Sunday, 21 February 2021

How To Start And Build An Online Business From Scratch For Beginners

 Start And Build An Online Business

After a difficult period of time recently in the online business education industry, Dean Holland gives his thoughts on how to start and build an online business from scratch. He also points to a specific resource designed to free up affiliate marketing beginners to have fun and enjoy building their online businesses…

“Good morning my friend, I hope you’re well. It’s Dean here of course. This has been a rather serious time hasn’t it. So let’s lighten the mood here, in today’s episode of The Drive.

Companies being closed, FTC, widespread panic in the industry, everybody losing out. And yeah, I’m not gonna try and sugar coat that there’s obviously major shockwaves going through the industry. With many people potentially losing out on a lot right now. It’s a very scary situation for a lot of people.

But… I don’t want to focus on that right now. You see, we’ve focused on that quite a bit recently, and I know there’s a lot of people facing scary times. However I want to just switch gears for a moment.

I want to talk about the other side of what people don’t tend to focus on enough. Because… And I know what it’s like, right? I’ve been there, when you’re trying desperately to start and build an online business and things aren’t going your way.

Building A Business Should Be Fun, And The Work You Have To Actually Do Is Simple
Building A Business Should Be Fun, And The Work You Have To Actually Do Is Simple

Stuff’s going wrong! You’re spending money, losing money, trying things, failing at things. Y’know, buying and trying everything that comes across your path and into your email inbox.

And it’s frustrating, and overwhelming, and it’s tiring. Everyone around you is doubting you, and all you want to do is silence them. But you can’t, because nothing’s going your way, right?

It Should Be Fun To Start And Build An Online Business

But I want to just switch to the other side. I want to remind you that building a business should be fun. It’s simple – the work you have to actually do. Don’t mistake me though – it’s not easy, right?

It’s simple in terms of the things that you have to learn and do to start and build an online business. Meaning it’s not like becoming a brain surgeon is it? Let’s be honest… It’s not like you’ve got to spend the next 5-10 years stuck in college or university getting degrees with a doctor watching over your shoulder.

It’s not like that, right? We’re literally at home at our computer or wherever we choose to work from, and we’re trying to learn and implement in a few key areas to be successful, to get results.

I Was A "Busy Fool" And It Was Tiring, Because I Just Didn't Have A Plan
I Was A “Busy Fool” And It Was Tiring, Because I Just Didn’t Have A Plan

I think where the frustration starts to come in is that people don’t know what those areas are. If I look back on myself, I can remember it felt like there was a million and one things to do. I was a “busy fool”. I was working and grinding at the computer hours and hours each day, not sleeping, juggling work life, computer life, and family life.

And it was tiring, because I just didn’t have a plan. I didn’t have direction, didn’t have help, didn’t have support. And it’s tough, tough, tough, in that sense.

But I’ll tell you that it’s worth it. It is hard work, but it is worth it.

Are You Looking For Someone To Tell You That It Can Be Push-Button Easy?

And there’s that good old transparency that the FTC are looking for… You’re looking for someone to tell you that it can be push-button easy. And this is one of the problems in this darn industry. People don’t want to hear that it’s hard work to start and build an online business.

Everybody blames the product creators, but let’s for a moment think about what people are looking for. People don’t want to hear that it’s hard work to build an online business from scratch. That it takes time, that it takes energy, that it takes hard work and effort, and it takes money.

Here At Internet Profits We Attract Only Those Willing To Work For Results
Here At Internet Profits We Attract Only Those Willing To Work For Results

No one wants to hear that, right? So for a product creator selling their own products, it gets tougher and tougher. Because people don’t want to hear that. That’s not what they want to buy. I mean, who wants to buy something that’s hard work?

If I said to you, “I’ve got something you can buy. It can absolutely change your life. It’s gonna be $3,000. I’ll do a lot of the work for you. But then you’re gonna have to put in some hard work, and you’re gonna have to spend 6/12/18 months working hard and focusing. Not doing anything else, not buying other products, not being pulled in different directions. Only doing this, and working hard to follow my directions.”

I know a few might buy, but many are going to be put off. But that’s one of the changes that we made here at Internet Profits over the last 12 months… Is actually to only attract those that are willing and wanting to work for the results.

