talking about family who would be trying to tell me to stop. People that love me, people that care about me, telling me it’s nonsense…
That I’m being fooled. It doesn’t exist. It’s scams, lies, cheats. I’m being duped and tricked, and I’m believing it all, and I’m foolish, and I should stop and focus on my job. Focus on a career, focus on climbing the corporate ladder.
They Want To Protect You From Failure And Pain, And Will Try To Hold You Back
They Want To Protect You From Failure And Pain, And Will Try To Hold You Back
And I can tell you now looking back, that the people that truly do care about you… The reason they kind of seemingly want to stand in your way and hold you back and stop you…

It’s Not Because They Don’t Want You To Succeed

…It’s not because they don’t love you or care… It’s that, for most people, that’s their mechanism of protection.
They want to protect you from the failures, protect you from losing, protect you from the pain. And so they’ll try and hold you back. Because, more often than not, people in their lifetimes – most people throughout their lifetimes – have tried to accomplish something, and they’ve experienced pain, because it’s perhaps not worked out.
You Might Think, "Why Don't They Care About Me Enough To Believe In Me?"
You Might Think, “Why Don’t They Care About Me Enough To Believe In Me?”
And so when you have elders in your life, or people in your life, or influencers in your life that care about you. They want to protect you from that pain. And their way of doing that is to try and – what you feel like, and what it seems like… “They’re trying to hold me back and stop me.”
“Why don’t they believe in me?” You might think. “Why don’t they care about me enough to believe in me? Why aren’t they supporting me?” You’ll probably have those feelings. “Why aren’t they being supportive? Why are they trying to hold me back? Why are they doing this? I thought they loved me.”

Motivation To Change Your Life And Overcome Obstacles To Your Success

And you’ll think all these thoughts, when the truth is these people DO love you. That’s just their mechanism of protection.
Find That Mentor Who's Done What You Want To Do, And Learn From Them
Find That Mentor Who’s Done What You Want To Do, And Learn From Them
But I want you to know one thing above all. You should believe in yourself, and listen to your own gut instinct. You believe in you. Believe in what you’re doing. You KNOW that you can live a better life, that you can provide more, that you can accomplish more, overcome obstacles to success, and find the motivation to change your life for the better.
The key is to find that person who can steer you there. Someone that’s doing, or has done what you want to do. Learn from them. Listen to them. That’s going to take an investment of time and money to do so. But it is absolutely imperative you do that…
Continue reading > Motivation To Change Your Life

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Best Affiliate Marketing Tactic: Most Profitable Affiliate Marketing Strategy

Best Affiliate Marketing Tactic
Best Affiliate Marketing Tactic: Most Profitable Affiliate Marketing Strategy
The traditional affiliate marketing strategy from ten years ago is no longer as profitable with paid traffic as it once was. Dean reveals here what’s happened to the affiliate marketing industry over recent years, and lays out the blueprint for the best affiliate marketing tactic you need today…
“Hey, hey, hey! Good morning my friend. Dean here of course, just on the way to Internet Profits HQ.
I just want to share a quick, short message. More of a tactical thing y’know. Sometimes I talk about what we’re up to, sometimes I talk about motivation and all kinds of stuff here on The Drive.
But today… I’ve gone through everything meticulously recently. Like, what did I do? How did I do it? What does it take to build a business?

"If I Could Get More Traffic Then All My Affiliate Marketing Problems Would Be Solved"
“If I Could Get More Traffic Then All My Affiliate Marketing Problems Would Be Solved”

And I’m not gonna talk about mindset and that stuff today. Even though, to be honest, that’s probably the biggest differentiator between those that succeed and those that don’t. But anyway, we’ll push that to one side and talk affiliate marketing tactics.
Looking back, I used to think, “If only I could get more traffic… Then all my problems would be solved as an affiliate marketer.” That’s what I used to think was the best affiliate marketing tactic.
But the truth is… Y’know, when you look at it… If you think that, I want to give you a bit of a wake up call. I want you to think about something…

There Is So Much Traffic On The Internet!

