Tuesday, 17 March 2020

How To Start Your Day: An Amazing Thing Happens Every Morning

How To Start Your Day Off Right
How To Start Your Day Off Right
When you wake up, you always choose how to start your day, whether you realise it or not. Here’s some great advice for how to start your day off right, happy, productively and positive. Help and inspiration is at hand for how to start a good day, and to go on to design your life…
“Something amazing happens every single morning, to you and to me. Most people don’t even realise it, and it’s time to bring it out. It’s time to make you aware…
Good morning everybody. Dean here, of course. Welcome to another episode of The Drive. Thank you for joining me here on this journey to the Internet Profits offices.
I hope you had a great day yesterday. I had an amazing day yesterday. In fact, you know what I’ve been realising… Ever since I did my juice detox recently, and ever since I’ve dramatically shifted my eating habits – detoxed myself off sugars and junk food… I have felt absolutely amazing!

How To Start Your Day Happy
At 6 p.m. I’ll Still Have The Same Energy And Focus That I Have Now

Every day I’m up and out, and I feel great, I feel happy… At the end of the day I feel exactly the same. Before, it was getting to like one or two o’clock in the afternoon and I knew my focus was gone. I was slowing down.
And now it can be like – right now it’s just after 8 a.m. – it’ll probably be 6:00 p.m. when I leave the office later, and I’ll feel exactly the same way as I do now…

Same Energy Levels, Same Focus, Same Drive, Same Happiness

…and just an amazing feeling, which is great.
But with that said, I had a bit of bad news in the last 24-48 hours. Pretty sad.

Dean Holland The Drive Episode 161
Dean Holland’s “The Drive” Episode 161

So when I first discovered people are making money online… When I first went on a search for ways to make some extra money… I didn’t start out wanting to build a company like I have. And I didn’t start out wanting a team, wanting to make millions… It just wasn’t really in the scope of what I was looking to accomplish.
I’ll be honest. I was in a job. The pay wasn’t that great, and so I wanted more. And that’s what led me to find internet marketing. At that time in my life, I was actually working in a pub, in a bar. I worked there like, five/six days a week, two shifts a day. The people that I worked for were Debbie and Graham, the landlady and landlord of the pub.
I just got news that Debbie sadly passed away. She was only in her 50’s. And it turns out Graham, her husband, had come home from work on Friday of last week – just a few days back – and had sadly found her at home passed away. I don’t know anything more at this stage.

How To Start Your Day Off Right
Don’t Be Too Late To Take A Risk, To Get The Life You Desire

But, y’know… It’s another big reminder. And I think all of us – we have these ‘reminders’ every single week in our lives, in one way or another. Whether it’s in someone we personally know, or a friend of a friend, or an acquaintance, or through stuff that we see, and read, and experience…

You Realise It Could Happen – Just Like That!

Everybody’s planning for the future. In this industry particularly, I see people afraid to invest, afraid to pull out a credit card.
Afraid to spend their some of their savings on trying to better their life, on trying to get where they want to be, on trying to provide more. On trying to be happier, and live a life of being happy doing something they’re happy doing…
Because they’re saving for the future. Or they’re worried about, what if it doesn’t work out… Well, what if you drop dead next week? And you’d lived a life, for years, of being afraid to do stuff. Y’know, wouldn’t that suck?

How To Start Your Day Productively
No Regrets… When You DO Something, Every Single Day, To Design Your Life

I think there’s been research done, with people who are in the last stages of their life. And they’ve spoke about their regrets, which have been stuff like not taking more risks, caring too much about what others thought of them, planning for the future that may never have come – and for some people hasn’t come. Just makes you think.
I realised something… That every single day, both you, me and everyone else…
Continue reading > How To Start Your Day

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