How To Make It Fun

But let me come back to my original point of today’s Drive… Building a business can and should be fun. Should be enjoyable. Because you’re learning new skills, you’re developing yourself, you’re growing.

The Way To Make It Fun Is To Invest In Yourself And Get Help As Early As Possible
The Way To Make It Fun Is To Invest In Yourself And Get Help As Early As Possible

It’s a process. And a process that, if you are willing to put in that work, can absolutely pay off and change your life. And that is the truth.

The way to make it more fun is to actually invest in yourself, and get the help as early on as you can. Don’t let it reach the stage of becoming not fun. Don’t let it get to the stage where you despise sitting at the computer because you’re so overwhelmed and frustrated every day.

“So what’s a good starting point then, Dean? Tell me!”

Well if you are looking to follow the path that I did, which is to… First learn a few key skills, where you don’t have to spend years creating your own products, or learning to get to that stage and becoming an expert. Then you should start off looking at affiliate marketing, right?

Traditional Affiliate Marketing Is Dead

Now affiliate marketing has completely changed over the years. It’s not the same as it used to be. Traditional affiliate marketing no longer works. And I touched on this a bit the other day.

But without going into it, I’ve got a free, short read. It’s like 20 pages. I call it a playbook for affiliate marketers. It shows you exactly what to do. Just cover shipping and handling. Grab a copy of that now…

The Playbook's Goal Is To Expose The Truth, Then Focus You On Learning The Key Skills
The Playbook’s Goal Is To Expose The Truth, Then Focus You On Learning The Key Skills

Anyway that’s not what this is about. But do grab that playbook afterwards here. Once you do that, then you can focus on learning those key skills to start and build an online business.

Now to be transparent with you, my end goal is not for you to just get that book and it changes your life. The goal of that book is that it opens your eyes and shows you the truth. Then my ultimate next step for you is that I want you to become one of our Certified Partners, okay?

Now there’s a higher investment here, when you become one of our Certified Partners. Then I’m going to provide you with done-for-you products, funnels, websites, and everything that you need.

And then you’re going to be able to apply the key skills that I teach you, to do advertising and traffic generation. To build yourself an audience, an email list, and all that kind of good stuff.

Start And Build An Online Business From Scratch For A Full Time Sustainable Income

Now my goal there – not saying this is the result – but my goal for you, okay… Again, keep it FTC happy, right? I’m not promising or guaranteeing anything at all. But my personal goal for people is that you start and build an online business that can provide you with a full time, sustainable income.

Finish reading > Start And Build An Online Business

Thursday, 11 February 2021

MOBE FTC Update: How To Protect Your Business And Move Forward


Following along from the MOBE FTC shutdown reaction post from last month, here’s Dean Holland’s MOBE FTC update, and some further advice on how to move forward by building your own assets in your online business…

“Good morning everybody. Dean here of course. Welcome to today’s episode of The Drive, taking place actually at Internet Profits HQ here in our video studio.

I messed up! I went to do today’s Drive in the car and I was talking to myself. Got to the office and I hadn’t pressed the darn record button! So I’ve popped into the video studio. We’ve just been working on a few things – setting up and completing our live streaming capabilities.

Now I want to just talk about something… A few days ago I did a video about MOBE – that it looked like they’ve been pulled down. It looked like, at that time, they had been pulled down by the FTC and shut down… MOBE FTC update… That has now been confirmed.


If you go to their website, the receivers letter is up there, and there’s all kinds of legal stuff that now will ensue. Reading some of the stuff, it looks like a lot has been happening. I’m sure MOBE will be fighting this, and they’re gonna be having their day in court, so we’ll see what happens.

And what I would say is that I feel, y’know above all, sorry for the people that are directly impacted who have just invested and spent money. I can’t speak as to whether MOBE has done anything wrong.

Some Customers Spent Tens Of Thousands, Some Paid Days Before It Was Shut Down!
Some Customers Spent Tens Of Thousands, Some Paid Days Before It Was Shut Down!

I’ve seen some of their products. I’ve seen great content and things from Matt Lloyd in the past. And so everything looked good to me. But I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, right? So I can’t speak to that.

But what I can say is – that there will be a lot of people obviously who can no longer access the things that they’ve paid for. And some customers have spent thousands, even tens and tens of thousands – and now have zero access. Some people even paid, like, days before it was all shut off. So what an absolute mess!

