Thursday, 30 May 2019

How To Get More Subscribers On YouTube And Boost Your Online Presence

In this new video from The Drive series, “Tips To Help You Grow Your Presence Online & Your Business”, Dean Holland explains how to get more subscribers on YouTube, which also of course includes, how to get more views on YouTube as well. So here goes…
“Over 100 episodes! We recently crossed 100 episodes of The Drive. And not too long ago we crossed 1,000 YouTube subscribers on our channel where we publish these.

How To Get More Subscribers On YouTube

How To Get More YouTube Subscribers - Dean Holland
So I want to share today, a few tips that we’ve learned in doing 100 episodes, and getting to a thousand YouTube subscribers to help you grow your presence online and dominate your business.
Good morning everybody, what’s going on. Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ here in the UK.
It is around about 7:30 in the morning. Been to the gym a little later than I wanted today. About 10 minutes behind schedule, but still ahead of where I used to be getting up late.
So, as I said in the introduction there, we crossed the 100 episode mark a couple of days ago. And I’ve been analysing like, what’s happened over this time…

How Have I Done It… Got To 1,000 YouTube Subscribers?

I used to never, ever be able to stick to stuff like this content creation for the long term. Because for me, I’m always like… I’m the type of person… I seek instant gratification! Not always a good thing.
Getting More Subscribers on YouTube - The Drive E102
But it’s just how I am. I’m just being honest. It’s a flaw of mine. So I found it tough, until I committed to this.
So I want to share with you some tips to help you. Number one, is just get started, right? Just get started. Don’t worry about it being perfect, don’t procrastinate, don’t put it off, don’t worry about being judged.
Some people are gonna like you, some people are not. Welcome to life… and your content is going to be no different.
Those that don’t like you, won’t follow you. Those that do like you, will be more…

Magnetically Attracted To Your Content

…because they’ve got something to follow from you. So, just get started would be my first tip. Tip number two…
Continue reading this on my blog here: How To Get More Subscribers On YouTube

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Habits Of Successful People: 3 Traits Of Effective Online Entrepreneurs

There’s a lot of online information, books etc. about the habits of successful people, the habits of highly effective people, and so on.
Here are three of the most important traits of millionaires and online entrepreneurs, summarised by Dean Holland.
Traits Of EntrepreneursI feel amazing! Just come out of the gym. Done an hour in there. It is still dark and it’s only just past 7 a.m. Now I’m on the way to the office…
But in today’s episode of The Drive, I’m gonna share with you…

Three Traits, Three Qualities Of Multi-Millionaire Online Entrepreneurs

So let’s do this… Good morning! Welcome to The Drive. Dean here on the way to Internet Profits headquarters. And today I want to share with you three traits that are commonly found within online entrepreneurs and multi millionaires.
Aside from my company doing very well now, I am very lucky to know, and be mentored by, and be friends with, many multi millionaire online entrepreneurs. Some even on their way to billion dollar valuations.
And I notice some very common traits amongst these people. And so I want to share them with you, because if you can…

Instil These Habits Of Successful People Into Your Life

Then obviously when you model the traits of highly successful people, there is a high probability that these traits are contributors towards their success and the things they achieve in life.
So, trait number one. Some of these you’re gonna have heard of, and some you’ll think are probably not so obvious. But trait number one is to read books.
Habits Of Successful People - The Drive E101Now a lot of people don’t seem to like reading. And to be honest, I used to be the same. That is until I got passionate about my subject, until I really, truly found my passion.
And now… Why do I go to work so early? Why do I wake up at 5:00 a.m. now? Because I’m passionate to get here, and do some of what I want to do, y’know.
I go to bed now between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. to read for 30 minutes. Why? Because I’m passionate. I’m looking forward to getting into bed. And knowledge ultimately is power.

Was It Warren Buffett Who Said, “The More You Learn, The More You Earn”?