It is RIDICULOUS. There are billions of people on Facebook alone. That’s one platform – just one platform, right? You only need one platform. Think about this for a second.

If It's Not About The Traffic, Then Why Is It That People Still Don't Succeed?
If It’s Not About The Traffic, Then Why Is It That People Still Don’t Succeed?

Let’s say you only… Imagine you eradicated all other platforms, and you only have Facebook. There is still more than enough traffic there for you to have monumental success.
Or let’s even draw that back a bit. Let’s not even talk about monumental success. You could make enough to replace your day job, or supplement your pension, and live a very good life just off of Facebook, right?
Facebook makes people millionaires from their traffic. So it’s not about the traffic. The traffic is there.
So why is it then that people still don’t succeed? Let’s imagine you could get all your traffic from Facebook, or Instagram, or Twitter or any of the other platforms – Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, etc. There’s so much, it’s ridiculous, it’s absurd.
So let’s take traffic out the equation. Then what are the other components of a profitable affiliate marketing strategy? Well, there are four main things… But I want to talk about one.

Back Then The Cost Of (And Commissions For) Products Were Higher, And Traffic Was Cheaper
Back Then The Cost Of (And Commissions For) Products Were Higher, And Traffic Was Cheaper

Traffic is the first of them. Then there are two other affiliate marketing tactics. But it’s the final one that most people don’t have… And that is…

A Profitably Converting Sales System

Now, I’m not talking like… Y’know, when I got started – or – when I actually started making money back in 2008/2009, you could just get an affiliate link from like Clickbank, or any of the other platforms.
I was mainly using Clickbank… And you could promote that offer, and you would get commissions on that first product that you were driving traffic to – and then the couple of upsells that would normally follow. But that would be it.
The thing is, back then, things were very different. Like, the cost of products was higher. Which meant you were able to get a higher commission. And you could get traffic cheaper and easier, because there wasn’t as much competition.

Today You Need An 'Ultimate Funnel' That Makes You High Ticket Sales And Commissions
Today You Need An ‘Ultimate Funnel‘ That Makes You High Ticket Sales And Commissions

Today, things are very different though. The average cost of products has come down on the front end. Which means the commissions have been reduced. And although there’s a lot of traffic, it’s more competitive. Therefore the price is up.

The Best Affiliate Marketing Tactic For Today

And so what do you do then? What’s the best affiliate marketing tactic to use today? Well, you need what I call an ‘Ultimate Sales Funnel‘. But let’s not even talk about the ultimate sales funnel yet.
There’s one critical thing that you must now have to succeed. And that is the ability to make big commissions. What I mean by that is…
Take your average, normal sales funnel on Clickbank. It would normally consist of what’s called a front end product, and then probably two upsells – two or three upsells, right?
You get commissions on the front end, which might be about ten or twenty dollars maybe. And then on the couple of upsells. But now that’s no longer likely to be profitable using paid traffic.

Want To Sell Hundreds Of Low Cost Clickbank Products, Or One Three Thousand Dollar Program?
Sell Hundreds Of Low Cost Clickbank Products?… Or One Three Thousand Dollar Program?

So if you just promote a product off Clickbank with paid traffic, you probably won’t make a profit, right? Particularly in my industry at least. So what you need is…
Continue reading > Best Affiliate Marketing Tactic

Friday, 21 August 2020

Change Your Life For The Better With This Business Mindset Challenge

Change Your Life For The Better
Change Your Life For The Better With This Business Mindset Challenge
Amazing things can happen when you take complete responsibility for the successes and failures in your business and your life. What follows is a good example of how you can change your life for the better by honestly challenging your business mindset…
“Good morning, my friend. Dean here of course, just on the way to Internet Profits HQ.
This week’s been pretty exciting actually at Internet Profits. Previously I mentioned that I was doing a live 60-minute training with our Certified Partners – which I did.