I think right now, there’s a lot of shock and fear in the industry. Y’know like…

“Why Do All These Companies Keep Being Shut Down?”

Well I want to give you… Obviously let me just throw a disclaimer up here… I’m not a lawyer, not a legal representative of any kind, in any way shape or form. These are all just my own personal views and opinions. So make sure you do all your own research.

But what I can speak of is just some, like, common sense stuff that we all need to make sure we adhere to. So for example, not making guarantees or promises of outcomes, right? You cannot legally, morally, or ethically guarantee an outcome.

It’s even risky territory to even hint at what’s possible. Because it could be decided that you’re making it suggestive that everybody can do this. And typically not everybody’s going to be able to do something. So you’ve got to make sure you’re not making promises or guarantees of income.

Do People Experience Transformations As Advertised By The Weight Loss Industry?
Do People Experience Transformations As Advertised By The Weight Loss Industry?

Testimonials… Y’know, it’s a big area. And you know what’s crazy? When you actually understand the laws and you look into these things, you’ll realize that probably nearly all companies are violating some laws to some degree.

Look at the weight loss industry. They show these transformations. Well, is it true? Is it true and correct that the average person is experiencing these transformations?

In the make money online space – is it true, when you show these testimonials, that the average person is getting this result?

Is The Average Person Getting Results As Advertised?

Even when you have software, and tools, and solutions, and services… When you show something like, “Oh look at this amazing website that one of our clients has got and is making all these sales.” Is that a typical result?

Y’know for example, even with Shopify. Chris on the team here was actually telling me earlier that something like 95% of Shopify’s revenue… And I might be off with the percentages… But 95% of Shopify is revenue was coming from people that weren’t actually doing anything with their store.

Kind of like gym memberships! I bet a lot of gyms make most of their money from people that don’t even go, right?

And when you look at all these things, there are some widespread practices a lot of people are doing, that actually the FTC would deem as wrong.

Don't Make Misleading Claims Or Promises. Be Completely Transparent And Honest
Don’t Make Misleading Claims Or Promises. Be Completely Transparent And Honest

So make sure you’re not making promises, or guarantees of results and outcomes. Be careful with using any kind of testimonies or anything like that. Make sure you’re being transparent – on what your customer is entitled to, what ensues after purchase, and what your product requires them to do.

If you’re selling something – but then, in order to use it… So, say if you’re selling a widget for a website. And in order for somebody to use that widget, they actually need to make sure that they’ve got other things. Well, they need to know from you that they’ve also got to have these other things. So transparency is a big thing.

And we could go on and on. But just use your common sense… “Am I saying stuff on my website that could potentially be misleading, or misrepresenting, or making unsubstantiated claims, making promises or guarantees of outcomes?” So anyway, do your own research.

MOBE Won’t Be The Last Online Business Education Company To Be Shut Down

But I just wanted to share a few little tips that could help. Because at the end of the day, MOBE isn’t the first company to be shut down. And it sure as heck won’t be the last.

I mean we’ve seen companies come and go in this market space over the last few years alone. Some big ones, y’know. There was Empower Network – gone, now bankrupt, dead. Digital Altitude sued by the FTC – currently still non-existent. Now MOBE. And so if you look at these companies, there are patterns. People were doing the same stuff.

And if you are one of the unfortunate people that has lost out because of this currently… I mean, who knows? MOBE might be able to win their case. I don’t know at this stage.

But as I said in my video the other day…

Finish reading > MOBE FTC update

Saturday, 6 February 2021

The Level Of Risk Tolerance That Helps You Build An Online Business

 Levels Of Risk Tolerance That Help Build Your Online Business

Do you consider yourself a risk taker in life, particularly with money? Here’s some insight from Dean Holland on how your level of risk tolerance may be holding you back from achieving your dreams in life and in your business…

“Good morning my friend. Dean here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ. Welcome to today’s episode of The Drive. How are you doing?

It is rainy and gloomy here in the UK. Not gonna lie – pretty tired today. I feel low on energy. I wish I’d got up this morning, gone to the gym, done some exercise or something – to really get that blood pumping around my body. But y’know, some days you just can’t do it.

