Focus On What You Want, Because What You Focus On Grows |
Some basic entrepreneurship wisdom today. What you focus on expands and grows. So remember to check in with yourself every day to make sure you focus on what you want. Some describe it as the law of attraction or manifestation. But really, it’s just basic common sense in business…
“Good morning everybody. Dean here of course. Welcome to another episode of The Drive. As you can see, bit of a different setting. I am inside Internet Profits HQ today. I’d love to say this was planned but, quite frankly, it’s not.
I was actually in the office till around about 1:00 a.m. this morning, and I forgot to take the camera home with me. So when I arrived here today, I had to grab the camera and get ready to shoot this for you.
I want to tell you about something pretty exciting from yesterday. So we opened the doors to a one-of-a-kind, very unique coaching opportunity that we made available to a small number of people. Existing clients, existing partners of ours – Certified Partners…
It was a program that, by all accounts, should have been priced at least twenty thousand dollars. But we wanted to make…
An Irresistible Offer For The Outcome Of Impact, Rather Than Income
And whilst whilst the income is nice for the business, it allows us to facilitate, support and do even more amazing things for our customers and clients.
We’re really looking to help the 20 people that we opened the program, over the coming weeks and months ahead, to really get to their goals. To strategically put together a plan with my help, and then be implementing that plan on a consistent basis.
The exciting news is, we opened up 20 spots and I think, as of right now since yesterday, 14 or 15 of those spots went. Five thousand dollars each. So obviously you can do the maths on that. That’s pretty exciting.
But more importantly, it’s exciting for those that are in the program. Because they now have the help that they need, and that’s ultimately what it’s about. Business is all about finding ways to solve the problems that people have.
And I’m in a very unique and and blessed position. Over the last 10+ years of my life I have dedicated all of my time and energy into learning how to use the Internet to sell products – build audiences, drive traffic, follow up with those audiences, and ultimately convert them into sales.
Now, We Have What We Call ‘Ultimate Sales Funnels’
…that lead people through a systematic process, to keep solving more and more of their problems, whilst offering higher and higher premium solutions.
So it’s exciting that we get to work with these people now. I get to really help them solve the problems they have, to get them to that next level. And that’s what I’m more excited about other than anything else.
But what I want to say to you is… Y’know, I left my job in 2009 to pursue this whole venture that’s become far bigger, far greater, and far more purposeful than I could have ever imagined.
And I remember when I actually left my job, I had this tattooed upon my skin. I don’t have tattoos, but I believed so much in altering my mind and believing in myself in order to achieve, that I had ‘Believe and Achieve’ put onto me for life.
Because I truly believe that what you focus on is what you get. And a lot of people focus on what they don’t want. They think by focusing on what they don’t want, it’ll help them avoid it.
Focus On What You Want, Because What You Focus On Grows
But what I’ve come to realise over the years is actually by focusing on what you don’t want, you’re still focusing on the negative. You’re focusing on the thing that you don’t want.
So imagine you’ve got what you DO want right here, and what you don’t want over there. Instead of forgetting about what you don’t want, and going all-in with full belief on what you DO want – the outcome you’re looking for, the outcome you desire – and focusing in on that… A lot of people just say, “Well, over there is what I don’t want.”
In fact, if you ask people even a silly question… Imagine you are with a group of friends. How many times has this happened, right? You’ll be able to see this in full perspective now…
How many times have you been with other people, and whether it’s a spouse, a friend, a group of friends, family. And let’s just say you’ve decided that you’re going out for food, rather than cook at home.
How many times has somebody said, “Where would you like to go and eat?” And everybody’s like, “Oh I don’t know. I can’t decide. You choose.” Then you say, “Well, what about here?” And they’re like, “Oh no, I don’t want that.”
People Find Be Easy To Tell You What They DON’T Want…
…in that situation. They’re like, “Well I don’t want to go for Italian.” Or, “I don’t want to go for sushi.” Or, “I don’t want to go for steak, or seafood.” And you’re like, “Okay, well what DO you want?” And they’re like, “I don’t know!”
So the point I’m making is that people find it easy to focus on what they don’t want, but not so easy to focus on what they do want. And the reality is, as I just said, you get what you focus on.
So you’ve got to find a way to alter your mindset and the way you view things, to think about what you DO want. And focus your energies on that, and the outcome…
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