Friday, 20 March 2020

How To Achieve Greatness In Life And In Business: One Simple Rule

How To Achieve Greatness
How To Achieve Greatness In Life
Today, Dean talks about an often overlooked, simple rule to achieve greatness in life and in business. Initially inspired by a quote about achieving greatness, and later on enhanced by an inspirational Bruce Lee quote…
“I heard a quote about achieving greatness one time, that’s always stuck in my head. And I don’t think it was exactly like this. I think it was from, maybe it was Floyd Mayweather, the boxer?
And it was something along the lines of… “Greatness come from doing a few things really well.” Y’know, I think this quote on achieving greatness applies perfectly with what I’m about to talk about today.

Greatness Come From Doing A Few Things Really Well
Greatness Come From Doing A Few Things Really Well

If you’re someone that feels overwhelmed, or is struggling with breaking through or achieving that next level of success, this is something you’ll really want to know…
Good morning everybody. Dean here of course. Thank you for taking this journey with me, on the way to Internet Profits headquarters. So this is The Drive, and today I’m going to share a few things with you…

Dean Holland The Drive Episode 166
Dean Holland’s “The Drive” Episode 166

I’m gonna share what’s going on at the moment, here at Internet Profits. But just before we get into that… I see a lot of people so overwhelmed, and struggling to break through to that next stage. And that applies, no matter what stage you’re at.

I’ve Been At Rock Bottom…

Tens of thousands in debt, not having any idea how to make a single sale on the internet, and I’ve struggled to break through. I felt overwhelmed during that stage. I felt lost, confused, frustrated, and scared.

Overwhelmed Confused Frustrated And Scared
Overwhelmed, Confused, Frustrated, And Scared

I’ve also been making hundreds of thousands a month, but again not knowing how to break through. Feeling confused, lost, frustrated, overwhelmed and scared. And so it’s a very common thing.
But I’ve now learned something that I wish I’d known a long time ago, that I want to share with you. Because this is where I think people get into that state.
Many people think that to succeed, it’s about doing lots of things perfectly. And so they try and learn lots of things, and they try to implement them perfectly.

Seeking Perfection Is A Recipe For Disaster
Seeking Perfection Is A Recipe For Disaster – Freaking Ridiculous!

Well, trying to do too many things to achieve greatness – it’s a recipe for disaster in itself. Trying to do one thing perfectly, is also a recipe for disaster in itself. And trying to do lots of things perfectly… It’s freaking ridiculous!
Y’know, I don’t like to ever use the word ‘impossible’, but that’s pretty much up there. And that’s why people get stuck.
I want to tell you today that greatness is NOT achieved by trying to do lots of things perfectly.

To Achieve Greatness, Success, Progress…

One Simple Rule To Achieve Greatness
One Simple Rule To Achieve Greatness

…These are achieved by doing a small number of things well. And doing them consistently. Doing them every single day, over and over.
I spoke with one of our Certified Partners – who’s a ‘five figure Partner’ – Ben, yesterday. He’s made over fifty six thousand dollars in commissions with us.
And he reminded me of an achieving greatness quote or a proverb, something along the lines of…
Continue reading > How To Achieve Greatness

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