Long, long day ahead right now. It’s like about 8 o’clock in the morning. I’m actually hosting a webinar at 11 p.m. tonight that’ll probably go on to like 1 a.m. in the morning. So what’s that? That’s like a 16 hour day or something? Definitely not one of my typical days anymore – used to be – but not anymore.

But I’m excited because I get to test out a new webinar presentation – a new training – and help deliver more value to people. And I want to talk about something today. Something I’ve been thinking about. And that’s dealing with risk.

How Does A High Level Of Risk Tolerance Help?

A High Level Of Risk Tolerance Can Cause Difficulties, But Its Benefits Outweigh Them
A High Level Of Risk Tolerance Can Cause Difficulties, But Its Benefits Outweigh Them

I’ve been through a lot of stuff myself. And as I look back, I think I’ve got quite a high risk tolerance. It’s like, I’m not afraid to take risks. I’m not saying risk doesn’t bother me or scare me. But it doesn’t stop me, y’know what I mean? I’m quite a high risk tolerant person.

And because of that, if I look at things over the years, I feel it’s a quality that has got me into some difficulties. But outweighing that are the benefits a high level of risk tolerance has brought me.

I see a lot of people, for example… Y’know, we’re talking of doing webinars… So I see a lot of people when I do a webinar. I see some people that know they need what’s being offered, and they want it deep down. But their fear of taking a risk on themselves, and on the products if their trust isn’t 100%…. The risk will stop them from moving forwards, and they stay in a stationary zone where they feel comfortable.

A lot of people are comfortable to spend $20, $30, $40 or one hundred dollars on a product. And they’ll do that over and over again, amassing thousands and thousands of dollars in spend.

But their level of risk tolerance wouldn’t allow them to spend $5,000 or $3,000 or $2,000 in one go, for something that could help them much more significantly than the tons of fifty dollar products they have sitting on their hard drive. Do you know what I mean?

And so I want you to have a look at yourself and think about this. Think about where you feel your level of risk tolerance is. Are you a low risk tolerance person? Therefore you stay in a low threshold comfort zone? Or do you feel you’re a high risk tolerance person, and therefore you don’t allowed the fears of risk to stop you from moving forward?

The True Value of Taking Risks

All Advances And Progression In Life, From My Experience, Comes From Taking Risks
All Advances And Progression In Life, From My Experience, Comes From Taking Risks

Am I talking about being naive and stupid, and making ridiculous decisions because you don’t think anything through? No… But I’ll be honest – I was there, at one stage in my life. That is why I say my high level of risk tolerance has got me into some difficulties.

But what I’m saying is – is that you should realise that all advances and progression in life, generally speaking from my experience, come from taking risks.

Taking a risk;

  • To say, “This is what I want to do.”
  • On actually doing it.
  • On believing in yourself, when others around you may have doubts.
  • To invest in yourself, when you’ve been let down before.
  • To invest in yourself, when you’ve let yourself down before.
  • On yourself, when things have not gone to plan previously.

If you can push through that comfort zone which prevents you doing these things, then you’ll find that you’re actually able to break through and make progress.

I took a risk in moving out of my comfort zone in my home office… Having huge profit margins… To taking on a significant office space for a minimum of five years – but actually a ten-year lease.

Why? Because I went all-in. I took a risk on growing the team. Possibly even before we were financially in a strong enough and clear enough position to grow it as fast as I did. But I know where I wanted to be. And so, what did I do?…

Finish reading > Level Of Risk Tolerance

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

MOBE FTC Shutdown: Reaction To “My Online Business Education” Shock

 MOBE FTC Shutdown: Reaction To “My Online Business Education” Shock

If you’ve been in the make money online / internet marketing space for a few years, you may well remember the online business coaching scheme called “My Online Business Education”, or MOBE for short.

In 2018 MOBE was shut down by the FTC for “falsely claiming that their business education program will enable people to start their own online businesses and earn substantial income”.

At the beginning of the week back then, when this news was breaking, Dean started to share his thoughts on the matter. And there’s a really important lesson still to be learned today from what happened, for both network marketers and affiliate marketers…

“Good morning my friend. Dean Holland here of course, on the way to Internet Profits HQ on this fine morning. Welcome to today’s episode of The Drive. Had a great weekend. The week is here upon us. A day that I used to dread. But a day that I now love.