I Gave Them A Four-Step Blueprint To Growing Their Business

…to anywhere between three and ten thousand dollars a month over the next twelve months, as a Certified Partner using our ultimate funnels. Pretty exciting to share that.
I've Been Thinking About The Position That Many Affiliate Marketers Find Themselves In
I’ve Been Thinking About The Position That Many Affiliate Marketers Find Themselves In
Now today we’ve actually got one of our Certified Partners coming into the office, Gregg. He’s actually going to be spending the morning with us, arriving somewhere around 9:30 / 10 am, till around about 1:00 pm.
Going to be really getting clear on his plan of action and going over his strategy. Making sure he’s clear on it, that he knows his path forwards, and y’know really give him that clarity. So we’ll spend a few hours together today – looking forward to that.
But I just want to spend a few minutes talking about something. I was thinking a lot about the journey that I’ve been on. And because of this webinar that we did – I was thinking about a lot of the journeys, a lot of the positions that people find themselves in, in the affiliate marketing industry.
I Look Back Now And Think, "Wow! What A Stupid Broken Mindset"
I Look Back Now And Think, “Wow! What A Stupid Broken Mindset”
And y’know, when I look back… 2004 to 2008, I was in a hell-hole!

I Literally Could Not Figure This Stuff Out. Gosh, It Was Horrible!

And I remember… Aside from the buying and trying of everything and the debts I was in… If I think about my mindset back then, I used to honestly and genuinely… It sounds silly now… Some of you will either relate to this, or you’ll think I’m stupid…
In the position I am today, I think, “Wow! What a stupid broken mindset.” But back then, it was very real. It was my life. Back then I used to honestly and genuinely think that the position I was in… That hell-hole of debt… The position I found myself in, wasn’t my fault.
It was everyone else’s fault – it was the people selling the products – it was the marketers – it was the gurus. And I’ll be honest… Absolutely, there was a lot of crap – and there still is to this day. And it’s everything I stand against, everything I’m fighting against…

It’s What I’m Waging War Against – The Liars, The Cheats, The Thieves, The Scammers!

There Becomes A Point Where We All Have To Take Responsibility For Our Actions
There Becomes A Point Where We All Have To Take Responsibility For Our Actions
The people pushing endless get-rich-quick garbage onto unsuspecting victims like I used to be.
But the truth is this – I’m the one that bought into it. I’m the one that believed it. So who’s truly to blame? And when you look at it, you could say, “Well, misleading bad practices aren’t my fault.” You’re absolutely right. And I was duped by a lot of it, and I was naive and stupid.
But at the end of the day, there becomes a point where we all have to take responsibility for our actions. We all have to take responsibility for where we are at in our lives, and the decisions that we’re making.
If you choose to continue believing that stuff, like I once did… If I were to have stayed on that path, with that belief, I would not be here today. I would probably still be jumping from dead-end job to dead-end job, in tens of thousands of debt. Financially crippled, broken, financially broke position, with no positive prospects in my life.
It's Never Easy To See Ourselves As The One To Blame - To Feel Like We're At Fault
It’s Never Easy To See Ourselves As The One To Blame – To Feel Like We’re At Fault

How To Change Your Life For The Better

Only I could change that – and I could change that with decisions that I made. And where you’re at today, I want to say that no matter how you feel as of right now… I want you to know that you are where you’re at because of the decisions that you have or have not made.
And as much as that’s tough sometimes to swallow, because it’s never easy to see ourselves as the one to blame. It’s never easy to feel like we’re at fault… The reality is…
Continue reading > Change Your Life For The Better

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

The Importance Of Self Reflection – Dean Holland And Internet Profits

Importance Of Self Reflection
The Importance Of Self Reflection – Dean Holland And Internet Profits
Dean Holland back from his trip to Russell Brunson’s Mastermind group, thinks back over the massive and rapid growth of his business at Internet Profits. The importance of self-reflection becomes evident when Dean goes on to reminisce about his painful internet marketing roots…
“Good morning my friend. Dean Holland here. How are you doing? We are on the way to Internet Profits HQ right now. Let’s start another day of awesomeness, serving the world in our own little way.
Hope you’re well, doing good, and your week’s off to a great start. Today is a glorious day. Somebody said this – was it in a movie or something?… “Every day above ground is a good day.” Indeed. What a great way to look at things.
If You Follow Me Online, You'll Have Seen Some Big Changes Over The Last Year
If You Follow Me Online, You’ll Have Seen Some Big Changes Over The Last Year

So What Are We Up To Here At Internet Profits?

