Making money online doesn’t have to be as hard as what a lot of people make it.
There is an easier way for somebody brand-new, to start making commissions and start earning money on the internet. And that’s what I’m going to share with you today.
Good morning welcome to another episode of The Drive. It’s Dean here of course. Just heading direct to Internet Profits HQ to finish the week strong – it is Friday of course.
Let Me Just Take You Back To 2004
I discovered, whilst working a seemingly poor paying bar job in a pub here in England, literally working six days a week, very unsociable hours on very, very little pay.
That lead me to go in search for; how could I make more money…
Ways To Make Money Online
And obviously this whole journey of discovery into making money online, and online marketing began.
And geez, talk about getting sucked down the rabbit hole like Alice in Wonderland! I went down that that rabbit hole and a whole new world opened up to me. And that world was exciting…
That World Gave Me A Buzz
I saw such potential… I felt hope… I saw the prospect, the opportunity, of a financial freedom… of becoming more than what I was… of living more than what I was living.
Having more of everything, like more money, more freedom, more time.
And It Didn’t Happen
I lost over and over again. Until 2008 landed and I was literally on the brink of having to give it up… Not through choice, but through lack of options. I had no other resources left, so it seemed.
Sixty plus thousand dollars in debt, five credit cards, all but one maxed out (had about a thousand dollars left on it). I was living back at my mom’s house. I was in my mid-20s.
I had two bank loans that I’d taken out over the course of those years. One to clear the credit cards (then I used them all again!) And then one just to give me some extra money, and then I went and spent it all again.
And So I Was Living This Lie…
Because nobody in my life knew I had these debts, because I was afraid, I was so ashamed, I was scared. And I didn’t know really what to do.
Then October turned around and I ended up going to an internet marketing seminar for the first ever time. Met a few people. Saw some people that were living like I wanted to live.
Met Some Real Internet Marketers – Successful People
And with one of them, I used my last bit of money on the credit card to actually join his coaching program. Got him as a mentor, and started attending these weekly live calls, learning, studying, applying everything he taught me.
And over the weeks and the months ahead, I started to make money and I started to turn things around.
Nine Months Later I Quit My Job
…which was at a construction company by this point. And the following year made over half a million dollars in sales from one website.
But it was a long, long journey. Was it worth it? You bet it was!!
Now my life is unrecognizable to them. But still, this industry is plagued by the large majority of people that cannot make it work, that cannot make money, that cannot succeed.
And if I look back as to why I couldn’t succeed… well there were many reasons. But I’m gonna just pinpoint one key reason right now…
I Was Trying So Many Different Ways To Make Money Online
I’m not talking about things that worked well together… I mean completely different business approaches – completely different business models!
And now I can pinpoint some key steps, so that…
If You Focus On These Steps, You Will Make Money
And so here’s what it is…
Continue reading on my blog: Ways To Make Money Online – The Four Core Components