There’s nothing better than – well, in my humble opinion – there’s nothing better than running your own business. And we’ve got a bit of a big issue to talk about this morning. But just before we get to that, hope you had a great weekend. I had a busy one myself.

Weekend Highlights: Seafood Restaurant, Charity Boxing Fight, Lionel Richie Concert
Weekend Highlights: Seafood Restaurant, Charity Boxing Fight, Lionel Richie Concert

So Saturday lunchtime, my fiancé Robyn and I went for lunch with my mum and her husband. We went to a nice seafood restaurant and had some amazing food. Later that evening we went to see a charity boxing fight with a friend of ours who was raising money for cancer research.

And then yesterday, Sunday, we actually went to an outdoor open-air Lionel Richie concert. Years ago I remember Robyn saying to me that one of her bucket list things in life was to see Lionel Richie in concert.

She said her mum was a big, big fan when she was growing up, so she listened to a lot of his music. And so I took her this weekend to see Lionel Richie in concert, which was awesome. A really great day – sun was shining – just beautiful!

MOBE FTC News – Huge Shake-Up!

But all while this was going off, I started reading about a huge, huge shake up in the internet marketing space over the weekend. Now I will just put a bit of a disclaimer here at the start.

Right now, everything that I’ve read so far is speculation and assumption. Nobody has an official kind of wording. Although you could say an official post was put out by representatives of the company inside of a private Facebook Group. So you can kind of say that there has been some level of an official stand, without too much more beyond that.

So MOBE… One of the biggest, most sizable companies in the internet marketing space right now… Sadly appears to have been taken down by the FTC.

MOBE's Tech Team Supposedly Stated That The FTC Have Taken Down Their Websites
MOBE’s Tech Team Supposedly Stated That The FTC Have Taken Down Their Websites

Now I don’t know why. Right now we don’t know what’s going on. But all that’s very clear and very obvious is that, at a certain point over the last few days, every single one of MOBE’s websites were taken down and are no longer online.

What we do know is that there has been a post inside of MOBE’s private Facebook Group saying that the tech team have stated that the FTC have taken down their websites, and that they are under investigation by the FTC.

Matt Lloyd And MOBE

Now this is obviously a terrible, terrifying and horrific occurrence, And my thoughts, sincerely… I mean, I don’t know the guy personally, but my thoughts go out to Matt Lloyd and MOBE. Obviously something’s happening, something’s gone wrong.

And I can’t say too much on this. All I will say is that, if you’re in MOBE, and if you’ve been affected by this – obviously if you’re in MOBE, you have been affected by this. What I will say is, “What can you do?”

Well I did spend a little bit of time reading a lot of the comments. There have literally been over a thousand comments in the Group just on this one post alone that I read. And, y’know, I see people talking about praying and hoping, which I understand if you’re religious. And if you want to do that, that’s fantastic.

I've Learned A Lot From MOBE And Taken Inspiration From Matt Lloyd's Achievements
I’ve Learned A Lot From MOBE And Taken Inspiration From Matt Lloyd’s Achievements

But I just want everyone to also be realistic and understand that this potentially could – even if they win this battle – still could potentially be a very, very long process.

I’m only saying that based off of previous things that have happened in the industry that I’ve seen – of companies being taken down. You can be a year or sometimes more under investigation with all this going on.

I followed Matt Lloyd. I’ve seen his stuff for many years. And y’know, I believe that he and his company does great things. I’ve learned a lot over the years from MOBE. And I’ve taken inspiration from his achievements. It’s been nothing short of incredible to see that.

What’s Happening With MOBE And The FTC?

But obviously along the way, something has to have gone wrong somewhere. My personal opinion is that obviously the FTC get involved if there are a considerable number of complaints. You don’t get just one or two complaints come in, and then the FTC launch a huge investigation at a cost of probably a millions of dollars potentially.

There has to have been a lot going on. And rightly or wrongly, this is obviously devastating news for people. And that’s what I want to kind of speak to here…

Whatever you are doing online in your business… Particularly let’s talk about if you are a network marketer or an affiliate marketer, and you’re promoting other people’s products of any kind…

Finish reading > MOBE FTC