Well, yesterday had a meeting together with those of our team that can actually attend. Just gave them a bit of an update as to what happened, and what what I took away from the ‘Mastermind’ with Russell Brunson and tons of other amazing people in the US over the past week.
And this really is the awesome thing right now. If you follow me on The Drive or on social media at all over the last year, you’ll have seen some pretty significant differences.
I literally went from running my business from home. Y’know, with just a small number of people on the team helping me out. One or two full-time, one part-time. Just running things from home, as a home-based business if you like.
We Now Have Quite An Amazing Set Up Compared To This Time Last Year
We Now Have Quite An Amazing Set Up Compared To This Time Last Year
But I’m a very ambitious person. I saw that we could have a far greater impact and do much more than I was doing. I wasn’t living up to my own expectations of myself.
So I decided to go all-in! And I truly don’t believe there’s any other way to do things. And so I went all-in.

I Reinvested Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Into The Business…

Set up an office. Grew the team. Built systems. Had consultants come into the company and help me with tons of stuff… On-boarding staff, recruiting, standard operating procedures, all this kind of stuff.
And so we really have, as of today, quite an amazing set up. Not perfect. Still plenty of room to grow, develop and improve. But compared to where we were this time last year – in an infrastructural basis – it’s night and day.
Gone For A Week - But The Business Kept Making Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars
Gone For A Week – But The Business Kept Making Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars
To the point where, when I was in the US, I probably did no more than 90 minutes at the computer over six days. And that was just checking in on a couple of things, and doing a couple of bits. No more than 90 minutes in 6 days!
And yet while I was gone, during those six days the business was generating tens of thousands of dollars – tens and tens of thousands of dollars. Serving so many people, and making an impact in people’s lives. And that’s ultimately what we’re about.
When I go back and look at it, I remember that things didn’t used to be this way. Y’know, I could go way back.

The Importance Of Self Reflection

When I had a full-time job, I remember getting up at 6 am in the morning, walking my dog, driving 45 minutes to get to my place of work at a construction company. (And here’s where the importance of self-reflection becomes clear.)
That Carried On For Years And Years - It Was Hard, Hard Graft!
That Carried On For Years And Years – It Was Hard, Hard Graft!
Every spare moment I had… Not that I should’ve been doing this, but that was my passion… Every spare moment I had in my job, I would be checking emails, looking at things in my business, going onto the…
Continue reading > Importance Of Self Reflection

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Connecting With Customers Online: Emotionally Connect With Customers

Connecting With Customers Online
Connecting With Customers Online: Emotionally Connect With Customers
Dean came back from his Russell Brunson Mastermind group in 2018 with some key advice on connecting with customers online. Find out how to emotionally connect with customers online, whether you’re struggling at the start of your business, or you’re successful and much further down the road from them…
“I am back! Good morning and welcome to a ‘traditional’ episode of The Drive.
Back in the UK. And wow, what a week it’s been. I first have to apologise, because you didn’t actually get to see a lot of it with me. A bit of a different journey this time to the US. I didn’t have my camera or filming abilities all the time.
We did a lot of ‘Masterminding’, both with Russell Brunson at Clickfunnels, and some private group Masterminds. And when people are sharing intimate details or problems they’re facing in their business, y’know it’s not the right thing to do to pull out your camera and record these things. So that’s why you didn’t get to see a lot this time around.
One Of The Biggest Struggles Many Have Is Emotionally Connecting With Customers Online
One Of The Biggest Struggles Many Have Is Emotionally Connecting With Customers Online
But the good news is that, of course, I can now share with you my key takeaways, and the big things that I’ve come back with.

