Monday, 29 April 2019

Feeling Overwhelmed In Business Or Life? Try This Mind Cleansing Technique

Quick question… Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed, lost, or confused in your business?

Like you’ve got so many tasks, or so much to do, and you just don’t know where to start.

And sometimes it can just paralyze you, and make you not do anything, or not enough?

Well that’s what I want to solve for you with an awesome and effective, yet very simple technique. And I’m now going to share it with you.

You’re gonna love this simple technique I’ve got to share with you today. Especially if you do find that sometimes you’re…

Feeling Overwhelmed With Everything?

Like there’s so much to do in your business and also in your life. And you’re juggling so many different things, that you get almost, y’know, overloaded with it all and end up feeling overwhelmed.

So I want to share this simple tactic with you. And it involves going back to simple, traditional pen and paper strategy.

Now of course, you can do this on your computer if you really prefer to use the technology. But I like going back to pen and paper, notepad and pen, something like that for this. And sometimes a large piece of paper as well, depending on how much I’ve really got going on up here.

Here’s How It Works…

Firstly, you’re going to take your piece of paper, or whatever it is that you’re using. And you’re going to divide it into two.

So draw a line down the center and divide your piece of paper up into two halves. On the left hand side of the paper at the top, I want you to write in big, bold letters… And underline it… The word, “Everything”, okay?

In this side, this is where you do what I refer to often as a “brain dump”.

Often when we’re overloaded with things, it can be so overwhelming and like overloading in our brain, that we struggle to think. It’s like…

“Oh My Gosh, Where Do I Begin?”

…y’know. And you’re feeling that way.

So on the left hand side, where you wrote “Everything” at the top, I want you to...

Continue reading this on my blog here: Feeling Overwhelmed