Friday, 18 January 2019

Are You Creating Content Marketing Assets In Your Business? Eg. Marketing Webinars?

Are you creating content marketing assets in your business that will work for you for months, even years to come, to get you better results?

Are the things that you’re doing in your business; content that you create, tools that you build or utilize, assets that you create… Are they things that will work for you in your business, long term?

A lot of people create a lot of stuff, and they use it one time, once! And then it just sits there on their computer, never to be used again.

I’ve done it too… And if you think about it, it is absolutely insane! It’s crazy that you’d go through all that work.

Take a marketing webinar, for example. It can take you days, or sometimes weeks to build a high converting webinar presentation. And then people run it once, and then they move on and create something else.

And it’s like, “Why don’t you keep running it?”

One of my mentors, Russell Brunson, was telling me before, how somebody was explaining to him that with stage productions and shows – they take them on tour.

They’ll create a show, and then if it works, and it sells out, and it’s a great show… they will take it on tour, and they will take it around the country.

And sometimes if it’s really popular, then they’ll take it on tour globally!

And it’s the same with your content...

 Continue reading here: Are You Creating Content Marketing Assets In Your Business? Eg. Marketing Webinars?