One Of Them, I’m Gonna Share With You Today

Now what do I want to share first? I was thinking about something that I said to somebody.
This is what’s amazing about being in a Mastermind group and surrounding yourself with like-minded, driven people. Amazing people that I’m so proud to call my friends. Y’know I’m so blessed with all this stuff, it’s amazing!
But sometimes it will bring ideas out of your own mind. It’s not just soaking up what everyone else is saying, or sharing. Sometimes it brings the very best out in you as well. And I said something to somebody which I want to share with you.
Because, I think one of the biggest struggles that people often have… And there’s actually a different variation of this struggle at different stages in people’s businesses. It is actually connecting with customers online. Connecting closely, like deep down to the core, to your market – to your target prospect – to your ideal customer or client.
Start Being Open And Honest About The Struggles You've Had, Or Are Having Right Now
Start Being Open And Honest About The Struggles You’ve Had, Or Are Having Right Now
You see, when you’re in the very early stages, it can be very common… And I say this because I’ve done it – I did it myself – and also because I work with hundreds and hundreds of people now, and I see it as a common thing – a common struggle. And that is…

When You’re In The Early Stages Of Your Business…

…You feel like you feel like perhaps you don’t warrant sharing anything. Because you feel like, “Well, I’m struggling.” Or, y’know, “Who would want to listen to me?” Or, “What value do I have to give, compared to anyone else?”
You compare yourself to other people – you see they’re successful, and you’re not. You’re struggling – and they’re not apparently.
And so when you’re in that position, where you want to connect with customers online. The very best thing you can do is start being open and honest about the struggles you’ve had, or are having where you’re at right now.
It’s a scary concept, because you think to yourself… Particularly in the internet marketing or home business industry. Or if you’re in network marketing, or any kind of wealth generating / make money online industry…
Prospective Customers Are Desperate To Connect With People That Understand Them
Prospective Customers Are Desperate To Connect With People That Understand Them
You feel like, well, it’s not gonna serve me to share that I’m struggling. Because who’s gonna then want to listen to me, and buy products from me, or through me as an affiliate, if I talk about the fact I’m struggling?
Well, the best thing you can do is start being honest…

It Was The Best Decision I Ever Made!

Thank you, to my first mentor Alex Jeffreys… Who forced me, basically through his advice, to start sharing where I was at, and what I’d gone through. And people started connecting with it.
Because you know what people are desperate for? They’re desperate to connect with people that understand them. And that’s the key, right?
You need your customer in your target market, your industry, to connect with you. And they connect through feeling like this person understands me. This person knows where I’m at.
By Forgetting You Past Struggles, Customers Stop Feeling Like You Understand Them
By Forgetting You Past Struggles, Customers Stop Feeling Like You Understand Them
But what if you’re not in that early stage then? What if you’ve broken through that? What can you do? How to connect with customers emotionally?
Well, the next problem that you likely to encounter is that you become so far detached from where you used to be, that you then forget the struggles you went through. Therefore you become detached. And your market stops feeling like you understand them.
Take me, for example. If we’re targeting helping people. If something that we have can massively help those that are stuck and struggling like I used to be… I need to remember to connect with that person, in that situation.
Because if I constantly talk about, “Oh y’know, it’s so amazing making millions of dollars a year online.” Like, “These are my problems when I’m making millions online, and scaling and growing.” The person that’s stuck and struggling, not yet making $3,000 a month… They’re not gonna connect with me, relate to me, or feel like Dean Holland understands me. And so…

I Want To Share Some Advice On Connecting With Customers Online

The same advice I gave somebody in the Mastermind group…
You've Gotta Look Back And Reconnect With Those Emotions, Those Feelings, Those Struggles
You’ve Gotta Look Back And Reconnect With Those Emotions, Those Feelings, Those Struggles
If you are much more progressed and further ahead in your journey, in your business. But you’re still wanting to serve the person that’s stuck, like you used to be. Which pretty much is what we’re all doing.
When you’re an expert, you are serving the people that are going through what you’ve already been through. And you’ve solved the struggles they’re going through. So it is imperative that you’re able to connect with them.
If you have found that you’ve become detached from those feelings, and that situation. Then what you need to do is… What I recommend is…