But I want to just put a bit of a caveat on this…
Continue reading on my blog here: Habits Of Successful People

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

The Unpleasant Truth About The Internet Marketing Business World

Some of you are not going to be ready to hear this message. But it’s the truth about the internet marketing business, and it’s time for me to share it.
Hey guys, what’s going on? It’s Dean here of course, coming to you live from Cyprus here just on the beach. Hardly anyone around. It’s like 6:00 in the morning, and it’s amazing.
Internet ProfitsI’ve been sitting here for for a little while now, just reflecting about everything. Reflecting about life, reflecting about the internet marketing business, and about how much things have changed.
There was a time in my life – and it wasn’t that long ago – where I couldn’t afford to be here. I couldn’t afford to fly, or to go on vacations. I couldn’t afford anything really, other than to just exist.
And over the years… gosh, over the last nine years, all of that’s changed. But it hasn’t been easy.
And I want to talk about…

The Real Truth About The Internet Marketing Business

Because no one really does. No one really talks about the reality behind this internet marketing business.
Because the truth is; online marketing and the internet, and using it for the ability to grow business, can change your life dramatically, like it has mine.
For a young guy that left left school at 16, with no real qualifications, no real direction in life, not knowing what he wanted to do… to now sitting here on this beach. It’s just incredible!
So what is the truth then? Well the reality is that now, and for the rest of my life in my business… it’s time to take a huge stand against…

Anyone That Pushes Or Touts Get-Rich-Quick Garbage

There are different sectors and different people within the internet marketing space. And you need to understand that there really is no such thing as get-rich-quick here.
Dean Holland - The Drive E97
When you know what you’re doing. And when you have a proven process, and you have all the right things in place… can you make a lot of money relatively quickly? Yes, absolutely!
But there’s like a timeline of things that have to take place. You have to learn… you have to understand enough… you have to know what’s going on…

You Have To Understand Things Like…

What is/are…
Continue reading on my blog here: Internet Marketing Business

Friday, 10 May 2019

Website Traffic: You Should Never Have A Web Traffic Problem

Website Traffic
So we’re gonna have a sit down for a few minutes, and we’re gonna talk about something incredibly important.
I see a lot of people, both Certified Partners, and clients, and customers… a lot of people are struggling to drive traffic right now. The thing is…

Nobody Should Ever, EVER Have A Website Traffic Problem!

Because there is so much traffic available… (Click here for my FREE traffic training video…) Let me say that again, “You should never have a web traffic problem!”
Now the reason is… look all the platforms where there are infinite, practically infinite amounts of website traffic available:
Native ads…
Email buys, banner ads, media buys, and the list could go on and on and on.
The problem isn’t getting website traffic. The problem is converting the traffic. And this is what I want to talk about. I don’t want to talk about the conversions of a sales page, the conversions of an offer… I want to talk about…

Where The REAL Money Is Found In Your Business

And that is in the follow up with your audiences, e.g. the follow up with your email list. This is one that we could definitely focus in on here.
You see we’ve got, for example, Certified Partners and clients here at Internet Profits, where they are driving website traffic, they’re building their email list, and they’re not following up consistently and communicating effectively with that audience in order to convert them.
I stress again, like I just said, you will not have a website traffic problem. You will most likely always have a conversion problem. And the main point where you can affect that, is in the follow up with your audiences.

So, A Few Pieces Of Advice…

One: Are you communicating with your list every single day? Not once or twice a week, not a few times a week, every single day! Because if you’re not, then…
Continue reading on my blog here: Website Traffic

How To Accomplish Goals And Overcome Resistance

how to accomplish goals
A useful and practical tip today on how to accomplish goals and overcome resistance when approaching any business task, or indeed anything you know you’ve got to get done, but are procrastinating about.
I want to share with you how you can literally overcome and accomplish anything you want, both in your business and in your personal life.

How To Accomplish Goals

Good morning! It is a bright and beautiful morning here in sunny England, which I can’t say too many times. I hope you’re well, hope you’re ready for an awesome day today.
So what am I talking about then, when I say, “Here’s how you can literally accomplish and achieve anything and everything that you want in your life.”
Whether that’s a business accomplishment that you’re looking to achieve, or something you’re looking to get done.
Whether that’s a task or a particular thing that you need to get done in your personal life. Or whether it’s a fitness goal – whether it’s starting to work out or, y’know, shed some pounds or get in better shape, or whether it’s to have a better diet.

First Of All, Let Me Just Address Something…

It is built into our genetics almost, it is built into our society as humans for us to believe that – change takes a long time.
Okay, think about it. We all believe that to change takes a lot of work, and a lot of time, right? It’s just kind of ingrained in us, built into us.
But the truth is, if you think about it, and I mean really think about it – it’s not change that takes a long time. It is making the decision to change that takes a long time.

The First Person That Got Me Thinking About This, Was Tony Robbins

And it’s absolutely true. Once you open your mind to this, and you’re open to the possibilities of it, if you think about it, what takes a long time? Change actually happens in…
Continue reading on my blog here: How To Accomplish Goals