Friday, 2 August 2019

What If Money Was No Object? How To Design Your Life

What If Money Was No Object

Imagine for just one second that money was no issue… what if money was no object? How would your life look?
That’s what I want to talk about in today’s Drive.
Good morning. Welcome to another episode of The Drive. So we are just on the way to Internet Profits HQ. Only a few minutes down the road actually.
Today will be a short Drive, but something I think you’re gonna have a lot of fun with.
You see, a lot of us, we put restraints on ourselves based on a circumstance. And a lot of people actually let ‘life happen to them’, rather than ‘happening to life’.
So I want you to have a good thing today, right.

Here's A Fun Exercise For You...

I want you to go back to like being a kid again.
What happens when you’re a kid (if you’ve got children, you know this) you have this incredible imagination, where you can literally entertain yourself for hours on end, with your imagination alone, playing around.
But what happens is, as we get older, these parts of our brain start to close off, because you start to understand ‘reality’ and you start to really shut things off.
And as we get older and older we become almost, many of us… many people… can become a victim of circumstance… Like, “Oh, I don’t earn enough, because my job sucks, and I’m struggling, and this. and that.” And…

We Become A Victim Of Circumstance

Well I want to reverse this… I want to turn this around.
Because with your business, if you change your mind… you can change your life.
So I want you to get yourself fired up again. I want you to…
Continue reading on my blog: What If Money Was No Object?

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